"Illusion of Hex"
5e, 1c, 5r
Hex Spell. For 60 secons target ally is hexed with Illusion of Hex. This hex does nothing.
"Illusion of Enchantement"
5e, 1c, 5r
Enchantement spell For 60 secons target foe is enchanted with Illusion of Enchantement. This enchantement does nothing.
Or even combined to one spell:
"Uncertainty and Doubt"
10e, 1c, 5r
Hex Spell. Enchantement Spell. For 60 secons target is enchanted with Illusion of Enchantement if he is foe and Hexed with Illusion of hex if he is ally. This enchantement or hex does nothing.
Obvious awesomemess of theese two skills should be pretty obvious, especially for PvE mesmer.
Two mesmers skills.
Parasitic Bond says hi.
*Goes to storage to look for his 60/-3 shield*
Originally Posted by Evilsod
Parasitic Bond says hi.
pnumm OTOH got the idea, just immediatelly abused it :-/
u want that for what??
cover hex? parasitic bond
cover enchant? aything with same stats, but that actualy might do something..
cover hex? parasitic bond
cover enchant? aything with same stats, but that actualy might do something..
quick question.... why.....
Originally Posted by tenshi_strife
quick question.... why.....
i.e. Mesmer can bring shatter hex/enchantement. but what if some mobs dont use hexes/enchants.
Situation can rapidly change if you can bring you own hex or enchant to trigger shatters.
(you people obviusly did not read enchantement targeting foe, hex targetting ally stuff. they are not supposed to be covers, but triggers.)
It would make all sorts of skills better (pensive guadrian requires enchanted foe to work? here you go, monk is using divert hexes on ally with only two hexes? add one to trigger bigger heal ...)
Funny idea, quite original. Goes against the laws of GW where hexes are negatives applied to foes and enchants the opposite.
"While hexed" would become more powerful, I guess. But imbalanced?
If you face a hex team all the hexes the opposing team may bring would get covered by the illusionary hex-- a big drawback then. Same for enchant-heavy teams you oppose (think Aegis up, covered by illusionary enchant; shatter get only the latter).
I like it.
"While hexed" would become more powerful, I guess. But imbalanced?
If you face a hex team all the hexes the opposing team may bring would get covered by the illusionary hex-- a big drawback then. Same for enchant-heavy teams you oppose (think Aegis up, covered by illusionary enchant; shatter get only the latter).
I like it.