whose primary focus is hard mode. with members looking to capture Guardian/vanquisher titles. I mainly play PvE (no longer into farming) and random arena. Might join in the odd GvG or HoH match...but its not really my thing.
PM. "Sir Morgan Malory" ...his my monk and the only PvE char i still use. Thou i have a level 20 for every profession.
I am a very accomplished monk, with +5million exp, all 3 protector titles, all monk skills/all elite skills. Monking RA with responsible for nearly half of my gladiator points (rank 5- terrifying gladiator). It takes an me average for 1.5 hours to monky a gladiator point in RA.
I have yet to use vent or teamspeak, but would like to try it out. I am 25 years old, and would prefer a guild where the majority of the members are +18.
looking for a large guild....