I just got bored it seems..

My IGN: I Avatar Of Beaty
Whisper me if you need any help with running!
Note: Feel free to expand this thread, write guide on another build, class..
Dervish D/A - Dark Silence Runner
.: Attribute Rank - Shadow Arts 10
- Wind Prayers 8 + 1
- Earth Prayers 10 + 1
- Mysticism 8 + 1 + 1
.: Skills
.: Equipment
(something along this will work)
Step 1. Okay, so we're currently in Beacon's Perch looking for some good people to *test* run them
Step 2. So you're now in Loran's Pass, approach the Ice Imps and make sure you casted Faithful Intervention + Mystic Regeneration + Vow Of Silence before aggro, else you'll take Deep Freeze and die
.: Notes
- If you see pinesoul, try to approach as far to him as possible, and use Dash as minesweeper.
Just keep moving..
Step 3. Not far away is the place where wurm gets out for fresh air.Cast Mystic Regeneration followed by Fleeting Stability
Step 4. Get yourself in front of cave, make sure you let Ice Imps pass, and then recast standard, well known enchantment, and go on..
.: Notes
- You can use Death Charge on far most Avicara (not possible with VoS)
- Just run
- Use Vow Of Silence (recommend) - no matter you aren't gonna able to recast Fleeting Stability, because you don't need it when VoS end
Step 5. Dang! Ice golems are your biggest enemies, they can hex you to death, but if you keep VoS while you're near them, they can cry and be jealous because they aren't dervish

.: Notes
- Let Fleeting Stability end, if you have cover, because you're not going to need it in a long time..
- Recast Mystic Regeneration and Vow Of Silence and Dash on..
Move on..
Grawls are rather easy, they have ability to strip off your enchantment, but in most cases they won't and because you don't need VoS against them, it's no trouble.
Just cast Mystic Regeneration and run away..
Step 6. The Cave..Don't worry this is the easier one..Just aggro first 2-3 Trolls, and then when you can(see it) teleport to the far most Troll using Dark's Charge.
.: Notes
After you teleport, few meters ahead wurm will popup again..So there are two ways to avoid it:
- Cast Fleeting Stability right after you teleport. (not recommended, trolls can surround you)
- Cast Fleeting Stability on the wooden bridge. (recommended)
No matter what way you chose, just keep recasting Mystic Regeneration and Fleeting Stability on the further way..
Step 7. This is one of the harder parts..
Basically you'll get your self right in middle of Grawls, Pinesouls, Ice Golems..
Now the best way to cross it is to check what group is ahead of you, and pick corresponding Way.
-Grawls Only
Cast Mystic Regeneration + be sure to have Faithful Intervention.
-Pinesouls Only
Cast Mystic Regeneration + be sure to have Faithful Intervention and try to approach them from right or left side, and be sure to use Dash as minesweeper.
-Ice Golems + Pinesouls
Cast Mystic Regeneration + be sure to have Faithful Intervention cast Vow of Silence, and again try to not approach Pinesoul, but if you have to then Dash it.
Note: Try to find cover and heal yourself between groups if possible!
After that you'll pretty much be in Dreadnought's Drift
Dreadnought's Drift
Of the start cast Mystic Regeneration + be sure to have Faithful Intervention and move on..Summits are easy!
After some walking, you'll find yourself in front of Tundra Giants..They are easy, althrough they have high dmg output and can knockdown (heh not with Fleeting Stability on) you.
So just stop from time to time, recast Mystic Regeneration, Faithful Intervention and Fleeting Stability and you'll be on your way to Snake Dance!
Snake Dance!
Stop from time to time, recast Mystic Regeneration, Faithful Intervention and Fleeting Stability
Deadly Cave!
Okay this cave can be easy and hard depending does Ice Golum spawn at the end.If it does, the best combo is to recast Mystic Regeneration and Faithful Intervention in front of cave, then teleport to the Ice Golum.Do not move, instead cast Vow Of Silence right away and rush ahead..
Now just move on..It's all easy, Stop from time to time, recast Faithful Intervention, Mystic Regeneration and Fleeting Stability..
Talus Chute
Get yourself to the Azures by simply running..Cast Faithful Intervention, Mystic Regeneration and Fleeting Stability.Casy Vow of Silence if the Mesmer Azure, or the Necro Azure boss spawns, but you can cast it anyway for your own safety.
You can recast enchantments and let Fleeting Stability end by the ressurect shrine.
Recast Mystic Regeneration and Vow Of Silence and rush through Avicara.
Simply get yourself to Droks by using Mystic Regeneration and nothing else..You can VoS if you aggro Avicara, but mostly you won't..
Cheers, Have Fun!
-Avatar Of Beauty