Ok lets see how this goes posted in the right forum ._.
Sorry but this really set me off, whats the point of giving monks heros? This has happened TONS of times. When battle starts, even if I bring the firepower, half the time I stand back and heal and they never start battle from afar or when I run in if I don't wand the target every once in a while the crummy hero's just stop attacking or scatter targets, 50/50. Either way I need to focus on healing.... and don't suggest the lock target option you KNOW thats not time smart or something you would want your monking standing there like a tard doing.
No lol I'm not saying heres the problem fix it here.
I think it would be mighty helpful, I'm sure this has been suggested TONSSSSS, but just in case. I think a lock on option for heros and such to have them follow/obey another character would help LOADS with organization, usefulness, tactics with splits, tons of things.
Now I wait for someone to object and make me look and feel like an idiot...or worse point out that I already can...
Target Control
Kale Ironfist
Why don't you take advantage of the target option already in Guild Wars? By default, the keybinding is CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE. Now heal as you need to, and the hero/henchmen will do the work for you.
placebo overdose
this does bring up a point sometimes when im helping in missions that need 4/6 people it is me 3 heros and a friend but if i go afk for dinner or something they have to wait too i think you should be able to give control of heros over to others
Agreed I've had people with all the heros go afk, would help a lot if we could take the heros.
Sorry the first post missed the target and I've heard that so much if it helped I wouldn't be posting. Thats the same thing as calling targets, which is good at first but calling target after target and having some henchmen running around aimlessly for a few seconds before catching on is NOT something I have time for while monking, I cant exactly go "Hmm people are dying, lets have my heros kill something...lets click on you...and hold this...and there....now back to my half dead team and keep them alive while my heros finish the battle." Point is I want something more efficient and you cant even do a 2-way split of 4 if the hench/hero ratio is uneven with the players by simply calling it, as far as I know, for the npcs.
Sorry the first post missed the target and I've heard that so much if it helped I wouldn't be posting. Thats the same thing as calling targets, which is good at first but calling target after target and having some henchmen running around aimlessly for a few seconds before catching on is NOT something I have time for while monking, I cant exactly go "Hmm people are dying, lets have my heros kill something...lets click on you...and hold this...and there....now back to my half dead team and keep them alive while my heros finish the battle." Point is I want something more efficient and you cant even do a 2-way split of 4 if the hench/hero ratio is uneven with the players by simply calling it, as far as I know, for the npcs.