The Pirates of Blountville, are recruiting pve members. We have been around since the day after Prophecies came out and are currently around 50 members. We are an american guild and our schedule is as follows:
Monday: Masters Monday- help members complete masters on all 3 games
Tuesday: PVP Night- TA, HA, GVG, AB
Wednesday: Elite PVE- Tombs, UW, FOW, Deep, DOA, Urgoz
Thursday: PVP Night- TA, HA, GVG, AB
Friday: GVG
Saturday: GVG
Sunday: Elite PVE- Tombs, UW, FOW, Deep, DOA, Urgoz
If you are interested go to and go to forums and apply there or contact me ingame at sir thomas two.
Pirates of Blountville, recruiting for PVE
Sir Thomas Tew