P/Me: Finding a use for Song of Power



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Level: 20

Leadership: 9 (8+1)
Spear Mastery: 9 (8+1)
Motivation: 15 (11+4)
Inspiration Magic: 9

- Cautery Signet [Elite] (Paragon Other) <-- mass condition removal
- Song of Power (Motivation) <-- energy for the party
- Lyric of Zeal (Motivation) <-- energy for you to use Song of Power
- Signet of Synergy (Motivation) <-- heal/trigger for Lyric
- Remedy Signet (Paragon Other) <-- single condition removal / trigger for Lyric
- Mantra of Inscriptions (Inspiration Magic) <-- cuts recharge by 40% on all signets
- Leader's Comfort (Leadership) <-- self heal when under Enchantment(s)
- Signet of Return (Leadership) <-- resurrect, 12 recharge under Mantra

- Expel Hexes [Elite] (Mesmer other) instead of cautery signet
- Leech Signet (Inspiration Magic) instead of Remedy Signet, since there would be less risk involved with conditions , except for Blind/Daze
- Ether Signet (Inspiration Magic) instead of lyric of zeal if the 25 energy cost of Song of Power doesn't hamper you
- Hex Eater Signet (Inspiration Magic) in place of Remedy Signet, when hex removal is a must

To provide healing and support without relying on the normal Restoration type of chants and Song of Restoration elite.
By reducing recharges on Signets, the build is able to heal for the 100 health from Signet of Synergy more easily and consistently. In addition, it allows cautery signet to be much more effective against spread conditions such as disease/poison/bleeding since the recharge is cut down to martyr's recharge with the advantage of not having to purge conditions or purge signet after Martyr-ing.
Song of Power is powered by this excessive use of signets, since Lyric of Zeal pays for it in 3 uses (10 energy per signet use from Lyric of Zeal) combined with Signet of Synergy and Remedy Signet.

- Signet of Aggression (Paragon Other) since it has 6 recharge even under mantra of inscriptions, and isn't worth the slot for 1 adrenaline which can be obtained by spearing someone
- Ether Feast (Inspiration Magic) was out of the question since 3 allies pays off for leader's comfort with the same amount of healing and has the same cast time also

No, it isn't supposed to be an extraordinary build. It is me trying to find a worthwhile way to power Song of Power besides a N/P while also incorporating a decent Signet of synergy heal that has bad recharge.