ROAR ( Rangers of Ascalon Return ) is once again recruiting for friendly mature players. We are a community based guild which has a long history of friendship between our members. Some of us are real life friends and others have gamed with each other for several years. We are currently buncing between 15 - 20 members strong with a very active core of players. We are always searching for players that want to learn GW have fun and meet new friends.
What we offer - We have a dedicated leadership core that is focused on providing fun activities for our members and as mentioned we are a community guild so we like to get to know our members and offer you the chance to meet with and game with other adult gamers. Our average age is well over 30 and we only accept members over the age of 18 This is not to discriminate against any age group it is just that ROAR is not a guild that will baby sit other peoples kids or tolerate immature antics. We bought the game to have fun and have found that 95% of those we have invited into the ranks under that age usually find themselves being shown the door shortly after being invited. Yes ..... we are a guild that enforces a code of conduct. Which is pretty much staright forward, either play nice or simply don't play.
If you feel you would like to get to know any of the Rangers please feel free to visit our forums give us a shout and maybe even game some with us.
Many of us are looking forward to GWEN in August and if you are still searching for some great folks to game with online then stop on in and check us out. If your looking for hundreds of players to game with then you'll not like what you find at ROAR, if howveer your looking for folks that will help new players without bashing them and people that actually help one another and have more then just a cape in common you might just like to stay for more then a visit.
Adult Guild LF friendly community players
Lord Feathers