Now how many of you have a minipet on your character?
Now don't you wish you didn't have to keep clicking that icon everytime you enter a town, outpost or area to show off your little furry friend?
Why can't a new minipet slot be added to you Inventory Panel?
This could consist of a simple little slot that appears by your armor and works in just the same way, double clicking a minipet would (like armor) place it in this slot. Since this is a minipet slot and functions just like armor, then that means whenever a minipet is placed in this new slot, just like armor, it would show to the world This would mean it would always be visible even when zoneing but also frees up an inventory slot
PS: sure I read about this b4 somewhere, so if this has already been proposed then feel free to close this thread n point me in the right direction
Auto show a minipet with a slot
Already suggested!
I already agreed with this!
I already agreed with this!