What the heck is going on?
I was running around in Granite Citadel dis 1 (American) and I see all these Mo/W level 20 (55hp monks) with weird names and no guilds... I would REALLY like to know what's going on with this.. I think they are botting or something. They are just running around to the merchant, then to henchman... etc.
It's weird, they are always there.
Take a look.
It's weird, they are always there.
Take a look.
You are about 2 years too late with this post
Here is a picture:
(Sorry for double post, I couldn't edit.)
(Sorry for double post, I couldn't edit.)
Just tell me please.. god dang.
Criminally Sane
Originally Posted by Arnack
I was running around in Granite Citadel dis 1 (American) and I see all these Mo/W level 20 (55hp monks) with weird names and no guilds... I would REALLY like to know what's going on with this.. I think they are botting or something. They are just running around to the merchant, then to henchman... etc.
It's weird, they are always there. Take a look. |
They are bots and we know about them
Answer to your next question "What do Anet do about them?" is : Not Alot
Answer to your next question "What do Anet do about them?" is : Not Alot
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by Ben Kenobi
Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Wow... I really don't get why people are so mean on a Guild Wars forum. I was asking a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing question, god damnit.
Get yourself some manners. I guess that's why everyone turned to the internet and online games because they couldn't survive in the real world with their personality.
So what are they botting? IDS? And why do they all have weird names and no guild..? Same person?
Get yourself some manners. I guess that's why everyone turned to the internet and online games because they couldn't survive in the real world with their personality.
So what are they botting? IDS? And why do they all have weird names and no guild..? Same person?
im just making an observation just like you are.
They farm the first spawn outside the citadel, collect drops, merchant, rinse and repeat. Gold collected this way probably ends up on ebay, which in turn financially support a couple of Chinese teens.
They farm the first spawn outside the citadel, collect drops, merchant, rinse and repeat. Gold collected this way probably ends up on ebay, which in turn financially support a couple of Chinese teens.
Originally Posted by Arnack
Wow... I really don't get why people are so mean on a Guild Wars forum. I was asking a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing question, god damnit.
Get yourself some manners. I guess that's why everyone turned to the internet and online games because they couldn't survive in the real world with their personality. So what are they botting? IDS? And why do they all have weird names and no guild..? Same person? |
They have random names as the owner doesn't care about the char
They have no guild for same reason
BTW if you think the replies in this thread were mean you got a thing or two to look forward to - namly some real flaming
y harlo thar
Yes, the majority of them are botting. The rest are people who get payed to farm mindlessly all day (for very low wages, I might add).
Oh, and maybe people are mean because this topic comes up multiple times every day, and most of the time, it's because somebody didn't do some research on their own before posting about it. But that's Guru for you.
Yes, the majority of them are botting. The rest are people who get payed to farm mindlessly all day (for very low wages, I might add).
Oh, and maybe people are mean because this topic comes up multiple times every day, and most of the time, it's because somebody didn't do some research on their own before posting about it. But that's Guru for you.
Arnack, people are just ribbing ya because there are many Granite Citadel threads.
I think I saw 3 in one day.
I think I saw 3 in one day.
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by Arnack
Wow... I really don't get why people are so mean on a Guild Wars forum. I was asking a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing question, god damnit.
Get yourself some manners. I guess that's why everyone turned to the internet and online games because they couldn't survive in the real world with their personality. |
akazukin cha cha
The weird thing is why are there so many bots in Bergen Hot springs now? WTH are they farming there?
Originally Posted by Arnack
Wow... I really don't get why people are so mean on a Guild Wars forum. I was asking a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing question, god damnit.
Get yourself some manners. I guess that's why everyone turned to the internet and online games because they couldn't survive in the real world with their personality. So what are they botting? IDS? And why do they all have weird names and no guild..? Same person? |
To awnser the question they use soj to get the drops, and sell these to the merch. Golds i think they keep, and sell to players like 7 unid for 5K or so.
Secondly as a frost gate guardian you should know that bots exist, or either use search ^^
Secondly as a frost gate guardian you should know that bots exist, or either use search ^^
Originally Posted by akazukin cha cha
The weird thing is why are there so many bots in Bergen Hot springs now? WTH are they farming there?
Originally Posted by Aera Lure
I was simply relating Granite Citadel to Mos Eisley in an oblique reply.
"...Wretched hive of scum and villany."
the short answer is:
[skill]shield of judgment[/skill] and farming.
the likelihood is that those actually botting are farming non-essentials on the local dudes outside. the run to the ids farm is a little elaborate for bots i'd think (since it usually involves dying and swapping offhands from what i recall). so it's probably the place all the pro farmers moved to since the last big account-ban festival.
as can be expected, anet gets tired of playing, "whack-a-mole," with botters. when it comes right down to it, they're really not hurting anyone anyway. blah, blah, blah teh economy...wtf ever. just like the current crap about immigration in the u.s. to which i have to say (as a resident of the most-illegally-travelled immigrant state in the continental 48 (arizona):
give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses: yearning to breathe free.
the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. send these, the homeless, the tempest-tossed to me. i lift my lamp beside the golden door.
but racist [butt]holes don't like the statue of liberty so "f" them. watch the cute ways the bots run around town and allow yourself to be impressed with the way they navigate town. either let yourself feel patriotic (since it's really hard to these days) if you're an american or salute us here in the u.s. for giving our brothers and sisters abroad a chance to live the american dream in their (most likely) totalitarian state.
to answer (what is most likely) you're actual question of:
"what are they farming and how can i do it?'
...probably yard-trash loot off of the crap outside the door. usually that's all i'm wondering when i see, "foreign," farmers in bot-mode. same thing as farming the minotaurs in elona's reach...just a little higher level.
i need to stop posting when i'm under the influence on the weekend.
This was obviosly not posted by a noob and is a waste of space - my opinion after seeing your rank on guru
[qoute="Voltar"]but racist [butt]holes don't like the statue of liberty so "f" them[/qoute]
Can i ask wtf that has to do with anything??
Edit hmmm your site uses a differnt code to my guilds
[qoute="Voltar"]but racist [butt]holes don't like the statue of liberty so "f" them[/qoute]
Can i ask wtf that has to do with anything??
Edit hmmm your site uses a differnt code to my guilds

Originally Posted by akazukin cha cha
The weird thing is why are there so many bots in Bergen Hot springs now? WTH are they farming there?
Originally Posted by JeniM
Can i ask wtf that has to do with anything??
don't stress it, bro. turn on your tv and tune back out. it's all cool.
bergen = sephis axes and deadbows just like cdgsax said. SOJ does double dmg so its quick
Phaern Majes
Originally Posted by JeniM
This was obviosly not posted by a noob and is a waste of space - my opinion after seeing your rank on guru
[qoute="Voltar"]but racist [butt]holes don't like the statue of liberty so "f" them[/qoute] Can i ask wtf that has to do with anything?? Edit hmmm your site uses a differnt code to my guilds ![]() |
Originally Posted by Voltar
but racist [butt]holes don't like the statue of liberty so "f" them