Idea for quest creation



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

in sardelac getting yelled at.

Angels of Strife[Aoc]


yes i know this has been suggested before but i have gone out and really dished it out to its max.

i believe that allowing players to make their own quests is a great way to add diversity and interaction with the game, making it much more fun.

ok i will lay out some of my idea, these are in no particular order.


ok lets start with the quest rewards, first off as you know the rewards for quests can be gold, items, experience, skills, and faction. well currently i cannot think of a balanced way to give faction, but i have come up with a way for all the others.

lets start with Xp. well Xp is kinda tricky cause players cant give other players their own xp, and we dont want players jacking up the xp rewards on super easy quests. so my idea is that Xp is automatically set based on the number of objectives. if the quest is to walk out side and come back in you might get 1xp but if the quest is to slay 60 enemies and 5 bosses, well the reward would be quite higher.

Gold is simple. when a player assigns a gold reward its his own gold he is giving out. so lets say the quest gives a 1k gold reward, that 1k comes out of his pocket. also to make sure that the gold is there when someone completes the quest, when the player hands out the quest he sets a number times this quest can be taken and that gold is set aside so that players can have the gold their due.

Items was also easy, it works exactly the same as the gold, its their items and they set em aside.

skills were a little tricky, cause you dont want people just handing skills out. so my idea is that first you have to know the skills, thats kinda obvious, and second that it uses your own skill points every time a player turns in a skill, and lastly quests must have a certain number of requirements before they are allowed to give skills as you would set it up is easy, you choose a NON-ELITE skill of each profession that the character knows, if you dont have any skills of one profession then no skill reward will be given to players of that profession that complete that quest, sorry guys.

giving, receiving, and completing quests

ok to give a quest you first create it, and i will explain how in a bit, then you hit hand out quest, while in the town connected to area the quest takes place in. after you hit this a green exclamation mark will appear over your head just like npcs and you cant move. when someone clicks on your name they will see the trade button, and right next to that will be a quest button. they hit the quest button and the quest dialog will appear and they accept is just like any other quest.

completing quests work the same, if the player is still handing out quests you just walk up, click on quest button, if you meet the reqs of the quest it will show to rewards dialog and then you hit complete quest and its done.

by now you must have thought "well what if the player stops handing out quests while im doing the quest." well if you have the player quest active and the player stops handing out quests a dialog box will appear that says "player so and so is no longer accepting quests. you may complete your current quest and hope that the player accepts quests at a later date.", and when the player sets up again you will get a box saying, "player so and so is now accepting quests in town name".

if the quest is not active when the player stops it will just get a not on the quest saying that the player is not accepting quests.

Quest Creation

ok now for the big part that im sure you all have been waiting to hear, the creation of the quest. really its a lot easier than you would think.

first you are in the town connected to the area you want the quest to be in, and you click create quest in your quest creation screen. you enter the accepting, incomplete, and ending dialogs. then you walk out the door of where the quest takes place.

when you walk out the door you will be in quest creation mode, in which enemies do not attack you BUT you cannot open chests and do not gain any exploration points. also all of your skills are replaced with the following
Create Npc
Remove Npc
Create Creature
Remove Creature
Create Chest
Remove Chest
Create item
Remove Item

you also have 2 additional options of
Create objective point
Remove Objective point

ok now i will go over how each of those works

Create Npc

when you create an npc a screen will pop up with that npcs options, first you choose a skin from a list, then you choose a name which is filtered just like player names, next you choose the npcs level and professions ,then you choose if he is stationary or following you. then choose if the npc is combat or passive, if combat you then choose their skill bar. then you hit the create button at bottom of window and the npc is created where you are standing.

Remove Npc

this is easy, you target an npc and hit remove, a box will come up saying are you sure? and if you hit yes it is removed. This includes npcs you did not create.

Create Creature

this skill works in the same manner as create npc. when you hit this skill a window pops up. you first choose a skin, now from here you can click the default box which will give the creature the name level and skills of the skin you chose. if you do not choose default then choose the name of the creature which is also filtered. next choose the level. now choose the professions of the creature. next choose the skills which include monster only skills, now choose if the creature is stationary, patrolling, or heading to a location. then you choose the items this creature drops, quest items that is, and the creation of those is detailed in create chest description. hit create creature button on bottom of window and the creature is created at your location. when you create a creature it is saved in a list so you can create it again in that instance without having to to go through all of that again.

also you can make the creature a boss, but it will be a player boss in which no skills can be capped from.

Remove creature

this works exactly the same as remove npc, choose a creature hit remove the window asking if your sure pops up you hit yes its removed, this includes creatures you did not make.

Create chest

hit this skill and you will create a chest at your location, choose an item to place inside the chest *it can be one of your items or a quest item* if you choose quest item then a quest item creation screen will come up, if you already made an item in another part of the quest it will be on a list of already created items. if not you do as follows first choose the skin then choose the name which is filtered for both bad language AND you cannot use names that already exist *like glob of ectoplasm, yup nipping that scam in the butt before it starts* then the item(s) are placed in the chest, which does not require a key, like all other quest chests. Also just a warning if you only have on item of any item you put in the chest then you can only give the quest out once due to lack of required items.

Remove chest

choose a chest hit remove chest is says are you sure you hit yes it destroys the chest and gives you any item you placed in it back and destroys the quest items. unlike other removes THIS CAN ONLY BE USED ON YOUR CHESTS.

Create Item

ok this is easy you use the quest item creation screen detailed in create chest and it drops that item on the ground where you hit this.

Remove item

choose the quest item you want to remove and hit remove the are you sure dialog pops up you hit yes its gone.

Create Objective Point

Objective point are those green arrows and green dot things on your minimap when doing a quest. this has some scripting to it, you create a quest objective point at your location. when you do a window pops up, first you choose what objective this point pertains to, then you choose actions upon arrival, and actions to complete this objective and lastly actions upon completion. this would work like map editors in starcraft and warcraft 3, as in you dont actually script you just choose the options. like upon arrival creatures a -z head towards location x.

remove objective point

this removes an objective point at your location, with dialog box ect.

upon setting everything you want in the quest creation window you hit finish making quest and you are teleported back to town. when you get back to town you choose the rewards and hit finish quest. this quest is now available to be handed out.

Quest Objectives

ok i feel i kinda have to go over this too, quests can have many objectives like killing a boss, protecting a person, or collecting items.

if you make a quest that requires items, then you dont even need to do the quest creation *thats if the items are not quest items*. lets say for example if you make the quest require the player to come up with 10 char hides, then the player can go get those hides any where, and upon completion YOU GET THE HIDES.

Other uses for quests besides having fun

a few things came to mind while making this so i figured i would point some out.

you can use quests to buy things while afk, make it require an item you want *like scareater for example* and have the reward be the amount you wanna pay for it.

you could also use it to sell stuff while afk, make the quest req gold and make the reward that item.

well i dont think i missed anything but if i did please feel free to tell me, thanks and please tell me what you think.

Kool Pajamas

Kool Pajamas

Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005


Mage Elites [MAGE]

"player so and so is no longer accepting quests. you may complete your current quest and hope that the player accepts quests at a later date.",
This sounds like it will only lead to griefing. Make a really long quest hand it out and leave.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

in sardelac getting yelled at.

Angels of Strife[Aoc]


well yes but since the quests are not required its not like people will care too much....


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Yard Dogs


I think this is a cool idea and a great way to add diversity to GW. It adds an aspect that no other game could top except for a single player offline game.



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


There is no point on making you own quests.
You could just set a gaming build and make the same over and over to abuse it.

I had a long time ago a similar idea.

But the 'infinte' quests would be randomly generated by the system, and players would have no control on them or where are they.

They could be in the Torment or in Ascalon...

Let me seek it...


If a quest title where to be added, those quests won't count for it.

And thse quests won't start appearing unless you have finished all the quests in the camping...

Hm... yep... random infinite quests... that would be cool.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

in sardelac getting yelled at.

Angels of Strife[Aoc]


yea mithran the reason this could not be abused is right in the original post, one you dont get free gold, the gold comes from the person that makes the quest, and two the person that makes the quest cannot do the quest only other people.

also this is better than random quests cause these quests will have flair, and a lil bit of a personal touch of the person that made it so no 2 player quests will be the same. it will be great to have that interaction with Gw too. cause more people will feel much better about gw when they feel they have "added" something to the game, however little it is.... its human nature *damn you psychology*



Hitmonk Extraordinarre!!

Join Date: Jan 2007

Lurking moar on my forums

Starvin Chillin on Lincoln Drive [MAFB]



I'd like to be able to make my own Guild quests - quests specifically for guild members. It could revolve around anything from faction farming to other quest completion.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

in sardelac getting yelled at.

Angels of Strife[Aoc]


oh yea i forgot to mention, so as to not strain the GW servers quests would be saved on your computer, like templates, and when someone takes the quest it is saved on their computer, and when they complete or abandon the quest it is deleted.



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


Yeah, make the quest, save to computer, give to other, other sets it you make it.

Sorry, but I will never agree with it if the players choose where the quest will happen and which enemies will they face.

Make quest.
- Monoliths.
- More monoliths
- Monolith bosses.
Farm elemental swords.


Too much work.

A modular system that uses already existing NPCs to make random quests would be much better.

No need to add anything.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

in sardelac getting yelled at.

Angels of Strife[Aoc]


ok easy fix, mobs created by players do not drop loot. i really dont care about the loot or w/e with this, i just think you can do some fun stuff with this.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


Its not that easy to program quests with chained events. Anybody like me who has used a mission creation program for any game can tell you that (either with Starcraft Campaign Editor, Descent Editor, ALLiEd, or Tiger Woods Course Architect). Trust me, this is not something you'd want. For all the good quests out there, there would be a lot of VERY subpar ones that would diminish from the highly polished and refined lore that exists in GW. Though this game has some problems, it is very professional looking. The moment you add player created content, it won't be.

No matter how you try to define the rewards, there will be ways to exploit a system like this. Create a quest where you farm minotaurs over and over again. Killing 1000 minos isn't hard, but under your system you'd get the same quest rewards for doing that that you would for killing 1000 torment creatures.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2007

Englandshire, England.

The International Association of Mending Wammos


Yeah I can't see any way this could be used for exploiting the game. No sirree, not a bit.

/notsigned x a million