We are a small but friendly bunch looking to recruit friendly regular players ,we are part of a multi gaming Clan with Forums for GW and many other online games we are a Kurzick Faction and are members of an 8 Guild Alliance, currently we comprise of
Leader (Me)
4 Officers and
22 Members
The 22 will be whittled own soon due to inactivity and the reluctance of some to join the Clan which is basically the one thing we will ask of you! feel free to PM me in game or to pop along to the site and have a look at the setup.
Once we get sorted membership wise we will start organising events lik GvG,AB etc. and as always more than happy to help with Quests/Missions, we do NOT offer the following for joining, weapons,gold,material.
Clan Site - www.sentfromhell.co.uk
Clan Tag - [SFH]
Contact In-Game - Ghengis Kwell (Leader),Mightyiron,Kira Ridgard (Officers)
Game Time - anytime after 9PM(GMT) weeknights,online most of the weekend.
Sent Fromhell Recruiting