Originally Posted by Government Flu
No, this shouldn't be implemented. ArenaNet's job, in my opinion, is to make the game as fluid, user friendly, and enjoyable as possible. They should not have to babysit us or watch every action we take as though we're children wandering around a playpin.
I have had several scammers try and take advantage of me, the most common being the gold trick. I pay attention to the trade window. One guy tried to pay me 9 gold for an ecto (back when they were worth 8-9k) and I wouldn't have it. Another did the same thing, trying to pay for a 45k shield with 45g.
It is up to the player to remain vigilant against scumbags, not ArenaNet. So tread carefully out there in the market. It's your responsibility to protect your assets.
You could not be more wrong.
If ArenaNet will make a nice game, where we can live in peace and harmony - then its a bad idea, just letting people scam others - and have the opinion that its their own fault.
For newbies its a bad experience to be scammed early in the game - and i know several guys, who stopped playing GW, because they got scammed.
For "hardcore" gamers - we just laugh at the poor scammers - and report them - if we bother doing that...
When the game is free of scammers - then newbies will have a positiv experience playing and trading - and they hopefully will continue playing GW. As it is now - i think TOO MANY stops playing GW (after a short time), because they get scammed - and no one will help them.
Technicolour -> I dont think it would give ArenaNet more work - implementing the "Mark" system, because i hope they already are reading the scammer reports we make ??? The "only" extra work will be to implement it in the game.