29 Oct 2007 at 01:00 - 218
- People with the same low level of intelligence, who band together and spam-insult another person thinking they're witty hot shots. In reality, they sound like ten year old runts who just discovered colourful 'adult' language.
- People who you don't consider friends who were once in a guild with you, randomly asking for your help. I had this one guy do so, despite him having not spoken to me for four, or five months since he was kicked from the guild - we didn't even really speak when he was in the guild. Hell, I had to strain my memory to remember who the hell he was, despite him knowing my name.
- Being in a party with two other monks who run ahead of the group in a mission, yammering on about how everyone is wasting time and leaving you, the only other monk to heal and resurrect the other five left behind. How the hell are two other healing/protection monks going to finish off the final boss and preceding mobs in Nahpui Quarter on their own, anyway?
- Coupled with the above peeve, two people in a PUG who have differing opinions on which way is the shortest route. For the love of God, if you're going to complain about the time bonus, don't spend five minutes drawing arrows on the map going on about how you're right, and everyone else is wrong. Co-operation, PLEASE.
- Mesmer hate. God forbid they wear suits! I don't run around the closest CBD calling every guy in a suit a fag or see others doing it, so lay off the inane insults.
- People who whisper you asking if you're a girl, after they hear you are one. I mean, holy crap! A girl on a game with a large player base! What a world! I wonder if Gaile Gray gets an excessive amount of PMs asking if she's a girl?