Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
hello dear spammer. ur argument is retarded but u surely know that better than anyone.
there's a trade channel for trading. use it. theres a whole chat for you to trade in....what more do u want? annoy ppl who are not interested in tradin and have turned the trade chat off? local chat is for chit chat. thats what its meant to be. in capital cities there's a market place (trade channel) and a socializing place (squares,parks,libraries or whatever). and NO spam has never been limited to dis1....wherever there was ppl there was spam.....and communication betwen peers has been impossible creatin a sort of single player experience where the only intercation is sellin. perosnally what anet did is too little to late...ppl who enjoy socializing ingame have allready quit the game....but at least hopefully new potential players will not be scared away like the ones who bought nightfall and quit the game on their first enterin of kamadan. |
1. I am no spammer. Don't know where you got that from. I dont trade in dis1. I trade on forums.
2. I said: In a dis where there are 140/150 people trading. You can't expect to find a descent conversation since they are all there to trade. You'll have to look elsewhere to chit-chat.
Thank you.