~~ 420K Art mini-contest: Life melds with Guild Wars ~~
Garreth MacLeod
~~ 420K Art mini-contest: Life melds with Guild Wars ~~
Ever since I started playing Guild Wars, my ranger has had a stalker. One who just happens to have the same name as my real life greyhound Lance. And who, in some ways, resembles him. I recently lost Lance to bone cancer and decided I wanted to capture his kinship to my in-game stalker somehow. This contest is that 'somehow'. A thank you to Sectus for his first and second contests (along with Shan), which were my inspiration to try this.
~ Rules ~
The rules are simple. I want you to draw my ranger and his stalker, but with one small catch. The stalker needs to be my real life greyhound Lance. While that may sound difficult, greyhounds have a similar body structure to stalkers. The deep chest (because they both run fast), long tail, short ears, big 'grin'. Greys are more lean than stalkers though so keep that in mind.
My ranger and his greyhound/stalker can be doing anything you'd like. They can be lounging around the guild hall, shopping in Lion's Arch (or the pet store), playing with stuffies (minis?), reading books, eating burgers or steaks, whatever. The only stipulation is that they are recognizable as my ranger and my greyhound.
When submitting pictures, just post them in this thread. Use www.imageshack.us if you're not sure where to upload your picture.
Winners are asked to provide a high-res version (at contest end and if available) via email as I would like to have these printed and framed. Thank you. Other contestants may provide a high-res version if they so choose (and will also probably end up on the wall in a frame).
~ Screenshots ~
My ranger and his stalker can be seen here. (stalker for sizing comparison to my ranger)
Full body shots (4 sides) of my ranger here.
My stalker by himself here and here.
Pictures of Lance, my greyhound, can be seen here.
~ Contest details ~
1st prize: 150k
2nd prize: 100k
3rd prize: 75k
4th-7th prizes: 20k each
8th-10th prizes: 5k each
If I am able to, I may add other prizes to the contest
The contest will end on Sunday the 22st of July at midnight Pacific time. (1 month from now)
I'll be posting this thread on the GWOnline fan art forums as well, to try to get as many people as possible aware of the contest.
NOTE: I was a bit hesitant to post this given how another 'contest' seems to have gone recently. However, with some commissions under my belt and a long post history at GWO, I decided to go ahead and run this. If any artist is leary of this contest, please let me know how I can prove that it is not a scam to get some free art.
Ever since I started playing Guild Wars, my ranger has had a stalker. One who just happens to have the same name as my real life greyhound Lance. And who, in some ways, resembles him. I recently lost Lance to bone cancer and decided I wanted to capture his kinship to my in-game stalker somehow. This contest is that 'somehow'. A thank you to Sectus for his first and second contests (along with Shan), which were my inspiration to try this.
~ Rules ~
The rules are simple. I want you to draw my ranger and his stalker, but with one small catch. The stalker needs to be my real life greyhound Lance. While that may sound difficult, greyhounds have a similar body structure to stalkers. The deep chest (because they both run fast), long tail, short ears, big 'grin'. Greys are more lean than stalkers though so keep that in mind.
My ranger and his greyhound/stalker can be doing anything you'd like. They can be lounging around the guild hall, shopping in Lion's Arch (or the pet store), playing with stuffies (minis?), reading books, eating burgers or steaks, whatever. The only stipulation is that they are recognizable as my ranger and my greyhound.
When submitting pictures, just post them in this thread. Use www.imageshack.us if you're not sure where to upload your picture.
Winners are asked to provide a high-res version (at contest end and if available) via email as I would like to have these printed and framed. Thank you. Other contestants may provide a high-res version if they so choose (and will also probably end up on the wall in a frame).
~ Screenshots ~
My ranger and his stalker can be seen here. (stalker for sizing comparison to my ranger)
Full body shots (4 sides) of my ranger here.
My stalker by himself here and here.
Pictures of Lance, my greyhound, can be seen here.
~ Contest details ~
1st prize: 150k
2nd prize: 100k
3rd prize: 75k
4th-7th prizes: 20k each
8th-10th prizes: 5k each
If I am able to, I may add other prizes to the contest
The contest will end on Sunday the 22st of July at midnight Pacific time. (1 month from now)
I'll be posting this thread on the GWOnline fan art forums as well, to try to get as many people as possible aware of the contest.
NOTE: I was a bit hesitant to post this given how another 'contest' seems to have gone recently. However, with some commissions under my belt and a long post history at GWO, I decided to go ahead and run this. If any artist is leary of this contest, please let me know how I can prove that it is not a scam to get some free art.
I Might Avenge U
I'm sorry to hear(read) that your Greyhound died...
Count me in, as soon as I stop crying.
Originally Posted by StarrTheInsane
Count me in, as soon as I stop crying.
Ditto that.

This is a pretty heart warming theme for an artwork. Something that makes me want to take part too. If I find the time I would love to draw something. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It seems like Lance was a very loved family member so you take care now. 
As for the other contest thread. I pretty much just ignored them for somehow they seemed fishy from the start. You seem a lot more open personality in your post and the post is clear about what is asked. I'm sure people will take part either way. Good luck with this contest.

As for the other contest thread. I pretty much just ignored them for somehow they seemed fishy from the start. You seem a lot more open personality in your post and the post is clear about what is asked. I'm sure people will take part either way. Good luck with this contest.

Garreth MacLeod
Shucks, I didn't mean to make anyone cry. Lord knows I did enough of that already. Lance was indeed a very loved family member and I still miss him.
Nian, thank you for the vote of confidence. I appreciate that very much.
Nian, thank you for the vote of confidence. I appreciate that very much.
I would definitely try my hands on this.
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog.i know exactly how it feels to lose one esp if the dog is a dear family member. >.<
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog.i know exactly how it feels to lose one esp if the dog is a dear family member. >.<
I've started the drawing in open canvas but I'm having some issues with the program. You don't mind if it's hand drawn, do you? Just in case I can't get the problems fixed.
I would have cried anyway, I have a soft spot for animal friends. I had an oscar (very large intelligent fish) that was like a puppy. He was my best friend, I even had him tattooed on my arm. He got sick one day and I did everything I could, he'd get better for a day and then even worse. When we had finally both given up, I just let him rest in my hand until he was gone. Sometimes that's all you can do is just stop trying to keep them here.
I hope there are enough happy memories to fill your heart while it heals.

I hope there are enough happy memories to fill your heart while it heals.
Garreth MacLeod
Originally Posted by Killaya
You don't mind if it's hand drawn, do you?
No, I don't mind.
Starr, yes there are a lot of happy memories. I was sorry to hear about your oscar too.
Starr, yes there are a lot of happy memories. I was sorry to hear about your oscar too.
No worries, I finally got open canvas to work for me
Here's a preview- (The actual image is much bigger than this, don't worry. And there's no watermark. :P)

Here's a preview- (The actual image is much bigger than this, don't worry. And there's no watermark. :P)
How long do we have?
Nvm, I found it. I hope I can make something you'll like
Nvm, I found it. I hope I can make something you'll like

Yannick of Avo
count me in

Garreth MacLeod
Originally Posted by Killaya
No worries, I finally got open canvas to work for me
Here's a preview- (The actual image is much bigger than this, don't worry. And there's no watermark. :P)
How did you know the only way to get Lance to take a bath was for me to get in the tub with him? lol

Here's a preview- (The actual image is much bigger than this, don't worry. And there's no watermark. :P)
How did you know the only way to get Lance to take a bath was for me to get in the tub with him? lol
Finally finished. Here's my entry.
Resized version:

The page on DA:
Hope you like it, it was fun to do. Took many hours in OpenCanvas. Original sized picture is 1000 x 700... I tried to submit it to DevArt (the full sized version) and it got resized, which has never happened to me before. So I'll put the full resolution up on Imageshack in a day or two if you want it.
Hopefully other people enter! ^^;; Where is everyone?
Resized version:

The page on DA:
Hope you like it, it was fun to do. Took many hours in OpenCanvas. Original sized picture is 1000 x 700... I tried to submit it to DevArt (the full sized version) and it got resized, which has never happened to me before. So I'll put the full resolution up on Imageshack in a day or two if you want it.
Hopefully other people enter! ^^;; Where is everyone?
I'm working on mine! Don't have it done yet. Got only a sketch of it done right now. It's sad to lose a dog that was your close friend. My sheltie died of cancer a few weeks past.
I also entered, but my entry is on the GWO page. I'm sure we'll not be only ones.
For those that don't usually go to the GWO forums, here's my entry:
Tribute to Lance
For those that don't usually go to the GWO forums, here's my entry:
Tribute to Lance
Mistical miss
Wow gervasium you sure have improved!!!
I'm working on mine aswell ^^ but taking the time..
I'm working on mine aswell ^^ but taking the time..
Yannick of Avo
hehe, here is my entry 

To the two other entries so far- nice work!!!
I really like them both.
Let's keep 'em coming, the more the merrier- or at least, the more fun the competition!

Let's keep 'em coming, the more the merrier- or at least, the more fun the competition!

Same opinion here. I hope to see many more entries because the theme is really interesting and will be fun to see what kind of pictures can "blossom" from it.
Btw, my second entry is almost done.
Btw, my second entry is almost done.
Garreth MacLeod
Sorry folks. I was on vacation this last week and didn't have a lot of time to get on the forums. Why is it that I always have more 'work' to do during a vacation? hmm...
Not sure if I should be commenting about any of these (yet) but if I avoid specifics maybe I can get away with it.
Each entry so far has really touched my heart (and evoked a few tears even). All of you are quite talented and I can already tell the judging is going to be difficult.
Okay, I do have a couple specifics.
Killaya, if you want to you can put the full resolution up on image shack. I think the one you show here in the thread should be okay for judging but if you think the full size is needed, then that's okay too.
TiredOne, so sorry to hear about your Sheltie. Losing a pet due to cancer is almost harder than any other way to lose one, in my opinion. Oh, or any other disease that slowly takes away their life/happiness.
I posted this over at GWO as well for those of you that are interested.
Not sure if I should be commenting about any of these (yet) but if I avoid specifics maybe I can get away with it.
Each entry so far has really touched my heart (and evoked a few tears even). All of you are quite talented and I can already tell the judging is going to be difficult.
Okay, I do have a couple specifics.
Killaya, if you want to you can put the full resolution up on image shack. I think the one you show here in the thread should be okay for judging but if you think the full size is needed, then that's okay too.
TiredOne, so sorry to hear about your Sheltie. Losing a pet due to cancer is almost harder than any other way to lose one, in my opinion. Oh, or any other disease that slowly takes away their life/happiness.
I posted this over at GWO as well for those of you that are interested.
Mistical miss
I don't think I'll be able to finish mine before the deadline because I'm going on a long vacation soon and I haven't gotten my hands on the drawing tablet again :S
I'll post what it is so far before I leave to go on vacation, I will probably finish it far after the deadline though :S
I'll post what it is so far before I leave to go on vacation, I will probably finish it far after the deadline though :S
Mistical miss

I will be on vacation for more than 3 weeks now so... I will miss the results, this piece isn't by far finished and I'm without tablet for now...
Perhaps I'll finish it when I come back
That's very nice, I hope you decide to finish it! Shame it won't be done on time
Still I'd love to see the finished piece!

I too..would like to provide an tribute, solely for the purpose of the remembrance of Lance in your household, and in your heart Garreth. I will not be accepting any of the prize money for this contest (if I happen to rank). I simply want to provide a tribute to your companion, Lance.
Here is the current tribute I have created..I do hope it is acceptable, as I am not very skilled with drawing things using computer programs..this was hand-drawn by myself, I only used Photofiltre to add in the fonts. (The tribute I have provided below is only 1000x770 Pixels if you would like it any larger, please feel free to request so Garreth ^^).
Here is the current tribute I have created..I do hope it is acceptable, as I am not very skilled with drawing things using computer programs..this was hand-drawn by myself, I only used Photofiltre to add in the fonts. (The tribute I have provided below is only 1000x770 Pixels if you would like it any larger, please feel free to request so Garreth ^^).
Garreth MacLeod
Quick update for all you artists participating.
Sasarai, yes that is acceptable. Most certainly.
Mistical, should I go ahead and place yours in the competition in it's current state (shoot, you probably won't even get to read this since you are on vacation, which I hope you are having fun on)
Last thing...I asked over on GWOnline if there was a need to add one extra week for artists wanting to participate. I don't want to add a week if it's not needed but would if there are artists nearing completion and the extra week would help (and the other artists don't mind). Need comments from you folks on that.
Sasarai, yes that is acceptable. Most certainly.
Mistical, should I go ahead and place yours in the competition in it's current state (shoot, you probably won't even get to read this since you are on vacation, which I hope you are having fun on)
Last thing...I asked over on GWOnline if there was a need to add one extra week for artists wanting to participate. I don't want to add a week if it's not needed but would if there are artists nearing completion and the extra week would help (and the other artists don't mind). Need comments from you folks on that.
It doesn't bother me if an extra week was added :3

a Golden Retriever , died on the remains of "Blood Cancer".
We knew it one week before she died ;x
Anyway, I will try drawing something for ya

I'd love an extra week, but I don't think I'll be able to use the time to finish my piece
Been extra busy with work and I'm not allowed much time on the computer at home. Here is my sketch of what I've got so far. Supposed to have a snowy forest background theme whatnot, I cut down the background of the image; It's so hot where I live I'm already thinking of winter XP Oh well, good luck to the other artists!

Aww I should have noticed this thread so much earlier *been hiding from the Academy*, I love drawing dogs and I would have loved to participate
. Nice artwork so far, and the theme is really captivating. Good luck with the contest!

Garreth MacLeod
It sounds like there's a couple folks (both here and GWO combined) that could use/would like a little extra time. And I don't see anyone being opposed to that...so we'll give it one extra week.
The official dealine is:
Date: Sunday July 29th, 2007
Time: Midnight Pacific Daylight Time (at the end of the day to clarify).
If I'm reading timeanddate.com correctly, the official end time in a couple other places would be:
Monday 30th at 7:00 AM GMT
Monday 30th at 8:00 AM BST
Monday 30th at 3:00 AM EDT
Monday 30th at 9:00 AM CEST
Monday 30th at 5:00 PM EST (in Sydney, AUS)
Okay, I hope I got those times correct. If you want to double check, you can go to timeanddate.com and use their converter for your location.
Good luck to all.
The official dealine is:
Date: Sunday July 29th, 2007
Time: Midnight Pacific Daylight Time (at the end of the day to clarify).
If I'm reading timeanddate.com correctly, the official end time in a couple other places would be:
Monday 30th at 7:00 AM GMT
Monday 30th at 8:00 AM BST
Monday 30th at 3:00 AM EDT
Monday 30th at 9:00 AM CEST
Monday 30th at 5:00 PM EST (in Sydney, AUS)
Okay, I hope I got those times correct. If you want to double check, you can go to timeanddate.com and use their converter for your location.
Good luck to all.
Garreth MacLeod
Originally Posted by Noanoa
Aww I should have noticed this thread so much earlier *been hiding from the Academy*, I love drawing dogs and I would have loved to participate
. Nice artwork so far, and the theme is really captivating. Good luck with the contest!
I've extended the deadline one week Noanoa. If that gives you enough time to do something, fantastic! The more, the better. (good thing I've got a friend lined up to help judge all these)

Oh thank goodness. I've had this picture in my head and I've been trying to figure out how to make it work. I didn't think I'd have time to finish, but an extra week will be perfect.
Now, let's just hope I can get this vision into pixels.
Now, let's just hope I can get this vision into pixels.

"I love you man!"
And it's such a beautiful Greyhound, too~! *artistic juices flowing*
And it's such a beautiful Greyhound, too~! *artistic juices flowing*
Here is my entry
I hope you will appreciate
The original is 3-times wider.
Here is my entry

I hope you will appreciate

The original is 3-times wider.
Here's mine, at last!
It's as close as I could get to what I was seeing in my mind. I hope you like it.

This is my tribute for Lance ^_^ I don't want anything out of this, and I'm not accepting anything. I just wanted to draw something for the Garreth and Lance since I love animalss. ^^
I'm sorry it's a link T_T It's been refusing to post as a picture for me T_T my computer is messed up TTT_TTT
I'm sorry it's a link T_T It's been refusing to post as a picture for me T_T my computer is messed up TTT_TTT
Garreth MacLeod
Just a little less than 2 days to get your entries submitted folks.
It's going to be really hard to judge these.
It's going to be really hard to judge these.