Thank you for visiting
exemples of work can be found here
costs for the sigs range in price depending on what you want for using one pic where i would not cut out the char and change background ex
and making it into something like this ex
would cost 1k
but for something like this ex
or an abstract like this
where they are made from scratch or use just the focal point(as in the guy from army of 2)and are given a brand new background and go in detail on sig would cost 2k
avatars would cost 500 gold
wallpapers and large pieces where i would use the entire char. or make a large abstact would cost 5k
Give you SN you use in guild wars so i can contact you.
Please give what you would like text to be what char. you want or provide pic to use if it is a real person or anime char tell me their name and i will find a good pic to use.
Also state size of the picture or sig or avatar if not i will go with the standard size for that type of piece.
If you like a specific style in my sigs say which it is and i will make it for your custum sig,avatar, or large piece.
If you want anything else like specific colors put it into your post.
I will get back to you as soon as possible
*note having more than one char. or focal point in a sig or ava since they are so small would make them crowded and would not be a good quality as above sigs
Nocturne's Commisions: Signitures, Avatars, etc
Nocturne V