Weekend Event Idea: GW Art Exhibition

Operative 14

Operative 14

Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006

Arizona, USA

[OOP] Order of the Phoenix I

I've been thinking. Over the years, there have been some pretty amazing peices of art submited to Anet, and also from Anet themselves. For instance, the Wintersday Art contest, the Design a Weapon contest, various other competitions, even here on these forums.

I propose an event where they just take the best ones, and place them in the majors cities, LA, KC, and Kamadan, possibly Ascalon. Perhaps blow them up to say about Player sized tall, stand them up on easels and fill the sides of the main pathways with some of the more outstanding peices of work they have. And possibly, they could make it so you can click on them and get the name of the peice (if there is one) and the artists ingame name (if it is allowed to be disclosed).

And I do realize that this would be an awful lot of effort on their part, just a little suggestion.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


i dont know about in game

But the website could certainly show various artworks.