You have a limited staff, budget and time. The fan forums are screaming for every kind of change to the game imaginable. Your dutiful community rep compiles the list of the hottest topics on the fan forums.
Realistically, you can't do it all (and not only because some of the requests are for the opposite thing).
OK, hotshot. Your staff meeting is about to begin. Which Six (6) things below are you going to spend the most time, money and resources on?
A Player-to-Player Trade Improvements (traders, improved party search, etc.)Rank your top 6 and provide any special direction to your team. If you have a pet project, you're in control so slot it in, but beware the player backlash!
B PVP Skill Balance
B 1 Boost underused class
B 2 Boost underused skill(s)
B 3 Nerf overused class
B 4 Nerf overused skill(s)
C PVE Skill Balance
C 1 Boost underused class
C 2 Boost underused skill(s)
C 3 Nerf overused class
C 4 Nerf overused skill(s)
D Player "Policing"
D 1 Anti-Bot measures
D 2 Anti-Eula violation measures (profanity, gold buyers, spamming, etc.)
D 3 Anti-bad behavior measures (leeching, rage-quitting, scamming, etc.)
E 1 Encourage grouping measures (expanded party search, incentives for playing with real players, etc.)
E 2 Improve the solo game (e.g., expanded heroes, better hero AI / control, etc.)
F 1 Make Hard mode & Elite missions easier (e.g. better henches, more heroes, cheaper dp removal, easier to form groups, etc.)
F 2 Make Hard Mode & Elite missions harder (more variable skill bars, more dual professions, more PVP-style fights)
G 1 Economy Management - Makes things more expensive/rarer
G 2 Economy Management - Makes things cheaper/more common
G 3 Economy Management - Makes it easier to get/make/farm gold & rares
G 4 Economy Management - Makes it harder to get/make/farm gold & rares
H 1 New Product Development: GW:EN
H 2 New Product Development: Chap 2
I Player Events (Holiday, Weekend, etc.)
J More Storage
K Character customization options (Name changes, stylists, mini-pets, armor sets, dances, etc.)
L Titles (more, balance, add emotes, etc.)
M Improve / Expand PVP process (Maps, victory conditions, Ladder system, etc.)
Results So Far in Decending Order
The first column is the number of times the items appeared in anyone's list.
The second column is the percent of lists in which that item appeared (n=17).
I have analyzed the data a couple of other ways, but I'll expand on that if I get more data to work with.
10 59% H 1 New Product Development: GW:EN
9 53% A Player-to-Player Trade Improvements (traders, improved party search, etc.)
9 53% H 2 New Product Development: Chap 2
7 41% B PVP Skill Balance
7 41% C PVE Skill Balance
6 35% E 1 Encourage grouping measures (expanded party search, incentives for playing with real players, etc.)
6 35% M Improve / Expand PVP process (Maps, victory conditions, Ladder system, etc.)
5 29% B 2 Boost underused skill(s)
4 24% B 4 Nerf overused skill(s)
4 24% D 1 Anti-Bot measures
4 24% G 3 Economy Management - Makes it easier to get/make/farm gold & rares
4 24% K Character customization options (Name changes, stylists, mini-pets, armor sets, dances, etc.)
3 18% B 3 Nerf overused class
3 18% D Player "Policing"
3 18% E 2 Improve the solo game (e.g., expanded heroes, better hero AI / control, etc.)
3 18% I Player Events (Holiday, Weekend, etc.)
2 12% B 1 Boost underused class
2 12% D 3 Anti-bad behavior measures (leeching, rage-quitting, scamming, etc.)
2 12% G 2 Economy Management - Makes things cheaper/more common
1 6% C 1 Boost underused class
1 6% C 2 Boost underused skill(s)
1 6% F 2 Make Hard Mode & Elite missions harder (more variable skill bars, more dual professions, more PVP-style fights)
1 6% G 1 Economy Management - Makes things more expensive/rarer
1 6% J More Storage
1 6% L Titles (more, balance, add emotes, etc.)
0 0% C 3 Nerf overused class
0 0% C 4 Nerf overused skill(s)
0 0% D 2 Anti-Eula violation measures (profanity, gold buyers, spamming, etc.)
0 0% F 1 Make Hard mode & Elite missions easier (e.g. better henches, more heroes, cheaper dp removal, easier to form groups, etc.)
0 0% G 4 Economy Management - Makes it harder to get/make/farm gold & rares