Additional Slot in GWEN PLZ?
Echuu Ishtar
To the OP: If getting a credit/debit/whatever is not an option for you, they just came out with these pre-paid visa debit card things you can pick up anywhere. You just add whatever amount you want to it when you go to pay for it like you would a gift card, and you can use it anywhere you could use a visa card, including online orders. So if we aren't getting any more free slots, you should be able to get one of those cards.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Since GW:EN is going to be about $30, you can buy two additional character slots when you purchase it. It'll bring the price up to $50 and you can pretend they came with the game! Yays!
An expansion is =/= to a chapter
so no character slots are needed if you want 1 of each proffession buy more slots
I have :
1 Monk (Survivor)
2 PvE Warriors (Main char and a perma pre)
1 PvP Warrior (for .. well PvP duh
Why do you need more than this?
1 PvP is enough
1 Main PvE
and a or 2 PvE for completeing missed titles (Survivor and LDoA)
(This is based on me being a PvE player and not caring about getting armor and weapon skins in PvP though i do feel they should be more of a PvE reward i seen too many Ele swords and other high-end "rare" skins in PvP recently)
Lord Sojar
lvl20 content, cheaper price for the expansion, new concepts, cool areas, better boss ai, dungeons, introductions of new species, what more do you guys want? buy a slot. gg.
lvl20 content, cheaper price for the expansion, new concepts, cool areas, better boss ai, dungeons, introductions of new species, what more do you guys want? buy a slot. gg.
Can't you really understand that if GW:EN costs over 30$ it becomes paying more for less ?
When they say it's going to be cheaper than a full game it really has to be cheaper than 30$ because that's what one costs excluding the slots.
And GW:EN will have significantly LESS content than, say Nightfall.
It will have NO (null, zero, none) new PvP content! No new professions, much less skills, less armors, and probably less missions/quests.
So it can't cost more than a full game, or it starts feeling like a rip-off.
If it costs a maximum of 30$ then 0 slots is fine, but higher price should be compensated with at least 1 slot to make it fair
When they say it's going to be cheaper than a full game it really has to be cheaper than 30$ because that's what one costs excluding the slots.
And GW:EN will have significantly LESS content than, say Nightfall.
It will have NO (null, zero, none) new PvP content! No new professions, much less skills, less armors, and probably less missions/quests.
So it can't cost more than a full game, or it starts feeling like a rip-off.
If it costs a maximum of 30$ then 0 slots is fine, but higher price should be compensated with at least 1 slot to make it fair
Silly Warrior
GW:EN's going to cost like 30 bucks, so use the extra 50 to buy the 2-3 extra slots you would have gotten....
Originally Posted by JeniM
Logic at last
An expansion is =/= to a chapter so no character slots are needed if you want 1 of each proffession buy more slots I have : 1 Monk (Survivor) 2 PvE Warriors (Main char and a perma pre) 1 PvP Warrior (for .. well PvP duh Why do you need more than this? 1 PvP is enough 1 Main PvE and a or 2 PvE for completeing missed titles (Survivor and LDoA) (This is based on me being a PvE player and not caring about getting armor and weapon skins in PvP though i do feel they should be more of a PvE reward i seen too many Ele swords and other high-end "rare" skins in PvP recently) |
some people like to play all the classes and have the options to do so.
Not everyone likes to play just one character. I would rebute you saying how can you play just 1 (or 2) pve character (or class)----thats BORING!

and on the issue....sorrows furnace was a free expansion of sorts....we didnt pay for it, no new skill if they put out an expansion we must pay for I believe it should have at least one new slot (and for the record I have 20 slots....13 characters I play semi regularly, 5 mules and one I change to look at armors and character creations---and I am for more slots!!!!!!)
and to the op, I understand....the online store isnt for everyone, but see if someone would get you a gift visa card so you can use the online store.
better yet, how about some sort of discount for those that already purchased new slots in preparation for the new professions that chapter4 was expected to bring? don't give me any more slots, just pay me back for the ones i bought

Kilroy Stonekin
I don't understand why people want to complain against a free slot.. If it costed anything yeah, but come on, free?
Why don't we make a post asking Anet to retroactively give us 6 slots for prophecies then? That'd solve the problem and make a lot more sense than making them give us char slots despite not adding new professions...
Does anyone KNOW how much GWEN will cost?
If it's $25- $30 I wouldn't expect to get any new slots; though it would be nice, if just to store the new items.
If they charge $40 with no new slots and tell us we're getting a deal, I'll hold off untill the game's in the $20 bargain bin at the store. There's plenty in the 3 current games to keep me busy.
If it's $25- $30 I wouldn't expect to get any new slots; though it would be nice, if just to store the new items.
If they charge $40 with no new slots and tell us we're getting a deal, I'll hold off untill the game's in the $20 bargain bin at the store. There's plenty in the 3 current games to keep me busy.
Marth Reynolds
I don't have a credit card nor real use for it besides buying these char slots.
and 10 slots for all 10 classes that would make sense!, IMO they can add it to the pre-order again just as well
I don't have a credit card nor real use for it besides buying these char slots.
and 10 slots for all 10 classes that would make sense!, IMO they can add it to the pre-order again just as well
They won't do it cause the $10 per slot will be the only way A-net is going to make money until GW2 drops.
They won't do it cause the $10 per slot will be the only way A-net is going to make money until GW2 drops.
Originally Posted by Yawgmoth
Can't you really understand that if GW:EN costs over 30$ it becomes paying more for less ?
When they say it's going to be cheaper than a full game it really has to be cheaper than 30$ because that's what one costs excluding the slots. And GW:EN will have significantly LESS content than, say Nightfall. It will have NO (null, zero, none) new PvP content! No new professions, much less skills, less armors, and probably less missions/quests. So it can't cost more than a full game, or it starts feeling like a rip-off. If it costs a maximum of 30$ then 0 slots is fine, but higher price should be compensated with at least 1 slot to make it fair |
it has been already mentioned that some of the dungeon areas will be the size of fations... now thats hella big
Originally Posted by ryanryanryan0310
They won't do it cause the $10 per slot will be the only way A-net is going to make money until GW2 drops. |
Considering how many hundreds of hours you'll invest into one slot, it's amusing that you even dare to request one for free while not recognizing how cheap it is actually.
10 Bucks are so hard to earn, oh em gee.
10 Bucks are so hard to earn, oh em gee.
Originally Posted by Neevan
And i think most of us are very happy that we don't pay each month, and that we only have to pay for the game it self. + We have a way better game than all those jerks who pay for etc WoW :P |
Guild Wars is not free and it's limitations alone justify the absence of a monthly fee.
Non persistent worlds, poor trade/storage/currency/economy implementation, and generally, limited life-time comparing to many MMOs.
I don't think they are giving us anything for free. No one starts a software house and produces this kind of game to give 'free stuff'. That's a fact.
/signed of course
One slot would do the trick, since it's only an expansion. I'd like to try a paragon sometime too.
Originally Posted by darktyco
Most of the /notsigned people are just people who already spent money on a slot and are getting their panties in a knot thinking about others getting one for free. |
Originally Posted by Surena
Considering how many hundreds of hours you'll invest into one slot, it's amusing that you even dare to request one for free while not recognizing how cheap it is actually.
10 Bucks are so hard to earn, oh em gee. |
One slot is not that hard to give, as a small bonus for, yet, another investment in a Guild Wars product, 'oh em gee'
Sophitia Leafblade
the reason most people have /notsigned is because Gaile has already said there Will be NO additional skill slots fo the expansion, if u want more skill slots that badly buy them else live with the ones u have currently.
so /notsigned hehe
so /notsigned hehe

Originally Posted by Sophitia Leafblade
the reason most people have /notsigned is because Gaile has already said there Will be NO additional skill slots fo the expansion, if u want more skill slots that badly buy them else live with the ones u have currently.
so /notsigned hehe ![]() |
You just prove darktyco's silly assumption even more.
Sophitia Leafblade
hehe opps i meant Character slot
typos ftl
darktycos assumption is people should be given the slots despite this not actually being a new chapter and there not being any new professions, If there were new professions id be /signed, but since there arnt and it is an expansion rather than a new chapter i think Anet are in the right, besides if more people bought them anet would have more money to bump in more developement of gw and gw2
I have 2 accounts because i didnt have enough character skills and im still not demanding more slots, sure it would be nice, but Anet has already said no and so no it is.

darktycos assumption is people should be given the slots despite this not actually being a new chapter and there not being any new professions, If there were new professions id be /signed, but since there arnt and it is an expansion rather than a new chapter i think Anet are in the right, besides if more people bought them anet would have more money to bump in more developement of gw and gw2

I have 2 accounts because i didnt have enough character skills and im still not demanding more slots, sure it would be nice, but Anet has already said no and so no it is.
Originally Posted by Sophitia Leafblade
i think Anet are in the right, besides if more people bought them anet would have more money to bump in more developement of gw and gw2
![]() |
And besides, risking myself to lose money and gain grief over the flawed 'virtual store' system? No, thank you.