Ectos pricing fixed
The price for Ectos shouldn't change. screw supply and demand, people are losing hard earn money.. or the money they scammed from noobs (hehe crazy koreans and their r6 account scam, brilliant) becuz of the storage cap.
What makes ecto so special that is should have a fixed price? It's a rare crafting material NOT currency.
What next cap the price on all matierals?
What next cap the price on all matierals?
wtf r u talking about. i'm only suggesting ectos becuz obviously people use it as currency. that's what makes it so special. and it is currency, since people in the past have used it as currency and still do, and will do. so get off my back.
Well it's there own fault for investing in something that doesn't have a fixed price.
Everyone that invested in ecto knew that the price wasn't fixed so if they were hording it when the price dropped too bad.
Let me guess you have a bank full of ecto and you want the price to go back up, so you can be "rich" again?
Everyone that invested in ecto knew that the price wasn't fixed so if they were hording it when the price dropped too bad.
Let me guess you have a bank full of ecto and you want the price to go back up, so you can be "rich" again?
The price should fluctuate, to simulate your normal market mechanism. But all materials should have a cap of around 6-10k to stop rich players pushing the price up to excessive levels.
Echos only work as currency because rich players can push their prices up excessively to a level where they work in place of gold and they can sell them back for inflated prices.
Capping them at a price like 6k makes that less apealing.
It makes it less of an alternative to storing gold, keeps it expensive but also leaves it at a reasonable price that most players can afford.
It wont completely stop players using them as currency, but atleas rich players wont be able to manipulate them into being excessively expensive.
Echos only work as currency because rich players can push their prices up excessively to a level where they work in place of gold and they can sell them back for inflated prices.
Capping them at a price like 6k makes that less apealing.
It makes it less of an alternative to storing gold, keeps it expensive but also leaves it at a reasonable price that most players can afford.
It wont completely stop players using them as currency, but atleas rich players wont be able to manipulate them into being excessively expensive.
Use Lockpicks for trading.
Use Lockpicks for trading.
Originally Posted by sins
wtf r u talking about. i'm only suggesting ectos becuz obviously people use it as currency. that's what makes it so special. and it is currency, since people in the past have used it as currency and still do, and will do. so get off my back.
In case you honestly dont understand the concept of commodities trading:
Trading in commodities and futures is what you are doing, just like those people in real life stock exchanges. It is a gamble. Sometimes it can be a reasonable risk. Other times it is more of a risk. If you have your ear to the ground, know when to buy and when to sell and have luck on your side then you can do well.
You are NOT guarenteed, nor supposed to be guarenteed, that you will always do well.
If you want a sure thing, deal in fixed market values. Otherwise dont get in the market

wow. nothing gets passed you. that's why i'm making the suggestion.
Originally Posted by Razorwood
Well it's there own fault for investing in something that doesn't have a fixed price.
Originally Posted by sins
wtf r u talking about. i'm only suggesting ectos becuz obviously people use it as currency. that's what makes it so special. and it is currency, since people in the past have used it as currency and still do, and will do. so get off my back.
Players chose Ectos as a way to get around the 100k limit on trades (hmm, imagine why there was a limit...)
Players suffer from the effect of supply and demand.
I don't see why we should add "Arena Net" to that equation. The Players took a risk when they started using Ectos, now that risk is turning negative. Oh no! Why should a MATERIAL have a fixed price, when none of the others do? Because the players use it as currency? That's flawed against the players, not in favor.
Use lockpicks.
Kool Pajamas
Having something witha fixed price like that would defeat the purpose of having a money cap.
Ecto and all mats should be capped at 1k.

Well the obvious answer is to remove the 100k cap. If you could drop 1,000,000 gold (or more) into a trade window. The whole "commodities" concept becomes moot. Prices will go where they are supposed to go, and gold will set the price, not gold + XX ectos.
if you have enough ectos you notice a bottom line difference............congratulations you are still rich so drop it since Anet never guaranteed he value.
if you dont have enough ectos that it has much effect on your bottom line why the bitching whine?
if you put all you had into ectos hoping they would go up and you would be rich........thats really tough
Ecto is an INVESTMENT. The price of ectos went down, whoopee if you puit your money into ecto its your fault. Dont expect them to go up now why should they?
pork soldier
At least now you wont make the same mistake IRL
At least now you wont make the same mistake IRL

another QQ thread about ecto prices... do you think anyone other then the very few players who have stacks and stacks of ectos to actually care? i have a few stacks but i could care less about the price of ectos.
the economy is continuely deflating so your cheaper ectos actually have the same value as before if youre using them for trading purposes.
nothing in this game other then some hoh chest drops and the rarest asian minis are worth stacks and stacks of ectos. so stop whining and be happy that youre still rich in a game world.
the economy is continuely deflating so your cheaper ectos actually have the same value as before if youre using them for trading purposes.
nothing in this game other then some hoh chest drops and the rarest asian minis are worth stacks and stacks of ectos. so stop whining and be happy that youre still rich in a game world.
Meh, the market will correct itself. Evidently, the price of Ecto was too high a few months ago. Now that loot scaling has lowered the total amount of gold in circulation, Ecto prices have re-adjusted themselves to more "reasonable levels". You may want your 13k ecto, but people in general don't have enough to continue buying at the price. Therefore, we've stabilized at ~5k right now.
I know people are upset because their "wealth" eroded with the update, but changing a game mechanic for the good of a few power traders, etc doesn't benefit the community.
Enough said really...
I know people are upset because their "wealth" eroded with the update, but changing a game mechanic for the good of a few power traders, etc doesn't benefit the community.
Enough said really...
Healers Wisper
no I disagree with sin here. See the problem is that you (sin) don't understand economics very well. commodities in real life fluctaute, if you buy high and prices crash, sorry shouldn't have bought high. Look at the real life houseing market for example. Also money isn't fixed, 1K is worth more now then it was a few month or year back, due to loot scaling. Now I am sorry you are loosing money but you should have thought about that when you chose a material for a trading currency. Next time try somethign wwith a fixed price like lockpicks, or sup salvage kits.
Hyper Cutter
Listen closely: Ectos are crafting material. They aren't supposed to be super-currency in the first place. If anything, ectos should be even cheaper, closer to the price of shards...
Thom Bangalter
ectos have a fixed price: they'll never drop lower than what a merchant will give for it.
Gee not sure why everyone is whining......... ??
I still farm ectos and make some serious money each week. Sounds like people need to start farming.
I still farm ectos and make some serious money each week. Sounds like people need to start farming.
Originally Posted by AngeloM3
Gee not sure why everyone is whining......... ??
I still farm ectos and make some serious money each week. Sounds like people need to start farming. |
They whine cause they bought up alot of ecto at 8k or so and now cry cause they made a bad investment.
Originally Posted by Stormcloud
They whine cause they bought up alot of ecto at 8k or so and now cry cause they made a bad investment.
Originally Posted by Razorwood
Well it's there own fault for investing in something that doesn't have a fixed price.
Originally Posted by sins
wow. nothing gets passed you. that's why i'm making the suggestion.
They are a rare material. Their prices are not meant to be fixed. Period.