Killing the Annoying in AB. Share the love!
Well, the "Annoying AB Classes" thread is proving to be a fun one, so let's expand on it... how do you kill the "Most Annoying Professions/Builds"?
I see Touch Ranger mentioned at the top of the list. What works for my mesmer against the touchie is when I'm running Illusion/Inspiration - Ethereal Burden + Conjure Phantasm + Conjure Nightmare, try to keep them at a distance. If they can't touch you, they can't kill you. For touchies with trolls... the -13 degen still burns right through it.
So share the love! How do you kill the most annoying builds?
I see Touch Ranger mentioned at the top of the list. What works for my mesmer against the touchie is when I'm running Illusion/Inspiration - Ethereal Burden + Conjure Phantasm + Conjure Nightmare, try to keep them at a distance. If they can't touch you, they can't kill you. For touchies with trolls... the -13 degen still burns right through it.
So share the love! How do you kill the most annoying builds?
Sarevok Thordin
Killing touchies.
Apply Poison, Pin Down, Screaming Shot.
Killing MMs/ and those damn Mystic Eles.
Broad Head Arrow (or Concussion Shot their armor spells if you are feeling lucky), then your favourite shots, needling shot works nice once you hit them enough.
Stop THEM from hitting you with blind, blurred vision etc. Then SS, IP, Empathy. Or just disrupt their chain. You could even use Hex Breaker to DESTROY their chain (Because almost every sin out their relies on a "Must strike a hexed foe" starter).
Apply Poison, Pin Down, Screaming Shot.
Killing MMs/ and those damn Mystic Eles.
Broad Head Arrow (or Concussion Shot their armor spells if you are feeling lucky), then your favourite shots, needling shot works nice once you hit them enough.
Stop THEM from hitting you with blind, blurred vision etc. Then SS, IP, Empathy. Or just disrupt their chain. You could even use Hex Breaker to DESTROY their chain (Because almost every sin out their relies on a "Must strike a hexed foe" starter).
The same thing I kill everything. Light it on fire, and keep throwing spells till it's dead.
Ah my sin build loves to eat touchers.
Disrupting stab interrupts vampiric touch, Exhausting assault interrupts vampiric bite, moebius strike and death blossom provides a nice consistent line of spikes. disrupting stab again if they try troll unguent, and wild blow if they enter a blocking stance. ah, life is good
this build I made has many wonderful uses
Disrupting stab interrupts vampiric touch, Exhausting assault interrupts vampiric bite, moebius strike and death blossom provides a nice consistent line of spikes. disrupting stab again if they try troll unguent, and wild blow if they enter a blocking stance. ah, life is good
Diversion > Touchers.
Bryant Again
For Minion Masters~
I aggro the minions, pull them back a bit, then SP on the Necro, unleash my combo (this includes Horns of the Bull and your usual shinanigins).
Use Disrupting Dagger immediately after your combo so he doesn't pull off a heal. Dead Necro. Rampant minions.
I aggro the minions, pull them back a bit, then SP on the Necro, unleash my combo (this includes Horns of the Bull and your usual shinanigins).
Use Disrupting Dagger immediately after your combo so he doesn't pull off a heal. Dead Necro. Rampant minions.
Me/E FC Water
For the E/D tanks I find "Scourge Enchantment" to be fun when playing my monk. Daze and enchantment removals are also good.
Why do people find the E/D annoying as they are very easy to deal with?
Why do people find the E/D annoying as they are very easy to deal with?
Cottage Pie
for touchers.
I am using this atm in ABs/RA
life siphon, iron palm*, falling spider, horn of the ox*, impale, signet of toxic shock, vamp touch, vamp gaze.
the thing is i am primary Necro, running about with a useless bone staff, someone targets me and bam daggers come out, they are hexed and then they die. The double knockdown* combined with deep wound and armour ingnoring damage just slaughters touchers in a few seconds.
This build also kills those pesky Shadow prison using assasins that seem to be everywhere lately with no problem (they don't even get a hit in usually), as long as you're looking out for them.
I am using this atm in ABs/RA
life siphon, iron palm*, falling spider, horn of the ox*, impale, signet of toxic shock, vamp touch, vamp gaze.
the thing is i am primary Necro, running about with a useless bone staff, someone targets me and bam daggers come out, they are hexed and then they die. The double knockdown* combined with deep wound and armour ingnoring damage just slaughters touchers in a few seconds.
This build also kills those pesky Shadow prison using assasins that seem to be everywhere lately with no problem (they don't even get a hit in usually), as long as you're looking out for them.
Distracting shot for touchers.
Whirling defense and distracting shot for sins.
Distracting shot and a poisoned burning arrow for eles.
That's it in a nutshell. Yay distracting shot!
Whirling defense and distracting shot for sins.
Distracting shot and a poisoned burning arrow for eles.
That's it in a nutshell. Yay distracting shot!
For touchers I Mark them and throw all the fire skills at them. With Aura of Restoration, my damage output is greater than theirs.
Diversion > All
Just spam Diversion as much as possible. Always satisfying to see an ele stop spamming Searing Flames, a monk stop spamming his spells. Nothing beats Diversion on an assassins lead attack. Half their skill bar is boned for over a minute.
Just spam Diversion as much as possible. Always satisfying to see an ele stop spamming Searing Flames, a monk stop spamming his spells. Nothing beats Diversion on an assassins lead attack. Half their skill bar is boned for over a minute.
Patrick Smit
Originally Posted by Alderin
For the E/D tanks I find "Scourge Enchantment" to be fun when playing my monk. Daze and enchantment removals are also good.
Why do people find the E/D annoying as they are very easy to deal with? |
Its actually not the E/D which is annoying, it's the thick skulled people that are, as they don't know how to ignore him/her.
Rend Enchantments to counter any E/D, D, or A. It's funny to see those Ele's up 5 enchantments, just waiting to be Rended. Same goes for any Assassin. When they are near death, they up Shadow Refuge or some other escape skill, I just Rend it off, and finish them.
All builds which doesn't have a block remove stance or anti-blocking skill (like Expose defense) will be completely messed up by touchies stances.
All builds that relies too much on conditions will fail, as touchie will Ctrl+space the nearest foe (too dumb to flee, even a minion is okay) and plague touch him.
The only build that can really stop touchies posted here is the illu one.
EDIt: and also the FC water one.
oh, and BTW, diversion > everything.... if people is dumb enough to activate a skill during this pesky 6 seconds shutdown.
All builds that relies too much on conditions will fail, as touchie will Ctrl+space the nearest foe (too dumb to flee, even a minion is okay) and plague touch him.
The only build that can really stop touchies posted here is the illu one.
EDIt: and also the FC water one.
oh, and BTW, diversion > everything.... if people is dumb enough to activate a skill during this pesky 6 seconds shutdown.
I use a touchie with throw dirt, rend enchants, and veratas aura. Enemy MMs go poo when they see all their minions become mine.
Some Guru Named Kai
followed by: /taunt

Curse You
Originally Posted by Sarevok Thordin
You could even use Hex Breaker to DESTROY their chain (Because almost every sin out their relies on a "Must strike a hexed foe" starter).
pork soldier
Originally Posted by Arduinna
Rend Enchantments to counter any E/D, D, or A. It's funny to see those Ele's up 5 enchantments, just waiting to be Rended. Same goes for any Assassin. When they are near death, they up Shadow Refuge or some other escape skill, I just Rend it off, and finish them.
Rend and Corrupt are my favorite AB skills right now.
Originally Posted by Some Guru Named Kai
followed by: /taunt
![]() |
Blackout is nice if your team is actually coordinated enough, which is rare. I'd rather bring diversion where people usually don't pay attention and continue spamming w/e spells/skills they have.
Mr. G
[skill]spoil victor[/skill]
Diddy bow
[skill]"Can't Touch This!"[/skill]
I run this on my para, if only for fun watching touchers fail XD
[skill]Shield Bash[/skill]
To handle pesky Boa's and most other sins, and some warriors ^^
[skill]Stunning Strike[/skill]
takes care of most casters
With Anthem of flame and Aggressive Refrain that leaves 3 more skills to help allies kill everything else =D
I run this on my para, if only for fun watching touchers fail XD
[skill]Shield Bash[/skill]
To handle pesky Boa's and most other sins, and some warriors ^^
[skill]Stunning Strike[/skill]
takes care of most casters

With Anthem of flame and Aggressive Refrain that leaves 3 more skills to help allies kill everything else =D
cant touch this! *breaks into dance*
ok not really....touchers are hardly a problem for me since majority of my builds are lots of self heal and lots of health so theyre usually burned by the time im at 50%.
the annoying builds for me....
granted any time we lose in AB (which im kurz and it happens a lot) i will change out my build. so im just kinda stating what works best for me although no build is infallable...some are at least fun.
BoA or tiger sins (since they think the build is still leet)
sig of clumsiness, clumsiness, ineptitude, spiritual pain, diediediedie
black out and degen degen degen zomg the degen with slight e-denial. they start running around like chickens with their heads cut off wondering what the hell theyre supposed to do (note: blackout is mainly used as a troll interrupt or 3 second+ cast interrupt like meteor showers and what have you)
spikers are an easy either e-denial or shutdown builds with lots and lots of interrupts.
SF nukers are also pretty fun since most of their casts are about 1 second+ which is more than enough time for me to power block XD
minion masters i will e-deny the hell out of or degen them once they start hitting minion heals.
warriors are taken care of by about the same means as an assassin.
not necessarily very diverse but it'd take a couple pages to explain some of the more complicated counters which dont work 9 times outta 10 unless said person that im countering doesnt enter.
ok not really....touchers are hardly a problem for me since majority of my builds are lots of self heal and lots of health so theyre usually burned by the time im at 50%.
the annoying builds for me....
granted any time we lose in AB (which im kurz and it happens a lot) i will change out my build. so im just kinda stating what works best for me although no build is infallable...some are at least fun.
BoA or tiger sins (since they think the build is still leet)
sig of clumsiness, clumsiness, ineptitude, spiritual pain, diediediedie
black out and degen degen degen zomg the degen with slight e-denial. they start running around like chickens with their heads cut off wondering what the hell theyre supposed to do (note: blackout is mainly used as a troll interrupt or 3 second+ cast interrupt like meteor showers and what have you)
spikers are an easy either e-denial or shutdown builds with lots and lots of interrupts.
SF nukers are also pretty fun since most of their casts are about 1 second+ which is more than enough time for me to power block XD
minion masters i will e-deny the hell out of or degen them once they start hitting minion heals.
warriors are taken care of by about the same means as an assassin.
not necessarily very diverse but it'd take a couple pages to explain some of the more complicated counters which dont work 9 times outta 10 unless said person that im countering doesnt enter.
[skill]Corrupt Enchantment[/skill]
That one's a staple in my build. Great degen and recharge, and a delight to watch on the occasional 55 that wanders in.
[skill]Insidious Parasite[/skill][skill]Enfeebling Touch[/skill]
I use this a lot for melee.
[skill]Enfeebling Touch[/skill][skill]Iron Palm[/skill][skill]Entangling Asp[/skill][skill]Signet of Toxic Shock[/skill]
This combo is pretty handy when dealing with everything else. Two KDs for touchers or monks, or anyone else giving me a hard time.
That one's a staple in my build. Great degen and recharge, and a delight to watch on the occasional 55 that wanders in.
[skill]Insidious Parasite[/skill][skill]Enfeebling Touch[/skill]
I use this a lot for melee.
[skill]Enfeebling Touch[/skill][skill]Iron Palm[/skill][skill]Entangling Asp[/skill][skill]Signet of Toxic Shock[/skill]
This combo is pretty handy when dealing with everything else. Two KDs for touchers or monks, or anyone else giving me a hard time.
I also usually carry a running stance for those times when people start to mob. Dodge is pretty useful for getting away.
I used Wail of Doom once in an AB, it was pretty hilarious to watch sins and warriors lose all their attack skills.
But uh, for Touchers? Depends on what char I'm on...I've bashed a few touchers to death whose stances had run out (If they throw up a stance I just run around and wait it out then go smashy smashy with Devhammer. Can't touch if you're on the ground.) As for "why don't I bring Wild Blow"...I would have to ditch Flail or Sprint, and those are too fun for me.
But uh, for Touchers? Depends on what char I'm on...I've bashed a few touchers to death whose stances had run out (If they throw up a stance I just run around and wait it out then go smashy smashy with Devhammer. Can't touch if you're on the ground.) As for "why don't I bring Wild Blow"...I would have to ditch Flail or Sprint, and those are too fun for me.
Thorondor Port
Originally Posted by Twinsoul
The same thing I kill everything. Light it on fire, and keep throwing spells till it's dead.
maybe a zb.
you must play pve....
Wail of doom is so much freaking fun in AB. Just go full mm, max death, max SR and bring wail and you'll find yourself /dance to many angry sins , dervs, wars lol. But it is a shame to let the minions have all the killing fun but i think i'll survive.
Arcance Echo+SS+SS(on diff guy) reckless haste+price of failure+desecrate enchants+the other desicrate enchants+signet of soulreaping+barbs = DEATH
Arcance Echo+SS+SS(on diff guy) reckless haste+price of failure+desecrate enchants+the other desicrate enchants+signet of soulreaping+barbs = DEATH
Never leave home without it......
Touchers and wammo's never know what hit them
Never leave home without it......
Touchers and wammo's never know what hit them

Sneaky Mitch
Originally Posted by Thorondor Port
rov/dismiss condision + prot spirit.
maybe a zb. you must play pve.... |
na its just ab...
For touchies I just run. My mystic regen ele can outrun them easy.
Lead 'em right to the NPCs and they'll either stop or keep coming (foolishly) to their graves.
Pity [skill]backfire[/skill] doesn't work on touch skills.
Lead 'em right to the NPCs and they'll either stop or keep coming (foolishly) to their graves.
Originally Posted by ryanryanryan0310
Never leave home without it...... Touchers and wammo's never know what hit them |
Moloch Vein
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
For Minion Masters~
I aggro the minions, pull them back a bit, then SP on the Necro, unleash my combo (this includes Horns of the Bull and your usual shinanigins). Use Disrupting Dagger immediately after your combo so he doesn't pull off a heal. Dead Necro. Rampant minions. |
Standard Cripshot build will annoy the living shit out of anyone.
I love to see W/Mo charge my poor squishie necro. They very fact that they charge shows I'll beat them. Toss on SS, follow with incid. Every time they swing I get 47 health and they loose about 80. Put up reversal of fortune to really frustrate them, and hit the really dumb ones with desecrate enchants.
The exact same thing works for dervishes, except the desecrate I cast every time it recharges.
Sins are a joke. Use the same above, and watch their 6-8 attack combo kill them before they know what happened. Comes from playing a class that plays by mashing the number keys in a given order. They don;t see the problem till they're dead.
MMs are my absolute favorite though. I bring my death magic up to 5 (to guarantee success) aggro as many of his hard earned minions as possible, and hit them with verata's. Now they're MY minions and I use them to kill that mm first off. They never seem to be able to deal with it.
Eles that spam can be hit with SS and desecrate enchants but usually not 1v1. as part of a gain, they go down fast.
Touchers can just about be out damaged with SS and desecrate and faintheartedness, but having help is good.
Mesmers, esp with backfire should be hit with SS only in a big team, but avoided otherwise.
The exact same thing works for dervishes, except the desecrate I cast every time it recharges.
Sins are a joke. Use the same above, and watch their 6-8 attack combo kill them before they know what happened. Comes from playing a class that plays by mashing the number keys in a given order. They don;t see the problem till they're dead.
MMs are my absolute favorite though. I bring my death magic up to 5 (to guarantee success) aggro as many of his hard earned minions as possible, and hit them with verata's. Now they're MY minions and I use them to kill that mm first off. They never seem to be able to deal with it.
Eles that spam can be hit with SS and desecrate enchants but usually not 1v1. as part of a gain, they go down fast.
Touchers can just about be out damaged with SS and desecrate and faintheartedness, but having help is good.
Mesmers, esp with backfire should be hit with SS only in a big team, but avoided otherwise.
[skill]Ineptitude[/skill][skill]Clumsiness[/skill][skill]Conjure Nightmare[/skill][skill]Ethereal Burden[/skill]
Those silly shadow-stepping assassins love it.
Those silly shadow-stepping assassins love it.
Patrick Smit
Originally Posted by bladeturner
...MMs are my absolute favorite though. I bring my death magic up to 5 (to guarantee success) aggro as many of his hard earned minions as possible, and hit them with verata's. Now they're MY minions and I use them to kill that mm first off. They never seem to be able to deal with it....
Originally Posted by ryanryanryan0310
Never leave home without it...... Touchers and wammo's never know what hit them ![]() |
Please, please, please never play a mesmer in my presence.
Originally Posted by Patrick Smit
Wasn't it bugged before? In a way that it doesn't always work. Or does it work in 100% of the cases in your experience?