Guild Wars Fanart: Wallpapers

I Might Avenge U

I Might Avenge U

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005



Hello, My GW Alias is I Might Avenge U. I came to the Nolani area, to find some wallpapers and came to realize some tough luck! THERE WERE NONE! (<Insert OMG O_o>). So Instead of doing my usual and letting it be, I decided to take a crack at it. Become a man, and try my luck at making the wallpapers myself. So far, it's been a rocky start, so sorry if they come out like crap lol...

My Wallpapers


My Most Recent

My Last Wallpaper

I would like to release as many as possible, so if you would like to see some of my past wallpapers or use some of my renders, here is my gallery:


If you would like any of these free wallpapers, I made this little guide to show you how to get these wallpapers onto your computer . Assuming you know how to set a background on your Computer, this should tell you all you need to know... And More ...

Downloading Guide

Current Contest (CLOSED)

Closed for now...
Contest Rules

-One Entry per person

-Make sure you take a screen shot of the catagorey, all others will be disregarded.

-No Text of any kind allowed

-Try to take the picture in a background that offsets your character's color (easier to render).

I hope you like my Wallpapers, and Enjoy the Bi-Monthly Contests


Yannick of Avo

Yannick of Avo

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006


Order of the Flameseekers [NL]


hmmmm, I like them but I see some room for inmprovement.

My idea of a desktop background is always that it shouldn't be to colorfull. I prefer the more single toned background, the seem more relaxing to the eyes.

Also, try to support higher resolutions. Like they offer a wide range of resolutions.
Full Screen: 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1600x1200
Widescreen:1280x800, 1680x1050, 1920x1200

Most common are 1024x768 and 1280x1024

I Might Avenge U

I Might Avenge U

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005



^^ Thx, I'm trying to do better in each one, My last one was by far the bes, which isn't exactly saying a lot. As Far as Resolutions go, It shouldn't be that hard, I'll start on my next project.

As far as the next one goes, there is a bit of thought that is going into it, and it doesn't have too much color... If you don't like color

P.S. i organized my Gallery

I Might Avenge U

I Might Avenge U

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005



Well, this is dieing, so for now I've closed the contest thinger. If anyone really cared, just say so..

As for wallpapers, Expect 2 more before the end of the week

If you have any comments (Even if you really hate them..) please tell me. I like criticism, comments, and helpful instruction. If you think there is something I should tryout, or You think I'm going about everything all wrong, just say so.. This is all really practice so, I hopefully'll get much better at this lol...

If you have any ideas at all, send some inspiration my way

I Might Avenge U

I Might Avenge U

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005



I Finally got another one done

This one was really fun, I tried out a pixel fading dealio on his arms and legs, and I did some "gel" text and "Chrome text! I put up two variations in the gallery

As far as the Resolutions.. I'm sorry, because I didn't start this one until after discussing resolution. I swear there will be more by the next one

Tell me what you guys think!

took me FOREVER! Now I get to work on another fun one

I Might Avenge U

I Might Avenge U

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005



I had some extra time today, So here is a Preview of the next one


It's SUPER rough.. I'm trying to get a sort of X-Ray theme going on for the warriors, If you have any suggestions, lay them on me



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


Fabric of Existence [ohGr]


:O I like how you can see his ribs. It's cool No suggestions here, keep doin' what you're doin'.

I Might Avenge U

I Might Avenge U

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005



^^ thank you much

I plan on doing bones for arms, legs, hands fingers, and anywhere else I can think of..

I'ma try to throw in a heart and maybe a brain.. idk. You can faintly see the skulls inside both of them.. I don't really like it, sort of downgrades it's quality..



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


Fabric of Existence [ohGr]


Hmm, I say skip the brain, but the heart would look ace.

I Might Avenge U

I Might Avenge U

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005



Finally got the X-Ray Wallpaper done, The background is sort of weird, but at least I tried

I also got to use a GW font, that is relatively similar to the logo, thanks to Elite Master Sei

There's 9 Resolutions for this one too..

Whadaya guys think?

EDIT: There were some uploading Problems, I think the 1600x1200 Resolution came out to 1024x768, my bad, I guess it got resized somehow, I can't be sure though..