CC Sibyl (hemuthëist redone)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


Sibyl (H)
“Soon your soul will forever be tormented in the mists, but that is not soon enough for me!”

Sibyls call creatures from the mists to the earth.
While a creature from the afterlife can’t do anything to someone who is still alive, Sibyls give powers to these creatures so they can carry out the Sibyl’s will.
They can even create a temporary body for a creature to live again.

Eternal Bond (Primary)
For each being you have called on you, you gain +1 max energy at level 1 and an addition +1 every 3 levels thereafter - Many skills especially those related to controlling the beings you have called become more efficient with each level in Eternal bond.

Atrocious Callings
Skills related to calling aggressive minions of Genth and angry souls from the mists, become more effective with higher Atrocious Callings.

Benevolent Callings
Skills related to calling repentant souls from the mists, become more effective with each level in Benevolent Callings.

Dreaded Callings
Skills related to calling torturing minions of Genth and maleficent souls beings from the mists, become more effective with each level in Dreaded Callings.

Primary calculations
The max is +6 energy per called being.
You can only call beings on yourself, thus you are limited to about 8 called beings, none of which stay on you longer than 20 seconds.

The function is not to give them a large energy pool like the elementalist, but to give them a quick energy boost whenever they call a being(ammo) so they can use the thing right away.
New max energy is automatically full gaining you 1 energy whenever you use a 5 energy call being, regardless of your energy being full or if your energy regeneration can not raise your energy any higher, you always gain the energy.


20 energy at 4 pips
They can get a focus item or staff to improve this, the primary also helps when you have creatures called on you.

Base 60AL
Holy and shadow damage reduced by 2(except on head gear)
Actually damage reduction is 8 as it stacks from the 4 armor parts.

Soulless| -20 max health, called beings stay on you 20% longer.
Unforgiven| +15 AL you take 4 more damage from holy and shadow.

Sibyls use staves, wands and focus offhands.
With all the basic stats, some would look like spirit wood others would be shadow like and transparent.
All of them would have coloured glowing specs and dots floating around the end(preferably moving specs, but that might be bad for performance)

Note that each class has a limited repertoire of skill types; 5-6 is about usual, 1 of which rarer than the others.
Elementalists for instance get:
Spells, Enchantments, Hexes, Wards, Glyps
Thus is the reason ele’s are the only ones that don’t have signets, they already had enough types.

This class has:
  • Call Beings
  • Spells
  • Signets
  • Hex Spells
  • Enchantment Spells
I’ll thus try to make only skills of these types.

Eternal Bond (primary)
Eternal Bond connects the Sibyl to the afterlife, it is used to control the called beings, also it has skills that reward the Sibyl correct judgements passed over their foes.

Usher Being spell energy 10 activation 1 recharge 2.5
Usher your called being, this spell costs 0…50(66)% less energy.

Release Being spell energy 10 activation 3 recharge 5
Release your called being, this spell activates 0…50(66)% faster

Manifest Being spell energy 20 activation 3 recharge -
Manifest your called being as a level 1…16(21) creature;
While you maintain a manifested being energy regeneration can not raise your energy above 10. This skill is replaced with Signet of Manifestations until the manifested being dissipates.

(Signet of Manifestations) (signet) (energy - activation ½ recharge 0)
When you use it on a valid target your manifested being will perform it’s default action on that creature.

Murdered Comrade call being
Call the soul of target dead ally, when manifested it will become an atrocious creature with an attack skill to interrupt it’s target, every 17...8(5) seconds. (This skill will be locked until the called being dissipates)

Penance spell energy 5 activation 1.5 recharge 8
All called beings on you dissipate and you take 20 damage for each, you are healed for 30…120(150) health.

Atrocious Callings
This calls combat beings, it is meant for dealing damage and buffing your manifested creatures power; and manifested beings become damage pets.

Soul of the Searing call being energy 10 activation 1 recharge 10
When ushered this soul will make target allied manifested creature attack 5…16(20)% faster for 15 seconds.
When released it will make you move 5…16(20)% faster for 15 seconds.
(This skill will be locked until the called being dissipates)

Chill Haunting spell energy 5 activation ½ recharge 15
All called beings on you dissipate, for each one lost you deal 8…20(24) cold damage to target foe.

Tempest’s Scar call being energy 5 activation 1 recharge 15
When manifested this minion of Grenth attacks at range with slashing damage, any fire damage it takes causes it to start burning for 10…6(4) seconds.
When released, all adjacent foes start burning for 4…8(10) seconds and you start burning for 5 seconds.
(This skill will be locked until the called being dissipates)

Embodiment elite spell energy 20 activation 5 recharge -
Manifest your called being as a level 2…19(26) creature; while you maintain a manifested being energy regeneration can not raise your energy above 15, this skill is replaced with Signet of Manifestations until the manifested being dissipates.

Judged of Drohn call being energy 10 activation 1 recharge 8
When ushered this minion of Grenth deals 18…34(38) shadow damage to target foe and to all foes adjacent to your manifested pet
When released all foes in earshot take 3…9(11) damage for each corpse in earshot.
(This skill will be locked until the called being dissipates)

Rage Binder call being energy 10 activation 1 recharge 15
When manifested this minion of Grenth attacks in melee with fire damage, whenever it hits a foe suffering from a condition that foe takes an additional 2…8(10) damage.
When ushered the next 2…5(6) manifestation’s attacks against target foe have 50% armor penetration.
(This skill will be locked until the called being dissipates)

Benevolent Callings
This attribute is for calling protective beings, mainly for self survivability. Though many of the skills can be used on others as well.

Wall’s War Omen Elite call being energy 10 activation 1 recharge 6
When manifested this soul will have an additional 10…20(22)% chance to take the damage for the ally it is protecting.
When ushered, heal target other ally for 10…28(31) health if that ally is below 50% of their max health.
(This skill will be locked until the called being dissipates)

Brightest Burst Elite spell energy 10 activation 2 recharge 5
Release your called being, for each target affected you gain 1 energy and 5…10…12 health.

Deathless Devotion enchantment spell energy 15 activation 2 recharge 20
For 6…18(22) seconds, your manifested creature is enchanted with deathless devotion and gains 3…8…10 damage reduction; if it is an atrocious manifestation you have 80 additional max health, if it is an dreaded manifestation you have an additional 50 max health, if it is a benevolent manifestation you have and additional 30 max health.

Tempest’s Slain elite call being energy 5 activation ½ recharge 25
When manifested this minion of Grenth will transfer conditions from it’s target to itself, when burning this manifestation also suffers a deep wound for 25…12(10) seconds.
When released, for each condition allies in the area are suffering, all allies in the area are healed for 5…8(12) health.
(This skill will be locked until the called being dissipates)

Dreaded Callings
Dreaded Callings are a hexing attribute, it hampers and reduces foe’s effectiveness to keep the Sibyl and it’s manifestation safe.

Mindful Calling Elite spell energy 5 activation ½ recharge -
Usher your called being, for each called being on you this spell takes an additional 4…2…1 seconds to recharge.

Tear Burner call being energy 10 activation 1 recharge 8
When manifested this minion of Grenth will cause target foe to take 10…40(50)% more damage whenever that foe takes damage that ignores armor.
When released, foes near your manifestation take 2…11(14) damage each second, for 1 second for each called being on you.
(This skill will be locked until the called being dissipates)

Horrid Wilting call being energy 5 activation 1 recharge
When ushered the minion of Grenth will cause target foe’s spells cost 8…17(21)% more base energy to cast for 8 seconds.
When released you become crippled for 4…9(11) seconds, and when you take damage all adjacent foes are interrupted.
(This skill will be locked until the called being dissipates)

Imbibing Void hex spell energy 5 activation 3 recharge 30
For 12 seconds, if a manifestation’s hex ends on target foe, that foe takes 9…21(25) damage.

Why this is new stuff

Skill type Call being:
A lot of the Sibyl’s skills are call beings, they are the class’s main ability.
A called being stays on you for 15 seconds and then dissipates, during this time it appears as a effect on you in the effects bar, stating the full skill description.

A call being charges you with ammo, if I may put it that way.
You then decide what to do with this ammo
You can:
  • Usher it
  • Release it
  • Manifest it
Each of these has it’s own effect dependant on the called being.

If you use a skill that uses up a called being, the being you called the longest time ago is removed from you and used by that skill.
Any effect applied to the target(s) of a ushering or releasing is shown as only the description for the ushering or the releasing.

Each called being only does something on 2 of the 3 uses, if you attempt to use it for the other one, it will tell the next being in line to perform the action instead, if there is no next being the skill fails.

A called being skill only starts to recharge after all its effects have ended. This can be: being called on you, hexing or enchanting a creature, or being manifested.

Pet type manifested Pet
When a being is manifested it becomes your pet until it dies, or until you stop maintaining the manifestation.
Armor, health and damage are dependant on level of the manifestation.
Manifested pets are shown in the team window and are targeted as ‘no flesh’ creatures(can’t use them as a minion fatory)
Other than the skills and condition that require the target to be fleshy, all effects apply normally to it.

A manifested pet can be:
  • An atrocious being becomes a damage pet, which fights just like normal pets.
  • A benevolent being becomes a defensive pet, which attaches too and absorbs 30% of attacks against 1 ally.
  • A dreaded being becomes a sabotage pet, which debuffs one ore more foes.

Offensive manifestations
They can attack both in melee and ranged (staff range) with different damage types depending on the skill.
They attack faster than minions, and deal similar damage; top damage is a little higher than minions because they can go higher level, it is plenty lower than a flesh golem of the same level though.
(The attack speed is to balance out that a Sibyl can have only ‘1’ pet against a necro’s 10.)

Defensive manifestations
They attach to target ally, attack again that ally have 30% chance to hit the manifestation instead of that ally.
A Defensive manifestation applies a constant effect to the ally it is attached too, for as long as it remains on that ally.
When a defensive manifestation changes target to an ally in the area, it shadow steps to that ally. If it’s target it’s outside it’s area, it shadow steps to other creatures(even foes) moving in the direction of that ally.

Maleficent manifestations
They follow target foe around, while alive they cast a single hex or aura spell continuously.
The effect has a short duration so it is effectively gone when the manifestation is killed.
Maleficent manifestations will stay close to their target foe, or just hang around the master if they have no target.

More than 1 pet trick
Observant people might have noticed already, but the skills to manifesting do not specifically limit you to having 1 manifestation.
It only limits you from using the same manifestation skill, same call being and having your energy regenerate enough to use another manifest creature spell.
Manifest Being spell energy 20 activation 3 recharge -
Manifest your called being as a level 1…16(21) creature;
While you maintain a manifested being energy regeneration can not raise your energy above 10. This skill is replaced with Signet of Manifestations until the manifested being dissipates.
Embodiment elite spell energy 20 activation 5 recharge -
Manifest your called being as a level 2…19(26) creature; while you maintain a manifested being energy regeneration can not raise your energy above 15, this skill is replaced with Signet of Manifestations until the manifested being dissipates.
And combine that with echo and arcane mimicry + a team-mate with your build.
You could potentially have 4 pets a person.
But as energy regeneration can’t raise your energy above 15 for the first 3 and not above 10 for re-summoning dead ones, it will be very hard to get the energy you need to actually use the skills, hence you will not have more than 1 pet most of the time, it just a major pain. Though multi pet builds will likely be popular at times.

The function of the class
Sibyl is a pet supporter, instead o having a single pet to support it, or having an army of minions it needs to baby-sit, the Sibyl has a single pet, which he focuses on commanding and enhancing.

A Sibyls function is there for that of his pet.
Using called beings you could possible bring 2 builds, while neither one will be extremely effective on it’s own together the quick switching that can be done between uses of called beings really makes the class.
The trick of a successful build however is the right pet, while the called beings off good effects, because they consist out of an ammo component and a launch component they are slow.
The right pet will add consistency to whatever you may be doing, really making

A Sybil should look mystical like,

As a Sibyl manifests his pet, he chooses how to manifest it, and will likely chose a for easy to manifest over a accurate representation of the summoned creature’s former body.
[IMG]""[/IMG] Hotlink protected click me
Is what I imagine an atrocious manifestation would look like.
Hotlink protected click me
Would make a good dreaded manifestation
A benevolent manifestation would look something like a large flying shield with a nightmares head sticking out the center, and would hover circles around it's target.

Sibyls pray to Grenth, through him they connect to the afterlife, this connection grants them power and wisdom.
Grenth is the judge god, judging over the dead and weather they’re allowed into any god realms or should forever be tormented by his minions in the mists.

This is represented by the Sibyl’s skills in Eternal Bond, with witch they ask Genth’s minions (or Grenth himself it his name is in the skill name) to confirm their judgment.
Judging requires a reasonable level of impartialness from the Sibyl and by this they call on Grenth’s minions to be executioners.

I hope I have gotten my point over clearly, and that you like the idea or at least a small part of it
I am desperately hoping for some suggestions, because I know it is far from perfect and appreciate any help in improving it greatly.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Yes, I have been waiting for this^^!
I was gonna make new stuff for my Minstrel and Cabalist but when I saw this I went here first^^!
Can you be more specific about your Sybil's Appearance^^!
I would want to make one!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


We'll ok, I looked around some and found somethings to use as an example.
None is exactly what I envision the Sibyl to be, but mix them all up and you should have something Sibyl like.

I do not claim to have any rights to these pictures, any and credit for them belongs to their original artists; respecting the artist's rights they are links instead of hotlinks. Bla bla, disclaimer, yada yada.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


kay so it looks like a Shamanic Hermit^^!
Or a Devilish Warlock!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


I am very sorry SC.

I can't make any CM for you.

And not much people are looking at this CC



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


Yea I noticed, as I was rewriting it, I realised it wasn't what I wanted anymore either.
It's still a nice class, but I wanted to port the MetaPhysacist playstyle and feeling into GW.
MP's are cool, but I now think I don't need a port, I should build a class from the ground up and have it feel something like a MP, that will make it a better class for GW and more interesting and original.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]


Ooh, Ooh!
Just wanting to dig up stuff to say, want me to put this up in the List^^?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


Originally Posted by [M]agna_[C]arta
Ooh, Ooh!
Just wanting to dig up stuff to say, want me to put this up in the List^^?
Lol no I have already re-redone this one, as the priest.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Philippines, LSGH

Legions of the Golden Aguila [PNOY]





Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2007

Duvall... stupid rednecks...

Cartel of [SNOW]


my view on this class as I see it as a european/american version of the ritualist. all of the skills you created would make great rit skills, and would not disrupt the class. Im sorry, but there already happens to be a class that whips up spirits, and its sadly not used enuf. I think this would recieve the same attention as the rit. I would love it if you submitted these skills as rit skills though I would like some of those spirits.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Tripping in Holland

My guild died :`(


Originally Posted by darkling
my view on this class as I see it as a european/american version of the ritualist. all of the skills you created would make great rit skills, and would not disrupt the class. Im sorry, but there already happens to be a class that whips up spirits, and its sadly not used enuf. I think this would recieve the same attention as the rit. I would love it if you submitted these skills as rit skills though I would like some of those spirits.
Yea while the game play of this is more unique and original as the priest's, the lore isn't and the function, is maybe too beast masterish...