Everything I make in Here is absolutely 200.123% free. Don't even try to pay/tip me in game, I'm never online... There is only one catch to everything I make in this thread, you have to promise that if I feel I did a good enough job, I am able to display it on this First post

Proper Ordering Form
Type: Avatar, Signature, Banner, Emblem.. (If you would like something else, request, and describe it.)
Size: Give me the exact size in Either Pixels or Inches
Picture: Either suggest or provide a picture (I Suggest that you Provide )
Style: Common Styles include Dark, or Evil.. I enjoy working on my abstract style.. Go ahead and put down any style, I'm always willing to try out new things
Main Text: This Text will Be big, and should contain your main info.
Secondary Text (unless requested, this isn't in an avatar): This is smaller than your main text..
Guild Tag (Optional) : If you want to put the guild tag in your signature, avatar, banner (etc..) give me the tag

Main Text Theme: Can be the color theme, or the placement, or the type of text.. Or all of the above..
Secondary Text Theme: Can be the color theme, or the placement, or the type of text for the Secondary text.. Or all of the above..
Maximum file size: If you do have one, please put it down so I can give you the highest quality within the limit

Extras (Optional): Anything you want to Spruce up or add emphasis? Just Tell me in this catagorey

Chrome Text (Optional): If you would like Chrome text, give me the Type of font you're looking for, the color (if you want color), and which text you want in chrome

Chrome Text
Special Chrome 1
Special Chrome 1 with Color
Special Chrome 2
Special Chrome 2 with Color
Special Chrome 3
Special Chrome 3 with Color
Everything is uploaded to my Gallery under the MISC set. Feel free to check it out.
Currently Working on
1)Yakuza Yuki
Waiting Line
1)Commander Ryker
There is a max que of 7 people. If I happen to be unavailable for a set amount of days, I'll post the date of return.
If anyone else would like to join in and make something themselves to help out, feel free

Reordering means to order Another piece
The Current State of reordering is no day[s]
(if no days is set, you may reorder at any time)
I hope everything I make in here is enjoyable to everyone, as I most certainly enjoy making them. As far as criticism goes, I LOVE Comments on my work, and anything that you think is done horribly wrong or need some fine tuning, please don't be afraid to speak your mind. I do like to please others, but I also want improve upon my work. The only thing I ask is that you don't ask me to redo "small" parts of your avatar, signature, etc.. and upload it again so that you can use it. I don't mind actually doing it (and I will if you just want the file itself), it's the uploading that kills me. I have a limit to the amount of uploads I can do per Calender month(resets the 1st of every month). Even with these small files, it's sometimes easy to go crazy and upload a ton of stuff. That being said enjoy your ordering and I hope you like anything/everything I make for you