Kurzicks/Luxons title system Retro the Faction earned
This idea is not mine but of one that has recently been suggested by others for Faction titles.
Under the new Kurzicks/Luxons title system if you turn in 1000 faction for amber or Jade you gain still gain 1000 faction towards your title whereas before you could not. Over the last year I have accumulated over 1,000,000 Kurzick faction only to discover that amber I had previously earned earns me no faction towards any title I could earn now by using the same Faction turn in method. Currently you can see the amount of faction you have earned with any account over your lifetime simply by speaking to the faction’s rewards guy.
I suggest you retroactively allow transfer the amount of faction you have earned over your lifetime into these titles. After all you did earn that faction over the last year and even if you did not turn faction into town ownership you still earned the title you can get now. So why not compensate the player for the effort over the last year?
For those who don't understand let me explain. If you turn in 1000 faction for Amber/or Jade in HzH or Cavlion as of today you get 1000 faction towards you title and you get your amber or Jade. Before today you could not do this. That means all that amber you collected over the past year is basically worthless towards a title you would have otherwise earned. The faction rewards guy keeps track of your total faction you have earned (even faction not turned in) since joining that faction. Lets have all your effort count towards something positive.
Under the new Kurzicks/Luxons title system if you turn in 1000 faction for amber or Jade you gain still gain 1000 faction towards your title whereas before you could not. Over the last year I have accumulated over 1,000,000 Kurzick faction only to discover that amber I had previously earned earns me no faction towards any title I could earn now by using the same Faction turn in method. Currently you can see the amount of faction you have earned with any account over your lifetime simply by speaking to the faction’s rewards guy.
I suggest you retroactively allow transfer the amount of faction you have earned over your lifetime into these titles. After all you did earn that faction over the last year and even if you did not turn faction into town ownership you still earned the title you can get now. So why not compensate the player for the effort over the last year?
For those who don't understand let me explain. If you turn in 1000 faction for Amber/or Jade in HzH or Cavlion as of today you get 1000 faction towards you title and you get your amber or Jade. Before today you could not do this. That means all that amber you collected over the past year is basically worthless towards a title you would have otherwise earned. The faction rewards guy keeps track of your total faction you have earned (even faction not turned in) since joining that faction. Lets have all your effort count towards something positive.
/signed for great justice.
Everyone in my alliance was fuming once they heard all that amber they sold for marginal profit had stopped them from getting a now important title and the skills that accompany it.
Everyone in my alliance was fuming once they heard all that amber they sold for marginal profit had stopped them from getting a now important title and the skills that accompany it.
As stated above.
As stated above.
The only problem I can see with this is that it might be difficult to determine how much faction was actually spent on Amber/Jade, and how much was lost due to spending for the other side and/or because you were at 10k when you earned it.
A much easier option for ANET might instead be to count all the faction you have earned towards a title, as you earn it.
Currently guild wars stores two values for each faction per account. The amount earned, and the amount spent towards the title. By making the title work off the first, the second becomes irrelevant allowing ANET to stop having to store the second value.
/signed. As long as ANET takes one of these options, I don't actually care which.
A much easier option for ANET might instead be to count all the faction you have earned towards a title, as you earn it.
Currently guild wars stores two values for each faction per account. The amount earned, and the amount spent towards the title. By making the title work off the first, the second becomes irrelevant allowing ANET to stop having to store the second value.
/signed. As long as ANET takes one of these options, I don't actually care which.
Already is another thread in Riverside about this, longer than this one as well.
Ill /sign for same reasons stated there.
Ill /sign for same reasons stated there.
We dont want to grind all over again for something we've already technically earned.
PVP for PVE skills is stupid!
We dont want to grind all over again for something we've already technically earned.
PVP for PVE skills is stupid!
Originally Posted by Fr_3_aK
We dont want to grind all over again for something we've already technically earned. PVP for PVE skills is stupid! |
Originally Posted by nugzta
You DO know that you can get factions through repeatable quests and Challenge Missions and they are way more efficient in getting factions than AB.
In one of the other threads someone mentions that while they have over 1 million faction earned, only 40k was spent for their alliance. So how long will it take them to re-earn it assuming they only grind ? (give hours of playing time)
I was refering to the poster above about PvP for PvE skills which he can actually earn it just by doing PvE only. If you read this thread, I already sign for this suggestion, Im not against it.
121k earnt
29k on title
121k earnt
29k on title

Every time i lag
100k tittle around 200 earned
100k tittle around 200 earned
Lord Mendes
Side note: making cash while getting the title is pretty cool.
Side note: making cash while getting the title is pretty cool.
Takeko Nakano
Isn't there another thread about this? Can we combine the two, please.
thats makes no sense to spend again hours grinding in pvp and/or pve only to unlock pve only skills...
EDIT: 162596 faction points wasted in ambers :-/
thats makes no sense to spend again hours grinding in pvp and/or pve only to unlock pve only skills...
EDIT: 162596 faction points wasted in ambers :-/
The Hand Of Death
I have around 800k luxon faction used, and only 250k of it is in my title.
Along with the kurzic I have about 350K with none in my title. It should count.
I have around 800k luxon faction used, and only 250k of it is in my title.
Along with the kurzic I have about 350K with none in my title. It should count.
Aera Lure
/not signed
My reasons in the Riverside topic.
My reasons in the Riverside topic.
The Bard
make it so as soon as you earn faction it goes on your title, like ss and lb points, and just give us the amount we've earned in the title.
make it so as soon as you earn faction it goes on your title, like ss and lb points, and just give us the amount we've earned in the title.

Kool Pajamas
/NOT signed
I spent my faction towards the title instead of turning in for amber/jade. While you would be getting the points I'd be losing out on amber/jade. If they did this I would expect a stack of amber and jade in my inventory.....
I spent my faction towards the title instead of turning in for amber/jade. While you would be getting the points I'd be losing out on amber/jade. If they did this I would expect a stack of amber and jade in my inventory.....
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
/NOT signed
I spent my faction towards the title instead of turning in for amber/jade. While you would be getting the points I'd be losing out on amber/jade. If they did this I would expect a stack of amber and jade in my inventory..... |
Kool Pajamas
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
Yes you CHOSE to donate it to benefit your alliance, theres no big difference here if you CHOOSE to get amber/jade.... there no way this is screwing you over, you decided to donate it.
/signed |
The Hand Of Death
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
No. I chose for my TITLE. NOT the alliance. Now all these people are wanting both the title AND amber while I only get 1 of those. How is that fair?
Sax Dakota
The title says faction transferred. If some of us transferred jadeite/amber and didnt get faction, Now they are letting us do it toward the title? Why not make it retroactive.
The title says faction transferred. If some of us transferred jadeite/amber and didnt get faction, Now they are letting us do it toward the title? Why not make it retroactive.
simply makes sense. I just hope the info on how many jades/ambers I've turned in for is stored somewhere
simply makes sense. I just hope the info on how many jades/ambers I've turned in for is stored somewhere
Revan Soulbreaker
do it
Originally Posted by VitisVinifera
simply makes sense. I just hope the info on how many jades/ambers I've turned in for is stored somewhere |
because Arenanet should stop discriminating veterans when it comes to titles.
It's fair, because your alliance did benefit from you persuing the title. By following your claim, your alliance would have to give back the factions you contributed.
because Arenanet should stop discriminating veterans when it comes to titles.
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
No. I chose for my TITLE. NOT the alliance. Now all these people are wanting both the title AND amber while I only get 1 of those. How is that fair?
/signed, you could even raise the cap again.
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
No. I chose for my TITLE. NOT the alliance. Now all these people are wanting both the title AND amber while I only get 1 of those. How is that fair?
even though i'm thinking, "i would rather have all my 400k+ faction earned towards the title," i'm feeling that same vibe as if they negated the 2 unsuccessful attempts at survivor i made (buying armor, runes, cap sigs, time, blah blah blah) before i finally finished it (yesterday...someone hook me up a, "grats!").
conditional /sign if they also add something in for the people that put time into the title.
the title isn't comparable to jade sold...maybe unless you had control of the house or cavalon and "farmed noobs"* ferrying to urgoz or the deep.
*am i a dweeb for using the term, "farm noobs," to describe pro running and ferrying? maybe i am for using the word, "dweeb".
Kool Pajamas
Originally Posted by Bazompora
because Arenanet should stop discriminating veterans when it comes to titles. It's fair, because your alliance did benefit from you persuing the title. By following your claim, your alliance would have to give back the factions you contributed. |
Originally Posted by The Hand Of Death
It's fair because now you can get the title through amber and jade and all the people who spent it on amber and jade don't get that benefit for all the faction they did use toward that.
Many titles are like that. For example, the Drunkard title! I once spent about half an hour drunk, though that was aeons before they implemented it.
Many titles are like that. For example, the Drunkard title! I once spent about half an hour drunk, though that was aeons before they implemented it.
Swift The Cunning
same reasons as above. Please Anet. Head our call!
same reasons as above. Please Anet. Head our call!

Takeko Nakano
Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
/NOT signed
I spent my faction towards the title instead of turning in for amber/jade. While you would be getting the points I'd be losing out on amber/jade. If they did this I would expect a stack of amber and jade in my inventory..... |
Jonn Shadowstalker
For all the reasons state above.
For all the reasons state above.
I'll probably never reach lvl 3 if I played the game for 10 more years!
I'll probably never reach lvl 3 if I played the game for 10 more years!
Originally Posted by Fr_3_aK
We dont want to grind all over again for something we've already technically earned. PVP for PVE skills is stupid! |
Tis very easy... helped out with a few vanquishes earlier, netted around 3.5k-4.5k faction per area. Plus theres a very quick run i was looking at earlier around the 5/6 bosses in Eternal Grove explorable that nets about 1-1.5k faction in ~10 minutes.
Not the best, but if you compare them to the rate of gain from an AB its pretty favourable. Specially when you take into account the extremely tedious waiting times and the fact you don't always win.
No. I chose for my TITLE. NOT the alliance. Now all these people are wanting both the title AND amber while I only get 1 of those. How is that fair? |
You lost out on... whats the price of Amber these days? About 250 each? Big whoop. If you want to bitch so much i wouldn't exactly miss my amber if i had to trade it back in to get credit, i have about 280 of it that i've never used.
Same here, got a lot of Amber in the past, and it would be fair to get it counted for the title, because the new amber purchases also do.
Same here, got a lot of Amber in the past, and it would be fair to get it counted for the title, because the new amber purchases also do.
darkk wound
/not signed to raise the cap on the title is ridiculous 10 mill is reasonable enough just leave it at that.
i agree with evilsod, its tough the update has been done imo you people shouldnt be given the faction towards the title because you had a choice amber or title you chose amber so you lost out now you want the title because of the update dream on.
your probably thinking oh what does he know ? well i have 5.5 mill donated to kurzicks and i dont care about getting refunded for amber an whatnot i chose to get the title just like you guys chose to get amber LIVE WITH IT
i agree with evilsod, its tough the update has been done imo you people shouldnt be given the faction towards the title because you had a choice amber or title you chose amber so you lost out now you want the title because of the update dream on.
your probably thinking oh what does he know ? well i have 5.5 mill donated to kurzicks and i dont care about getting refunded for amber an whatnot i chose to get the title just like you guys chose to get amber LIVE WITH IT
Originally Posted by darkk wound
/not signed to raise the cap on the title is ridiculous 10 mill is reasonable enough just leave it at that.
i agree with evilsod, its tough the update has been done imo you people shouldnt be given the faction towards the title because you had a choice amber or title you chose amber so you lost out now you want the title because of the update dream on. your probably thinking oh what does he know ? well i have 5.5 mill donated to kurzicks and i dont care about getting refunded for amber an whatnot i chose to get the title just like you guys chose to get amber LIVE WITH IT |
If I had known it was coming, I know I'd of gone for the title instead of the amber. But since I didn't know that, my choices were either some gold or a title that does nothing as I'm not in a guild dedicated to holding a town.
So people are divided into three groups:
- The people holding towns
- The people who wanted one or both titles
- The people who enjoyed earning the faction, but didn't care about the title and weren't in an alliance that had any hope of holding a town (eg many smaller guilds).
But ANET changed the rules so that people in the last group were screwed over even if they had put in more work than the people in the other groups.
So if your wanting people to pay back the gold they got from amber/jade thats fine. As long as people also pay back the gold they earned from elite mission ferries and from reselling stuff from discount merchants.
Thom Bangalter
I somehow doubt the game kept track of this.
If they do this then I want to be able to go back and buy Divine Aura and I don't care much about faction, etc...