I was playing through THK a couple of days ago with a guildie and about halfway through he had to leave. I held nothing against him for having to have to go and I said it was no problem. After he left I expected that the msg "_____ has left the game" and I would gain control of his heroes and I could continue on my merry way and complete the mission. However I did not get that msg, instead it said "_____ has lost connection to the server" and i did not gain control of his heroes. Instead they remained around him and i promptly failed because I only had half a team. After it happened I didn't even really think about it... i just assumed that i got unlucky and something messed up.
Well just 20 minutes ago I was playing through Jennur's horde with a guildmate and my guildmate had to leave. Once again I said alrite and just expected I would gain control of his heroes without a problem. However once again, the msg "_____ has lost connection to the server" appeared rather than "_____ has left the game." Once again I got killed since i only had half a team. This was particularly annoying because I was going for masters and we had just managed to finish killing both bonus harbringers >_<, got killed trying to kill the final boss harbringer with only half a team.
Well I'm just wondering if i've just run into a glitch a couple of times or have other ppl ran into this problem? Do ppl in my group have to map out to ensure that they will actually leave the game?
____ lost connection to server instead of ____ has left the game?
Bryant Again
It might not be a glitch. It could be a "fix" to the Hero exploit - I know people without Nightfall who had friends who would just leave and give them command of their heroes.
Why it says "has lost connection with the server", though, is beyond me.
Why it says "has lost connection with the server", though, is beyond me.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
It might not be a glitch. It could be a "fix" to the Hero exploit - I know people without Nightfall who had friends who would just leave and give them command of their heroes.
Was it the same guildie each time? I think if you shut down your computer manually (pressing the button instead of start-->shutdown) it disconnects you instead of exiting the window. That might be their normal method of shutting down.
no it was a different guildmate each time but they both told me they exited by pushing the X in the corner
hmmmm the "hero exploit" sounds plausible but i could have sworn i had a couple of times in between those 2 instances where someone left by closing the game and i did gain control of their heroes.
hmmmm the "hero exploit" sounds plausible but i could have sworn i had a couple of times in between those 2 instances where someone left by closing the game and i did gain control of their heroes.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Lotrfish
Why would they do that for heroes? They'd only have seven players and while they might be slightly better off then with henchman it's not really worth the time.
Originally Posted by Inger
hmmmm the "hero exploit" sounds plausible but i could have sworn i had a couple of times in between those 2 instances where someone left by closing the game and i did gain control of their heroes.
You need to properly log off using F12.
Last time while i was doing deep, i closed gw using x and relogin 5min later. I had this msg 'Do you want to reconnect the connection'
Last time while i was doing deep, i closed gw using x and relogin 5min later. I had this msg 'Do you want to reconnect the connection'
Wrath Of Dragons
The "lost connection" means the game is holding the person there on the chance thay might reconnect, and will remain that way for 10 minutes.
Logging off will do the normal "....has left the game"
Logging off will do the normal "....has left the game"
Don't know why it would say "lost connection" when the guy used the "X", but maybe you do have to use "log off". One point to remember is that, as Wrath sort of pointed out, it will wait 10 minutes for them to reconnect. If you can wait that long, you will get control of the Heroes after they drop. (Same thing has happened to me.)
Assuming that your computer suddenly crashed, you can just restart your PC and re-enter the area you are in.
Same with lag spike. It work well for some gvg when you suddenly thrash you computer or lag badly and in need of a reboot.
Same with lag spike. It work well for some gvg when you suddenly thrash you computer or lag badly and in need of a reboot.