Why is there nothing done concerning players leeching in PvP?
Just making a function checking if a player is within the start area cordinates for more then xx seconds after battle start.
And if this is returned as true, that player is either bootet out or gets no factions at all for the current game, shouldnt be hard to figure out coding into the game.
If it is someone going afk, bad luck, learn not to afk in a battle.
PvP anti-leech function
Agreed; Anet's "solution" of lowering faction for losing doesn't do jack; all it does is hurt the people who actually ARE playing, and who are going to lose because of the 3 leechers on the team. The leechers don't care if it takes twice as long to grind their faction, since they're not wasting their time playing a losing side in PvP.
Dodo Brabbel
"/agree" however, when people use a bot that would move them around the map a bit, and spam some skills sometime, it would get more complicated to make an anti-leech code
It would still stop afk leeching.
Bots can be detected, even if they make use of macro's
Bots can be detected, even if they make use of macro's

Diddy bow
Originally Posted by Dodo Brabbel
"/agree" however, when people use a bot that would move them around the map a bit, and spam some skills sometime, it would get more complicated to make an anti-leech code

that would be the easy way.
instead anet has to ruin ab for everyone. think about how many less people are going to play while on disadvantaged maps, now you get such a crappy faction gain its not even worth playing anymore until its on your turf.
instead anet has to ruin ab for everyone. think about how many less people are going to play while on disadvantaged maps, now you get such a crappy faction gain its not even worth playing anymore until its on your turf.
Unconventional Man
/agree (Thank got i stored up 10,000 faction before the ab nerf!)
/signed and yea i dont even ab because of faction nerf, vanquishing under blessing ftw.