Dear Admin,
I'm not sure that this is the place for what I would like to say/share.
1. GH Skill Trainer
I know that the GH Skill Trainer offers the skills based on the character progress, therefore a skill accessible only in RoF, even unlocked, will be available for a character that just reaches Ascalon, which is fair.
However, this is applicable ONLY for Core skills. The GH Skill Trainers does not offers ANY skills for Factions and Nightfall Characters! I think this was not updated since Prophecies and I hope that they will fix it soon, because is really frustrating to be unable to take some skills with Factions or Nightfall Characters, jumping from a town to another to find the Skill Trainer that you remember had the skill you are looking for!
2. Trade SPAM/Trade Channel
I saw that the Dev team really is looking to this and I would like to suggest something.
To create a Trade Submission option, maybe accessible for a special NPC or even from the Party Window. There, with a small fee (let's say 100g), you may place your good and the price you desire. The buyer, will place the amount and take the good. When the seller checks in that town again, will receive a message asking him/her to collect the amount.
Also, any submission will have a max 3 days expire date, and cannot be duplicated (but the quantity will be mentioned).
When you like to Buy something that is not already listed in "Sells List", you may place you request there, by selecting from a db list with the most usual items (green, unique, etc), but also you may add free text. So, if someone have the requested Item, simply whisper the person.
A 3rd place will be for "Items Exchange". This will work similar with the Buy request, what you need and what Item you offer in exchange plus gold if necessary or consider are fair.
I know it sound complicate and hard to be done, but, if this will be in a test for a week or two, it will already create an impressive database with Trade Items, which will be simple to select from (as well with, if possible, last 3 or 5 trades prices, w/o showing the traders names, for sure).
There are a lot of other details that must be considered as well in order to work, but it will take to much to go through all of those now.
3. Bots
I donno how much is the real progress in stopping the boots. What I know is that the usual players suffered a lot due to the the nerfs generated by the existing of the boots. Yesterday I counted in 3-4 minutes in The Granite Citadel over 15 boots, definitely! Is so simple to identify it by the exact pattern they use.
I wondering how they actually try to control the booting as soon as there, at least, I did not seen any change since I 1st reach that outpost! There are also solutions for this but I prefer not to share it here, to avoid a tsunami in the community!
4. Tyria End Game Reward
Prophecies is the only one that do not offer a triumphal ending and a reward for completing the story. Actually the last quests (Titans Quests) are really frustrating and makes no point in actually doing it, unless except own pride. I have to admit that except Defend Droknar's Forge (team of 8 and catch me there when want it to capture a skill), I did not even took the other with any of my characters except the 1st one (which completed the Droknar's and abandon the others). I'm pretty sure that if they look to all players from Prophecies, they will not find more than 10-15 maybe 20% of them that did all Titans Quests. So, I would recommend the following:
1. To add a reward for completing the Prophecies as well, to be fair throughout the entire game. Maybe a Titan's Fist that can be exchange at Adept of Glint or something, for some high-end items.
2. Another method to bring some reasons, will be to add a new Title. "Story Teller" maybe. This will achieve a max once the player made all mission and all quests from a Campaign. For sure, if so, Legendary Story Teller will be available for those that did absolutely all (including Master Quests) in all campaigns.
5. (last) Max Titles
I guess only three with a limit of 15, with all the new Titles and the ones that will come with EotN, becomes obsolete and needs an update that will reflect better ones performance.
Thank you and have fun,
GH Skill Trainer and Trade Channel
It's seams that no one has any problems as soon as there are no comments here! Interesting I may say!