There and back again.

trekkie dude

trekkie dude

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2007


Scene: the scene is placed on top of the harvest temple. There is a man sitting at a table shaped like a half circle. All around are people talking and drinking. As the sun begins to hit high noon two doors open and two groups of people enter and sit at the table.
*A bell rings*
Mediator: A call to order, warriors of the Luxon, warriors of the Kurzicks. People of the audience, here on this stage we have members from both royal households. They are here to sign a treaty which will finally bring peace to Canthan once and for all. But before we start, Count zu Heltzer would like to say a few words.

Count zu Heltzer: My brothers and sisters of the Kurzicks, honored guest of the Luxon. It has been two years since the second defeat of Shiro. For many generations we have fought one another. Sons fell in front of their fathers. Daughters slaughtered in front of their mothers. When we worked together to defeat Shiro and his minions, we witnessed exactly how powerful we can be. After today there will be peace between our lands. We will be able to become stronger, and wiser after today. Let us put all hatred of each other behind us, let us embrace our new allies, and let us once and for all live in peace.

A loud cheer is heard
Both parties sign a treaty declaring that the war between the two factions is over.
A celebration is held which last the whole day.

Three months have passed since the signing. As the scene turns to night in the chamber of Count zu Heltzer. He is asleep in his bed when suddenly a loud knock is heard at the door.

Count zu Heltzer: Who is it?
Guard: Sir, there is a Luxon here to see you, his name is Argo.
Count zu Heltzer: Send him in.

Argo enters the room

Argo: Good evening Count zu Heltzer, I am sorry for disturbing you so late.
Count zu Heltzer: It is quite alright, come have a drink. How is elder Rhea?
Argo: She passed away I’m afraid. It seems old age finally got the better of her.
Count hands Argo a class of water. O thank you.

Count zu Heltzer: So tell me what brings you here at the dead of night?
Argo: straight down to business are we. Very well then, Count yesterday I received a very disturbing letter from a guard. It seems a few of your people come into Luxon land and completely raided an outlying village.
Count zu Heltzer: Really? Well I shall look into it, but if it was just a simple raid you would not be here to deliver the message yourself. There is more isn’t there?
Argo: Yes there is. A survivor of the raid said that Count Archek Brauer was seen leading the party.

Count pauses and stares at Argo. His eyes turn from a calm demeanor to complete rage.
Count zu Heltzer: You enter my house in the middle of the night and make some accusations about a leading house of the kurzicks? How dare you!
Argo: Count I am not accusing anybody. I am simple telling you what I heard. I came here to make sure that you will investigate the actions of some of your people.
Count zu Heltzer: I promise you I will look into this. In the mean time you may stay here if you wish. I shall talk to you in the morning.
Argo: Thank you Count but I just head back, with Elder rhea dead the people have voted my friend Juno as the new member of the council of elders and I am to become the new leader of the turtle clan.
Count zu Heltzer: In that case I congratulate you. Good night Argo.
Argo: Good night Count, thank you again for the drink.

As Argo exits the room the Count is sitting at the edge of his bed holding his head. He calls a guard to send a messenger to Brauer to meet me first thing in the morning.

Act II

Argo returns to Cavalon.
A ceremony takes place where Juno becomes the new member of the council of elders. Just as the ceremony was being concluded a guard enters.

Guard: Sir, ma’am, I am sorry to disturb you but I have a group Kurizcks at the entrance.
Juno: Who are they?
Guard: it’s Count Zu Heltzer and Count Brauer with their guards.
Juno: tell them that they should wa-
Argo: send them in, give them a seat and refreshments.
Guard: yes sir.

Guard leaves. Juno whispers to Argo.
Juno: What are you doing Argo? No Kurzick slime-.
Argo: You forget that one of those Kurzick slime is the leader of the whole faction. If you do not let them in it will be seen as an insult. If you want this peace to last I suggest you allowed them to participate in our ceremony.
Juno: Fine. Just make sure they behave themselves.

The Kurzick enters and sits in the back and watch the remainder of the ceremony. When all was done Juno and Argo approached them.

Heltzer: Congratulations Juno. I brought Count Brauer with me to discuss what happened.
Argo: Very good. But my inauguration for being the new leader of the turtle clan will begin shortly, please come. Perhaps we can talk after that?
Heltzer: very good. Congratulations Juno on being on the council. Lead the way Argo.

At another location, a Luxon elder approaches Argo. Raising his right hand Argo repeated after her.
“I Argo do solemnly swear to lead the Turtle clan with all my wisdom. I swear to protect, serve, and defend the name Luxon. I will do what is best for my clan at all times.
A cheer is heard all around. Argo steps down and dismisses the crowd then heads toward the counts.

Argo: *Whew* well enough of that let us get down to business. Juno and the other members of the council of elders will meet us at the great hall.


The party enters a house. Argo and his servants start light candles around the family room table. As the servant serve drinks Juno sits down giving an angry stare at Count Brauer which goes unnoticed. As the others start to sit Count Zu Heltzer begins the conversation first.

Heltzer: Well Argo, Juno, congratulations on your achievements again but let us get down to business. Although all of us want nothing but peace we are will to address what happened to the village.

Juno: What is there to discuss? Brauer was seen there with his men and attacked a village. We have an eye witness.

Heltzer: I would like to see this eyewitness.

Juno: Sadly she died from her injuries a few hours before you arrived.

Brauer: How convenient.

Heltzer: Brauer! Snapping back. If your eye witness is dead then we seem to have a problem. Brauer was with Countess Durheim during the night of the raid.

Argo: What were you two doing?

Brauer: A walk around the forest.

Heltzer: I have men who can vouch for me that they did see them together taking a stroll.

Argo: Well if you were not there, then what really happened?

Brauer: It seemed it was a retaliation attack after a raid by the Luxon on a convoy.

Juno: Preposterous! No Luxon would dare to attack the Kruzicks with only a small group.

Heltzer: Unless of course they were ordered to by their great leaders.

Argo: No Luxon champion or and elder from the council would give such orders.

Brauer: O really? Guards send him in!

The door burst open, a Kurzick guard throws a Luxon on the floor. It is Aurora.

Argo: What is this?!

Heltzer: She was found on our side of the border attacking another convoy. However, that one was a trap. They killed all the luxon except for her. Also in her possession was this scroll. Pulls out a scroll from his coat. Juno would you do the honors?

Handing the scroll over Juno reluctantly reads it.

Juno: By order of Luxon government you are hereby granted the ability to enter Kurzick land and attack anybody on sight. Signed by members of the council of elders.

Brauer: interesting isn’t it? That your elders would order such a thing now that we are at peace.

Argo: Clearly there is a misunderstanding, I assure you we shall take care of this matter. In the meantime you may stay with us. Guards! Two guards enter. Take the counts to the brothel let them sleep.

Brauer: Good night Argo and I shall see you soon Juno. You may keep our little pet.

The Counts exit. Argo grabs a knight and unties Aurora.

Argo: Aurora leave now.
She exits. Turning toward Juno Argo yells.
Did you know about this?

Juno: What? The raids, yes of course, I purposed it to the council.

Argo: Are you mad woman?!

Juno: for what? Securing our borders and to steal supplies.

Argo: What you are asking for is another war!

Juno: Do you really believe that we want to live in peace with the Kruzicks? After so many generations of fighting do you believe a piece of paper can stop everything? I know you Argo, the sight of those slimeballs sitting across from you is tormenting.

Argo: O yes, you know me well. Right across from me in this very room, two high ranking members of the Kruzicks. O yes, how I wanted to kill them both. But you cannot send the Luxon into war! We do not have the man power or the resources to wage a war.

Juno: nonsense! We have lots of good men, lots of men who would gladly pick up their arms to fight the Kurzicks.

Argo: You forget what devastation those afflicted left our lands. You forget how many turtles they have killed, how many men were lost. The Kurzicks has many times more fighters than we do. You cannot wage war now.

Juno stands up.

Juno: I will not be the one that starts the war, be sure of that.

Argo: Promise me that you will not lay a hand on them.

Juno: I promise. Good night Argo.

Juno exits. She and her guards make their way to her home. Juno turns to one of her guards.

Juno: You, go and find me an assassin in the area, find me a good one understand!

Scene turns to the brothel with the two counts. They are fast asleep. There are three guards standing at the doorway but they are all very tired from the travel are drowsy, another two are in another room who are fast asleep. Suddenly in the darkness three figures with daggers start to approach the three guards on duty. Silently they slay all of the guards and quietly open the door to the count’s room. Suddenly one of the other guards from the other room woke up to us the bathroom. As he opened the door he saw the three assassins.

Guard: Who are you?

[i]The assassins are startled. In a panic one of them ran toward the guard to strike.

Guard1: To arms!
Dodging the strike and waking everybody up. He ran for his shield and blocked just in time.

Guard2: Sirs stay behind us. WATCH YOURSELF!

[i]After a few minutes one of the assassins was slain and the other two ran.[i]

Brauer: The other guards are dead. This must be the work of Juno.
Heltzer: It is. Here look at this scroll.
Brauer: Juno would probably believe we are dead, we should go and kill those other assassins before they get back.

Heltzer: No, we must tend to our injured guards first we’ll worry about her in the morning.

Brauer: In the meantime I’m going to send a message back home. We might have to fight soon.

Heltzer: Yes very good, knowing Juno it will be soon. But let us try to one more time to maintain the peace.

The next morning as the council of elders and the captains were at the center of the Cavalon. They were preparing to leave and return back home when suddenly a large group of Kurzick enter the scene.

Messenger: I am a messenger from the great Count Zu Heltzer.

Argo: What is it?

Messenger: There was an assassination attempt on our lords.

Argo: What?

Messenger: They have safely returned to Kruzick territory. It seems it was by an executive order from a member of the council.

He hands Argo the scroll. Argo reads it and gives a sharp stare at Juno.

Argo: I can assure you that I-

Messenger: Save it Argo, it is not going to work this time. The great Count Zu Heltzer demand that the two assassins be executed, be given land around the harvest temple and Juno must be brought back with us to stand trail for her crimes against the Kurzick nation.

Juno: I will do no such thing Kurzick swine.

guard: Why you little witch! I will cut your head woman.
Messenger: Stay your hand!

All Luxon grab their arms in readiness to strike.

Juno: Be careful little man. You would like to leave here with your head right?

Messenger: Juno, Do not insult me. know this within the power of my staff I can give you peace or I can give you war. Come back with us and stand trail or prepare for battle.

Juno: Then we shall have war.

Heltzer: So be it.

All of the Kurzick leaves. Argo turns to Juno. In a fit he screams.

Argo: You promised me that you would not lay a hand on them!

Juno: I didn’t as you can see I never touched them at all.

Argo: You have gone mad with vengeance! The Luxon will not survive if the Kurzick attack!

Juno: Argo you will stay your tongue or suffer the consequences.

Argo: You have not been thinking clearly! The Luxon do not have enough men or resources to withstand a massive attack! You have doomed us all! You are a fool!

Juno: Captain Argo of the Turtle Clan, you are hereby declared a traitor to the Luxon nation. You are hereby exiled from Luxon land! If you do not leave immediately you shall be executed.

Argo: Fine. Fine. Go to war, but you will do so without my warriors.

Juno: Fine, more glory for the rest of us.

Argo exits.

Juno: Assemble the army!
A loud cheer is heard. The call for war has been heard.


Juno is walking with a caravan of injured soldiers. Many of whom are demoralized, hungry, and tired. A few siege turtles are leading the way carrying those who cannot walk..

Luxon guard: milady, have some water.

Juno: Thank you. How did it come to this? We were about to win. We almost had them.

Guard: Things like this happens milady.

Juno we must get our turtles back to the Hatchery and then to Cavalon. Prepare defenses there. What have I done.

The scene moves to Cavalon. As Juno enter the capital thousands of refugees are enter. Those who see Juno start throwing objects at her. Much of the crowd is angry at her. she reaches the other members of the council. As Juno sits, cleo stands and starts the meeting.

Elder Cleo: We are indeed in crisis. The Kurzick have entered our land and is taking our outpost one at a time. It will not be long before they attack the capital. Juno this is all your fault.

Elder Casta: If I remember correctly you did nothing to try and stop this war! You were just as eager to kill as many Kurzick as you could. Do not cast blame on another without first thinking of your own actions.

Cleo: I will do what I want. It is Juno’s fault that we are losing so badly in this war. If it wasn’t for your pride we would not be-
Juno: Enough! Let us not dwell in the past. We must focus on the defense of the remaining outpost.

Cleo: Such as what? The kurzick army outnumbers all of us. They are lead by Count Archek Brauer himself. He has already taken much of Luxon territory to the south, the Harvest Temple, the Aurios Mine, and the pits. We are nearly bankrupted, most of the remaining serpent and crap clan members are either dead, wounded or have fled. While Brauer and his army continues to move up north, we will lose the hatchery and soon the capital itself.

Juno: and what do you suppose we do about it?

Casta: Call for Argo.

Juno: NEVER! He has been exiled! He is a traitor.

Casta: Swallow your pride for once Juno. Argo was right. We were not ready to go to war. I have already taken the liberty of sending out messengers to find Argo and bring him back.

Juno: How dare you go behind my orders!

Casta: You forget your place Juno! Do not forget each of us have equal voting power. Both of us called for Argo to return from exile and you are hereby relieved from this council until further notice.

Sudden a steady cheer is heard from the front gate, as the elders head out to see what was going on. Argo is walking in with cheers and next to him was a woman holding a very large bow with very red armor.

Casta: Captain Argo. It is a pleasure to see you again. Who is your friend?
Argo: This is my friend Margrid from the land of Istan.
Cleo: Istan?
Margrid: It is an island nation to the south of here.

Argo: I knew this would happen. Juno would have thrown caution to the wind to satisfy her own obsession. While I was exiled I went to recruit more men, I went to the land is Istan and found a whole new group of fighters. In short, I raised money by having my men clear the lands to be safe for travels and used that money to buy weapons and mercenaries. I bring with me 10,000 troops.

Juno: Only? Brauer commands a force of 30,000 troops. You are outnumbered 3-1.

Margrid: you underestimate us elder. We have been training the troops of being outnumbered for quite some time.

Argo: I want any intelligence of where they are now. I will be in my home.

Argo is at his home going over intelligence reports with Margrid at his side. Elder Casta enters.

Argo: What can I do for you Elder?

Casta: I have fought Brauer for quite some time. I have some intelligence that I think you might like to know.

Margrid: Spill.

Argo: Please excuse Margrid, she is not used to dealing with royalty.

Casta: You have fought Brauer before, so you know what he is like.

Argo: Yes, he is a stubborn one. Although a good tactician he is impatient and will often act before thinking, that shall be his downfall.

Casta: But the past few battles he has done basically the same time. When we first tried to enter Kruzick land their defenses were too strong to breach. When we were forced to retreat his army came at us. His rangers are mostly damage rangers with barrages. They are the first wave to soften us up. His monks are quite powerful, they are mostly being bonders. They charge in with their warriors next who are all bonded with powerful enchantments. We have tried to remove them but there are just too many of them to remove. When the warriors have softened the front line he sends in the assassins. They use aura of displacement to jump right at our flanks and attack. When they start to lose they are teleported back. With the assassins attacking from the flanks they quickly fold and the center is doomed. For the past few battles that is all he has done. I fled after our first engagement. Juno and the Crab clan attacked them a day before you came. Needless to say she was slaughtered.

Argo: that is very useful Casta, I am sure that you did all you could. It is not your fault Casta. Most of the army that fought them was raw recruits. Most of the veterans were with my clan when we left.

Casta: Whatever you do Argo, do not let the capital fall. I am by your side.

A man enters

Man: Sir, I bring report from the battlefield. Brauer is now laying siege to Eredon Terrace. Soon they will march east to the Reach and then to the capital. With him are 23,000 men. The men with him are mostly warriors and rangers. Most of the elementalist and mesmers are at the Hatchery trying to breach it.

Casta: we must protect the Hatchery. Without the siege turtles we will never be able to take our outpost back.

Argo: Agreed. Casta, inform the council that I will take my army and engage Brauer’s main force. Give me whatever necromancer and monks you can spare. The rest of the army should go save the hatchery.

Casta: Very good, where will you face Brauer?

Argo: at the Maishang Hills.

At the hills Argo is assembling his army. In the distance the men can see Brauer’s forces marching closer and closer.

Argo: Margrid, how many men do we have?

Margrid: we have a total of 12,000 fighters. You have 3,000 warriors, 2,000 paragon commanders, 2,000 barrage pets, 1,000 monks, 1,000 dervish, 2,000 blood and 1,000 minion necromancers.

Argo: Good, have the swordsmen stand shoulder to shoulder with the commanders. Make sure they are 3 ranks deep. Have them rotate every 3 minutes. Have the dervish and hammer warriors stay in the third line. Have the blood, monks and rangers between the two. Keep the minion masters hidden in the rear. You take command of them, remember the plan and do not do anything until I say so.

Margrid: Understood but do not forget, some of us are not fighting for free.

Commander: Argo, the enemy is only 300 meters away.

Argo: Good, thank you. Margrid stay here and get ready, I’m going to pay a visit to our guest.

Argo runs forward with a few of his guards. He meets with Brauer.

Brauer: Nice to see you are safe Argo.

Argo: Likewise. How is the mine?

Brauer: Full of jade. Now Argo, step aside and let us pass.
Argo: I’d rather not.

Brauer: You are out numbered here, we will slaughter you. Now step aside.

Argo: We will not move. I am prepared to offer terms for your army safe return. I order you to return to your land, give us back the land you took from us, and a tribute of 20,000 gold.

Brauer: You have gone mad in your exile.

Argo: you will accept those terms or we shall destroy you.

Brauer: HAHAHAHA. Funny man I will not accept those silly terms and you shall be finished.

Argo: We shall see about that.

Argo leaves and returns to his lines.

Argo: My fellow Luxon, I took you away from death and destruction. I have been training each and every one of you for this battle. I know that it does not feel right to fight as a Luxon in such close spaces but listen for my orders, and we shall win this day. Trust me in my judgement. Those pathetic peasants they call soldiers are nothing compared to you. Take a look at them, grey face, weird hairstyle, ugly choice of colors. We shall win this day, are you with me?!

Army: YEAH!!!!

Argo: My soldiers prepare for glory!

A loud horn is heard, the kurzick rangers advance forward, releasing a volley of arrows.

Frontline: Shields up!

The arrows bounce off their shields. After five minutes of arrow attacks the bonded warriors advance on Argo.

Argo: Get ready. Here comes the main assault! Send in the pets! Rangers fire!

A wave of pets rushes toward the line, with barrages launched. The arrows hit but the bonding kept them from doing any large amount of damage. The pets attack but were all quickly slaughtered.
commanders: Stand your ground!

The lines meet, the kurzick axmen start attacking.

Argo: Discipline stance! Deadly Riposte!

The first attack completely fails on the Luxon.

Argo: Now while they’re down, Parasitic bonds!
Argo: keep your armor up! Now Riposte! Keep blocking their attacks

The battle goes on for hour., Brauer begins to get impatient.

Brauer: What is taking them so long! This battle should have been won hours ago! This is ridiculous! Tell the warriors to close up their formations I’m going to send in the assassins!

Commander: Sir, the assassins are advancing!

Argo: Blood necros wait for my orders, Margrid get ready to attack!

Margrid: minion masters to the front. Hammer warriors prepare to charge!

Argo: they are starting their attack!

Commander: They are attacking now!
Argo: Shield bash!

A massive wall of shield bash went across the line. All of the fighters were knocked down. At the same time all the blood necros released a well of profane using the dead pets.

Argo: Sun and moon attack! Front line open!
Margrid: Flesh golems! Hammers attack!

Commanders: Go for the eyes!
Hammers: AHHH Brush your teeth!

With a power blow to the head the entire front line of the Kurzick collapse. Without any bonds and their monks out of energy they were easily slaughtered. Those assassins who were not teleport by the effects of the well were quickly killed.

Argo: Margrid, release Balthazar!

Margrid: Dervish transform!

Dervish commander: it’s about time. RAH! CHARGE!!!

Kurizck warrior1: Holy god! It’s Balthazar he has come to kill us all, run!

Warrior2: There is no place to run! We’re trapped behind the minions!

Kurizck commander: Sir! The Luxon are advancing and our troops are trapped. What should we do?

Braucer: have the rangers continue to barrage, have the monks rebond.
Commander: But sir all the monks are out of energy! The rangers and assassins themselves are trapped behind the flesh golems. What should we do?

Brauer stands there blank.

Commander: Sir what should we do?
Braucer: We have lost this battle. We’ll have to regroup at the Terrance. Sound retreat.

Braucer and those who were in the rear were able to escape.
The rest of the army were completely slaughtered. The Luxon went to loot the dead bodies.

Argo: Margrid, what’s the result?

Margrid: 6,000 Kurzick dead, 12,000 to work the mines, and we lost only 500 men. Mostly hammers.

Argo: good, good. Brauer would no doubt head back to Terrance to regroup. The men are tired. Let the people loot, we go after them tomorrow.

With the bulk of the Kurzick army destroyed Argo began to steamroll through the Luxon territory. Argo went all the way to the Durheim Archives. When word reached Argo that Brauer was planning a counter attack at the Armory. Argo launched a preemptive strike. Although he won both sides were badly crippled. Both sides had no choice but to have a temporary truce. After this most of the Elona mercenaries and Margrid returned to their land.

Six months later a lady enters the Cavalon dressed in all white with a spear in her hand. She asked for Argo to come with her back to Elona to stop a threat that is plaguing her land. Argo went with her and has never been heard from since.

long eh?