The simplest solution for "forfeit problem" in Automated Torunaments is treating it as w/o. If your guild forfeits a battle it receives minus XX points in the ladder (like after a real played battle). After the first forfeit in a tournament, in next rounds the guild is not paired with opponents, so there is no need to make to it negative consequances.
Of course there should be added a button to allow a guild to leave before the tournament start or after a played round (but before pairing with next opponent). The only forfeit with negative points is that one after knowing the name of your opponent.
Consequences of this solution:
1) Of course it will lower the number of guilds in tournaments. But it is only virtual lowering. All these forfeited guilds in the first round won't play longer in the tournament, so you can't count them as serious participants.
2) It will increase the number of really played battles.
3) No more farming ladder points (better ranked guild - we do forfeit ...)
I'm sure that ArenaNet team was considering this option, but I don't know reasons they did not implemented it. Clearly it is not taking something from players what was earlier given to them. Entering AT is similar to entering GvG. If you enter GvG and for example everyone from your team has got dc (or monks have dc and you resign) your battle is lost and you receive negative ladder points (and it doesn't matter there was no fight).
AT forfeit problem