Me and my mate have played Guild Wars for nearly two years now, and we are far past the point where we need a guild to finish the advanced content.
I play Elementalist and he plays Warrior.
We have both finished all three campaigns, obtained numerous titles, and done most of the things that it is possible to do with just two people.
So we are looking for a guild that meets the following criteria:
Server: American
Purpose: Elite PvE. This includes The Deep, Urgoz' Warren, Domain of Anguish, Sorrows Furnace, all Hard Mode content, etc.
Membership: Doesn't have to be massive amounts of people, but enough to get things done.
Other: We want a guild that plays together a lot; one that we can get to know new people in and really contribute.
Thats about it. If your guild fits this description, PM me here on guru or whisper me in-game (IGN: Darth Nathan).
P.S. If you do invite us, and you haven't told the complete truth, and your guild does not actually do what you say, we will leave without hesitation. We've joined far too many guilds that were not what they said they were, and we don't want to waste our time anymore.
2 Veteran Players LF Elite PvE Guild
Darth Nathan