Have All Quests/Missions Give Gold Rewards



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


Antisocial Misfit

If you actually PLAY THE GAME you should be able to have enough gold to outfit/skill cap your characters.

I think completing any mission or quest should give you a decent monetary reward, say 50-200g for pre-searing/newb isles and 500g-1k for early ones, ramping up to around 3-7k for late-game rewards. There's a few that already give a little gold, but the game's pretty miserly with rewards.

If this happened, most bots would be history. The vast majority of players out there aren't hard-core elitists, they just want to get enough gold to be able to play around with different skills and weapons. The only folks who would pay cash for gold would be the spoiled kiddies who instantly want the best skins and leet armor, and those idiots would cheat themselves to the top no matter what.

It would be impractical to bot because the quest or mission only gives rewards once.
It would also give an incentive to play more of your characters. My paragon might not be a mule if she could make a little sure gold.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Originally Posted by Dawgboy
If you actually PLAY THE GAME you should be able to have enough gold to outfit/skill cap your characters.
You kind of answered the reason why im going with /not signed, in the first line!

We dont need gold reward increases as a way to afford the necessities of the game. You said it yourself. By simply playing through a campaign you can make more then enough to afford 15k armor, runes and weapons by the end of the game.

I agree some quests and missions need better rewards. Especially those in nightfall where some quests are insainly hard and you get virtually no pay back.

But on the most part, you can easily afford necessities. If you later want to get a 2nd or 2rd set of armor from the same campaign and have to work for it, then tough. Thats how it is!

I've never understood this belief that you cant make enough gold to survive ingame. You can very easily make alot of gold simply picking up drops and selling them to the merchant. Combine that with quest and mission rewards and gold is easy to make.

I also wouldnt see this removing the need for bots. You will always have a player who isnt satisfied with the amount of gold they get from simply playing game. Its called GREED! Players will always exist who want to be rich, rich, rich!

The only thing which will remove bots is a better detection system and harsher penalties!