Inscribable Weapons
Rhia Aryx
Make weapons that drop in all campaigns inscribable. If all ARMOR is inscribable, why not all WEAPONS? Maybe not do as they did with the armor and vamp all weapons that have dropped, but why not weapons that drop after the update? When I first saw that update I thought they had done BOTH. Then I was disappointed when someone in my guild said I was wrong

Originally Posted by Rhia Aryx
weapons that drop after the update
Rhia Aryx
Yes. I understand it'd take down the value of "perfect" weapons from Tyria/Cantha. But it'd probably help increase the value of good mods. It just doesn't make sense to me that I can't get, say, a +5e gothic dual axe for less than 80k when the individual mods are worth something like 10k. Rare skins would still be expensive, it'd just be easier to make something from a skin you like into what you want rather than having to search for it. My thought is skins like Fellblades would be like Colossal Scimitars (are? were?). Rare and expensive, especially inscribable :P
I suggested after the update because it'd probably be a lot of work to go back and make everything inscribable. If they were willing to make ALL non-white weapons inscribable.... that would be even better.
I suggested after the update because it'd probably be a lot of work to go back and make everything inscribable. If they were willing to make ALL non-white weapons inscribable.... that would be even better.

In the last alliance my clan was, I claimed all the latter udates they have been mading... the keep saying that I was mad, they they will never do such things... and... oh? For y good surprise and they horror, I have been always right. If I see they add a way to change 'modifiers' in weapons... they add inscriptions... if I say that they'll probably make all armor allow insignia... they do so... and I'm positive they will do this. Is a must. It's simply just not fair to have one campaing have something that is 'core' and others not. And inscriptions are core, like insignia, they are part of the PvP system.
They made it with armor. As you can see. It's not a problem for them to do such things. So it's possible.
Now you can have inscribable dropped in Urgoz and The Deep.
Without trading is now impossible for a Factions/Prophecie player to get them inscribed... and if something is a constant in Guild Wars is that anyone can get almost anything without trading (excluding special event items and contest/tournamet prices and such, collector stuff can be got if you buy the collector edition, available to anyone that reserves it)
As you see... it's very likely that they will add either upgrade traders or inscriptions in all campaings. I would love both, thought, XD.
Probably when GW:EN is near.
They made it with armor. As you can see. It's not a problem for them to do such things. So it's possible.
Now you can have inscribable dropped in Urgoz and The Deep.
Without trading is now impossible for a Factions/Prophecie player to get them inscribed... and if something is a constant in Guild Wars is that anyone can get almost anything without trading (excluding special event items and contest/tournamet prices and such, collector stuff can be got if you buy the collector edition, available to anyone that reserves it)
As you see... it's very likely that they will add either upgrade traders or inscriptions in all campaings. I would love both, thought, XD.
Probably when GW:EN is near.
Diddy bow
just no...
just no...
You can't stop the future, mate!
Skins matter, mods are separate!
Skins matter, mods are separate!
Diddy bow
IMO the economy is too broken now to start giving out free canthan/tyrian weapon skins, this would destroy the value of anything from tyria/cantha/hoh with the exeption of req 8's and things like crys/runic blades.
/signed... screw the farmers
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Skins matter, mods are separate!
Originally Posted by Diddy bow
IMO the economy is too broken now to start giving out free canthan/tyrian weapon skins, this would destroy the value of anything from tyria/cantha/hoh with the exeption of req 8's and things like crys/runic blades.
One thing that everyone must keep in mind is that every single item they have may have its value changed over time, even gold.
Miniatures raised a little, when they became shown in outposts.
Ectos dropped with the drop scale update...
What is importat is not if something changes its value or not, it is it woul have any real use. And being able to inscribe a Mursaat hammer... oh... that would have real use.
Even if they make inscribables drop only in hard mode, the change would till be apreciated.
Currently almost anything drops at req 8..10 in Hard Mode, and that way anything req 11 or more just became feed for heroes or merchants...
And of course, the uptdate would be for all, not only for the new drops, otherwise it would be much unfair that not making it at all.
Rhia Aryx
Originally Posted by Diddy bow
IMO the economy is too broken now to start giving out free canthan/tyrian weapon skins, this would destroy the value of anything from tyria/cantha/hoh with the exeption of req 8's and things like crys/runic blades.
It will happen the only question is when.
To be fair it will be done the same way that it was done with armor. So a rare tyrian or canthan weapon will still be rare. Yes with some weapons there will be a initial adjustment in value.
But remember the reasons for the demand for those weapons will still be there hence the prices should not change drastically
To be fair it will be done the same way that it was done with armor. So a rare tyrian or canthan weapon will still be rare. Yes with some weapons there will be a initial adjustment in value.
But remember the reasons for the demand for those weapons will still be there hence the prices should not change drastically
Star Gazer
dont bug the designers with silly questions like this! They are far too busy working on GW2 to listen to any of our concerns

Rhia Aryx
lol. Then they shouldn't've given us the armor insignia update XD
Please read through these forums. Been suggested hundreds of times.
It would destroy the economy even more then it already is.
Please read through these forums. Been suggested hundreds of times.
It would destroy the economy even more then it already is.
/not signed
if anet did this they would have to change all existing weapons to inscribable or i can see in 6 months time selling r10 long sword 15^50 non-inscribable 100k+xxxectos and this raises an existing problem... what happens to all the ppl with +15%dmg always...hmmm perplexing
if anet did this they would have to change all existing weapons to inscribable or i can see in 6 months time selling r10 long sword 15^50 non-inscribable 100k+xxxectos and this raises an existing problem... what happens to all the ppl with +15%dmg always...hmmm perplexing
Patrick Smit
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Please read through these forums. Been suggested hundreds of times. It would destroy the economy even more then it already is. |
Rhia Aryx
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Please read through these forums. Been suggested hundreds of times. It would destroy the economy even more then it already is. |
Rhia Aryx
Originally Posted by judgedread33
/not signed
if anet did this they would have to change all existing weapons to inscribable or i can see in 6 months time selling r10 long sword 15^50 non-inscribable 100k+xxxectos and this raises an existing problem... what happens to all the ppl with +15%dmg always...hmmm perplexing |

yeah sorry i dont think i was very clear... well there were some weapons that were droped from chests as a bug that have dmg mods with +15% or +14% that have no negative condition. they are very rare and even non-max ones go for alot these days.
Diddy bow
Originally Posted by Rhia Aryx
How would it be giving out "free" weapon skins from cantha and tyria? Are all NF weapon skins free? that comment doesn't make sense to me. O.o;
Originally Posted by Diddy bow
And you think suddenly adding so many "rare" skins to the economy of the first to continents will make these skins somehow retain value...? I dont. :P
Not to mention, that a larger part of the items one will find in Tyria and Cantha will have a part with trade value.
No, because seeing purple crystallines that drop as inscribable from chests is just too crazy...
i dont see a problem with the ops suggestion. the economy is already massively deflated and there are only a few weapon skins from either cantha or tyria that are really sought after anyways, so why not bring prices down on those too. as it stands, the only way to get inscribable tyrian or canthan skins is through the hoh chest in halls.
having said that, i believe anet has achieved what they set out to do. theyve made what used to be considered rare item skins affordable to the majority of their casual player base.
tbh, with all the updates the only rare items left in this game are the asian minipets and inscribable skins and minis found exclusively in the hoh chest [ie. mini ghostly, stygian reaver, runic blade, crystalline sword]
with a few expections, every skin that can be found in one of the three continents is relatively cheap, unless you want a really low req one.
/meh... signed
having said that, i believe anet has achieved what they set out to do. theyve made what used to be considered rare item skins affordable to the majority of their casual player base.
tbh, with all the updates the only rare items left in this game are the asian minipets and inscribable skins and minis found exclusively in the hoh chest [ie. mini ghostly, stygian reaver, runic blade, crystalline sword]
with a few expections, every skin that can be found in one of the three continents is relatively cheap, unless you want a really low req one.
/meh... signed
Rhia Aryx
Originally Posted by Diddy bow
They are pretty much free, aside from an ele sword or a req 8. Really how many times have you seen an nf weapon like that sell for more than 20K.In nf's earliy days perhaps, but not now. The vast majority of weapons are very common in nf.
Originally Posted by Diddy bow
And adding this would just make tyria/cantha even worse than elona. There must be TONS on req8/9 weapons out there in the rare skins already, but with crappy mods (like a +14 hexed oni blade). And you think suddenly adding so many "rare" skins to the economy of the first to continents will make these skins somehow retain value...? I dont. :P
No, I can't predict what this change would do to the economy. But if you stop thinking about the ECONOMY and start thinking about how much easier it would make getting a weapon with a skin that YOU like with the mods that YOU want the change would make... don't you think that to the majority of the GW population, ESPECIALLY the people who don't either a. buy guild wars gold or b. spend a LOT of their time farming, this would be a welcomed change?
Yeah, it might put a dent in the economy. But go look up NF-only items in the auctions and you tell ME that there's no way a perfectly modded rare skin item can go for more than 20k. There will always be expensive items. I'd rather be able to get a gothic dual axe with a +5e mod on it for PvP and not have to pay 80k for it than worry so much about the economy. I'd like to only have to pay 50k for it *laughs* But, hey, at least this way the demand for perfect INSCRIPTIONS would also go up. There'd be more inscribable items, right?
Rhia Aryx
Originally Posted by judgedread33
yeah sorry i dont think i was very clear... well there were some weapons that were droped from chests as a bug that have dmg mods with +15% or +14% that have no negative condition. they are very rare and even non-max ones go for alot these days.
And actually, non-inscribable NF items tend to go for less than their inscribable counterparts, now that your earlier post makes a bit more sense. That's because if it's inscribable, a monk can make it +5e or -5e or anyone to whatever it is that they need, rather than being forced into the mod that's on it. It also takes away from the concern of buying something with perfect mods: you can replace those mods if you want to buy something for cheaper than buying it with the mods in place (though, sometimes, you end up paying more for the mods than you would for the perfect weapon XD). So, no, I don't agree with you that this would inflate the price of perfect non-inscribable weapons, especially since if the update were retroactive there would be no 'perfect' non-inscribable weapons.
Well... the solution for those 'uncoditional' is really easy. That If you can think at all.
Like Icy Dragon Swords have two fixed modifiers (+15^50HP and Ice damage), they'll keep their modifier instead of an incription slot.
All the weapons and offhand items without inscription couterpart would remain the same, like the +50HP grim cesta.
If an item has various properties, only those with inscription or offhand mod counterpart would be replaced.
The others don't.
See? Easy.
Like Icy Dragon Swords have two fixed modifiers (+15^50HP and Ice damage), they'll keep their modifier instead of an incription slot.
All the weapons and offhand items without inscription couterpart would remain the same, like the +50HP grim cesta.
If an item has various properties, only those with inscription or offhand mod counterpart would be replaced.
The others don't.
See? Easy.
Rhia Aryx
I had thought that the weapons would become inscribable without replacing the current inscriptions. Would that work?
Government Flu
It is my opinion that all weapons becoming inscribable across all games is an inevitable change that will come, whether soon or far away into the future. Back in the old days, Factions only dropped Factions specific weapons. You wouldn't get a long sword as a drop--you'd get a broadsword. No spathas, no tall shields, no defenders or great axes...
Then one day, during the preperations to incorporate Nightfall into the original two games, everything was welded together. All of a sudden, you could get Tyrian skins in Cantha!
I was a bit disappointed, but hey--these aren't the days of dye remover anymore either!
Then one day, during the preperations to incorporate Nightfall into the original two games, everything was welded together. All of a sudden, you could get Tyrian skins in Cantha!
I was a bit disappointed, but hey--these aren't the days of dye remover anymore either!

Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
/signed... screw the farmers
Originally Posted by Diddy bow
IMO the economy is too broken now to start giving out free canthan/tyrian weapon skins, this would destroy the value of anything from tyria/cantha/hoh with the exeption of req 8's and things like crys/runic blades.
The value of everything is already destroyed. It was destroyed when purples and collector/crafter items became worthless, when they were never meant to be completely worthless. So many people are complaining about botters... Well, making all weapons inscriptable would solve the problem partially.
Hell, I got an even better idea. Make weapons inscriptable for a fee of 10k to 1000k depending on the skin. This would be a good money sink and it doesn't make all weapons inscriptable instantly.
I already proposed this in the other thread a long time ago, but a bunch of whiners turned me down. You don't even want to think about how good my idea is. You just say NO.
Idiots. Botters don't make money by getting l337 gold weapons (any farmer knows that). Money is made by reselling white junk weapons over and over again. The problem with bots is that they can do this over and over again. They will continue to make large amounts of raw gold.
Idiots. Botters don't make money by getting l337 gold weapons (any farmer knows that). Money is made by reselling white junk weapons over and over again. The problem with bots is that they can do this over and over again. They will continue to make large amounts of raw gold.
You can buy a non-elite armor just by taking some elonian treasures or killing some mobs. If you want an elite one, its completely normal that you have to spend some more time killing stuff.
Why should I have to buy something when I can get it myslef? Why should I have to pay a farmer to get something you can easily MAKE like in Nightfall?
Why has to be an item dropped in elona junk compared to an item of the same skin and req dropped in Tyria? No reason.
But with inscriptions worldwide you will be able to get something like a perfect Magma Shield or Gothic Defender req 9 30HP,-5dmg,20% without having to spend half of your life farming for it. You can get the pieces separately, and then assemble it yourself. Like armors. Don't you like how armors are made?
Just imagine that they make armors work like that. You'll have to farm for ages to get a max armor piece instead of going to Kaineng a buy one to start real play fast. Geez... that would be no GW-like at all.
Worldwide Inscription system is a must. Skin and req should be the only things that make items different, reducing the difference between weapons of the same skin, and thus, reducing inflation. The difference between a 14% and a 15% will be highly reduced, making prices fairer.
EVERYTHING loses value over time. Every single time an item drops, the others existing have their values decreased.
Just look at Ecto, Superior Vigor Runes, Colossal Swords, Even black dye.
You can't just preted to keep them as gold reserves.
You can buy a non-elite armor just by taking some elonian treasures or killing some mobs. If you want an elite one, its completely normal that you have to spend some more time killing stuff.
Why should I have to buy something when I can get it myslef? Why should I have to pay a farmer to get something you can easily MAKE like in Nightfall?
Why has to be an item dropped in elona junk compared to an item of the same skin and req dropped in Tyria? No reason.
But with inscriptions worldwide you will be able to get something like a perfect Magma Shield or Gothic Defender req 9 30HP,-5dmg,20% without having to spend half of your life farming for it. You can get the pieces separately, and then assemble it yourself. Like armors. Don't you like how armors are made?
Just imagine that they make armors work like that. You'll have to farm for ages to get a max armor piece instead of going to Kaineng a buy one to start real play fast. Geez... that would be no GW-like at all.
Worldwide Inscription system is a must. Skin and req should be the only things that make items different, reducing the difference between weapons of the same skin, and thus, reducing inflation. The difference between a 14% and a 15% will be highly reduced, making prices fairer.
EVERYTHING loses value over time. Every single time an item drops, the others existing have their values decreased.
Just look at Ecto, Superior Vigor Runes, Colossal Swords, Even black dye.
You can't just preted to keep them as gold reserves.
Rhia Aryx
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
You can buy a non-elite armor just by taking some elonian treasures or killing some mobs. If you want an elite one, its completely normal that you have to spend some more time killing stuff. Why should I have to buy something when I can get it myslef? Why should I have to pay a farmer to get something you can easily MAKE like in Nightfall? Why has to be an item dropped in elona junk compared to an item of the same skin and req dropped in Tyria? No reason. But with inscriptions worldwide you will be able to get something like a perfect Magma Shield or Gothic Defender req 9 30HP,-5dmg,20% without having to spend half of your life farming for it. You can get the pieces separately, and then assemble it yourself. Like armors. Don't you like how armors are made? Just imagine that they make armors work like that. You'll have to farm for ages to get a max armor piece instead of going to Kaineng a buy one to start real play fast. Geez... that would be no GW-like at all. Worldwide Inscription system is a must. Skin and req should be the only things that make items different, reducing the difference between weapons of the same skin, and thus, reducing inflation. The difference between a 14% and a 15% will be highly reduced, making prices fairer. EVERYTHING loses value over time. Every single time an item drops, the others existing have their values decreased. Just look at Ecto, Superior Vigor Runes, Colossal Swords, Even black dye. You can't just preted to keep them as gold reserves. |
Rhia Aryx
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Idiots. Botters don't make money by getting l337 gold weapons (any farmer knows that). Money is made by reselling white junk weapons over and over again. The problem with bots is that they can do this over and over again. They will continue to make large amounts of raw gold. |
Rhia Aryx
Originally Posted by ibex333
The value of everything is already destroyed. It was destroyed when purples and collector/crafter items became worthless, when they were never meant to be completely worthless. So many people are complaining about botters... Well, making all weapons inscriptable would solve the problem partially.
Originally Posted by ibex333
Hell, I got an even better idea. Make weapons inscriptable for a fee of 10k to 1000k depending on the skin. This would be a good money sink and it doesn't make all weapons inscriptable instantly.