To begin, about myself. I first became interested in Guild Wars in December 2005. After a while, as with all things, I lost interest. I had finished Prophecies on about 3 characters before quitting. I popped in now and then, but never got around to buying the additional chapters. About a month ago I acquired both Factions and Nightfall. I have already completed Factions, and am at Vabbi in Nightfall. In things Tyrian I have quite a bit of experience, and I am willing to share it. In Nightfall, I am still not done with the game, and I am willing to learn just as much.
I am primarily into PvE (and as such I seek a guild based around it), though some GvG and whatnot is always welcome to spice things up. I'm looking for a Kurzick guild, with an alliance of small size. The guild itself, I'm looking for a medium-sized guild. You see, huge guilds lack close relations and caring, while small ones are inactive. Speaking of its members, I'm looking for a guild with mature members. Not so mature as to lack a sense of humor or anything, however. I'm looking for people like your average poster here on THESE forums. I have no complaints about age, me myself being 14 though showing maturity simply by what you have already seen typed up in this post. I have had bad experiences before with what I'd essentially call ageism. I shall devour those who exhibit it, and then expel them from my body as an alternative fuel source.
I am on the East Coast, so I run on GMT -5:00. Generally the guild should be based in the North American territory, with most of its members, well, in the USA.
Summing Things Up:
-PvE Guild wanted, Kurzick-aligned, small alliance (2-4 guilds maybe).
-Mature community with a sense of humor, while not so mature as to be uptight.
-Medium sized guild, don't be discouraged by this requirement. I'm likely to bend the rules, so consider PMing me even if you may think it to be small or large.
Contact me through my IGN:
Eldin The Lurker
Old Player Seeking Medium-Sized PvE Guild: Kurzick