Hi. I'm looking for some people who have female Rangers with the following armors and are willing to take some screenshots:
Elite Drakescale
Elite Fur-Lined
Elite Luxon
Elite Sunspear
As you might have seen, I have posted up Armor Dye combination guides for Female Eles, Necros, and Mesmers. For Female Rangers, I am still missing the above mentioned armors and would love to complete the set so I can post up the dye guides for it.
If anyone is willing to contribute or has any questions, please leave a message here, PM me, or whisper me in game at Hel Hecate.
Thank you for your time.
I have some fairly specific requests on the screenshots. Here they are:
Ranger Armor Screenshot Requests
Here is the format that I have been using:
I would also like that people have the chest, gloves, and leggings of the same type of armor for consistency's sake (if the gloves can't be seen as is the case such as in some of the mesmer armors, then don't worry about the gloves)
Change graphics settings to highest possible.
Make Dye preview window as small as possible.
Zoom in as much as possible.
Remove head gear and weapons (if it shows in the dye preview window).
Turn your character so its at the same angle as my other dye guides such as here
Take a sample shot and upload it. I'll check to make sure that its in the right format.
Arrange dyes in alphabetical order (black, blue, brown, gray, green, orange, purple, red, silver, white, yellow).
Take the shots in that order then continue on with Black and Blue-Red, Blue and Black-Red, etc.
Move your cursor over the dye so we can see the dye name.
You can skip single gray if you want. Without the gray, there should be 120 total shots. With it, 121.
I will provide a photobucket account username and password to upload the shots to. Once you contact me that you want to help, I'll make a folder for you on the account.
I'll take care of any editing that needs to be done so you don't need to resize or crop anything. Keep the file names in the default gw### format.