the trade channel/all channel how to fix it right



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2006




Okay, First of all I would like to say, the enforcement of the trade channel is a step in the right direction, has only cut back on some of the spam. After talking with some traders/buyers/sellers there is a overwhelming agreement that it is FAR from perfect. Lets face it, the pink text flying buy at light speed is silly; even the best speed readers can't keep up with it . When the traders used the all chat, it at least broke up the color a little bit and made it easier to read.

We were ALL promised an auction house, and it has been canceled.

WE all need to be able to buy and sell in a reasonable way, without having to stare at a mind-numbing pink blob, waiting for responses.

Suspending players for advertising in the ALL channel will lead to hard feelings and a loss of players in general, because people won't come back to a game in which they can't trade freely.

No one likes spam in ANY form. selling/buying/recruiting/ et cetera, et cetera
(and yes, recruiting spam is just as obnoxious as the trade spam.)

I propose that a TRADE DISTRICT be added in to each city, or at a minimum the "capital trade cities"(Temple of Balthazar, Ascalon, Lions Arch, Droknars Forge, Monastery, Kaining Center, House Zu Heltzer, Cavalon, Kamadon, Sunspear Sanctuary, Gate of Anguish). This district could be used for buying/selling/trading ONLY, in any chat. Players will have to MANUALLY select the district so that they don't spawn there randomly (like international districts).To "enforce/encourage" players to use the trade districts and not to spam the populace outside the district. In Non-trading districts, removing the trade tab from the chat window would also help reinforce using the Trade Districts.
Violations could be handled, without warnings, as follows:
-the 1st time a player is caught a 1 week suspension.
-the 2nd account ban.
-And as always the use of bots is prohibited.

Another suggestion I have is: to remove the trade option out of the "search" feature, and add in a recruiting tab. This could be used for recruiting guilds. If a player is looking to join a guild they can go there and see who is recruiting. Recruiting outside the search feature will incur the same penalties as trading outside of the designated district.


Mr. G

Mr. G

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

S. Wales



and when were we PROMISED a AH?



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


1 acronym and 1 word:

AFK shops.

No need for anything else.