Greeting All
As some might know, I was running the Concept Class Challenge- Strategist thread for a bit (in 2 fourms). As there were a few nice turn outs, it is decided to turn it into a contest as well. And as part of the contest, peoples are invited to judge and vote for their favorit one. So take a read, and pick your favorit.
The Talented Contestants are:
-Akirai Annuvil
-Bozos Of Bones
And their entires are listed below (posted in the order when they enter theirs)
Alast, as seem there are no poll system in this fourm, it is require for people to cast in their vote by posting. And you can pick a winner and 2 other runner up
(ex. 1. Akirai Annuvil 2. PsyBuster 3. System_Crush, meaning you place AA as First.. PB as 2nd, and so on)
Points will be given, and tally up at the end to determin the people's choice winners.
The above contestants are welcome to vote too, and their points will be double (expecit if they vote for themself)
Side note: There might be a prize at the end for the winner, but as I have not got the sponsor's gold yet, it is still unknow. But afterall, the pride of a tested and people-loved concept is the real prize
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
The strategist is a special breed of soldier which branched off from the elementalist. It focused on wards during the times of war to be able to manipulate and control the battlefield, and became very specialized as such. As a result, many of the spells of a strategist affect all players. Unfortunately, stretching magic so, the effects are lesser, but when applied to all party members, the strength comes from numbers. Much like the warrior class depends on adrenaline, the strategist relies on a similar type of fuel for his spells called Kai. The way kai works isn't based on hits but by the amount of energy used. And a kai spell, unlike adrenaline, uses energy in of itself. Also unlike an adrenaline spell, the kai is 'spent', meaning you lose that amount in kai once the spell is used. So an example skill for kai might be: Poison Immunity - (10 energy, 30 kai, 45 recharge) Kai ward spell. If an ally becomes under the effect of Poison Immunity and has poison condition, it is removed. For 30 seconds, all allies under the effects of Poison Immunity cannot be poisoned. The way this works is, your kai must be 30, meaning you have spent 30 energy thus far in the battle and can thus be able to use this spell. So suppose I have 45 kai and I cast this spell. Afterwards I have 25 kai (45 - 30 + 10 for the energy to use) and cannot recast until I have cast another spell of 5 energy first. The strategist is a master of buffing and unbuffing, relying on his ability to manipulate the effects of the entire team rather than just himself. Incantation These are spells specifically designed to help the entire team in some small way. An example of which has already been listed, the poison immunity. Others include: Phasing (15 energy, 45 kai, 30 recharge) - Elite kai ward spell. All allies and foes outside of the ward can deal no damage to all allies and foes inside of the ward and vice versa for 20 seconds. (a neat effect would be to render everyone inside slightly transparent) Time Bend (15 energy, 30 kai, 30 recharge) - Kai ward spell. All projectiles inside the Time Bend ward are slowed by 66%. (Makes arrow dodging a lot easier) Malediction These spells are designed to hurt the performance of the enemy in some small way. Life Bend (10 energy, 20 recharge) - Ward spell. All foes under the effect of Life Bend gain -10 health regeneration. Upon leaving the area affected by Life Bend, foe gains +10 health regeneration for 10 seconds. Charm Ring (15 energy, 50 kai, 60 recharge) - Elite kai ward spell. All foes under the effect of Charm Ring cannot attack. This effect ends once they receive damage from any source. Honing (Primary) For each point placed in Honing, all ward spells last 4% longer. All spells here deal with increasing efficiency when dealing with ward spells. What do you think? |
Originally Posted by Akirai Annuvil
Strategist Sun Tzu's Art of War "Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness; travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has taken no precautions." Sun Tzu's Art of War is considered to be one of the best books on strategy ever to have been written. It is one of the required pieces of literature for officers in the military, it is one of the pieces of literature which Mao Zedong relied upon to win his war, one that the Vietnamese relied upon to win theirs. For some parts of the class I will rely upon the Art of War, and for other I will use what many people recognize as and in general consider majorly strategic; chess. New additions to gameplay Posts Posts are poles visible only to your party. Various skills and spells currently already in existence will allow you to see posts (like Sight Beyond Sight). Poles can be destroyed but only by those who can see them. If a player who has minions can see a post, the minions can target that post. A post has roughly 180 life and is level 20 with 70 AL for all damage calculating purposes. A normal post lasts for 150 seconds or 2.5 minutes. It is impossible to control more than 10 posts. A post cannot be placed adjacent to another post. Beacons Beacons are areas which a Strategist can predefine using posts, and which he can cause a certain effect in. There is some similarity to Wells, Wards and Spirit as all three have static effects like Beacons, however as the other three have their things to make them special so do beacons. Basically a beacon is made placing various posts around the map and by then using a Beacon skill. The posts will be connected with each other causing for example a slowdown effect in the area. A Beacons bordaries can never exist out of more than 5 posts. If a beacon's duration has ended the posts it is made of are destroyed. Ambushes Ambushes function similarily to Traps. Simply speaking you place two posts on a map, and connect them with each other. A line will be extended between them, and anybody who crosses that line will trigger a certain effect, ranging from a speed buff on your party to the triggered foe being knocked down and teleported to a random post. For ambushes, posts have to be within earshot of each other unless otherwise said in the skill description. Selecting posts Selecting spirits and minions is a pain. Why would selecting a post whenever you need to create an ambush be any different? On the contrary to minions and spirits, posts appear on the minimap and on the radar named post A, post B, etc. The name only lights up when you mouse over the post (designated by a small blue dot). However they only appear there for the Strategists on your party. For people who can see posts (for example ritualists under the effects of Sight Beyond Sight) they will also appear on the radar at around wanding range (around 1.2x aggro bubble). Selecting them can be done by clicking on the appropriate dot on your radar/minimap. Attributes Primary Attribute Planning "Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory." For each rank in this attribute, your posts gain +10 health. For every two ranks you gain 1 energy whenever one of your posts is destroyed. This attribute line consists out of post creation skills, post destruction skills and post manipulation skills. Cunning "All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near." Many skills in this attribute line are Ambushes and Beacons with detrimental effects to the opposing party. Morale "Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley." Many skill in this attribute line directly support your allies and help them deal or take damage. Guidance "Opportunities multiply as they are seized." Many skills in this attribute line are Beacons and Ambushes which only have effect in specific situations. Armor AL 70, 4 regen, 30 energy Insignia standard insignia +3 AL for each post controlled (maximum of 15) +10 AL while under the effects of a beacon Skills Planning Banner of Light {E} 10e//1s//20s Elite Spell. Target post becomes a banner of Light. Banners are visible to the enemy. All allies within the banners area of effect gain +1 Energy Regeneration, +18..46..57 health and +4..10..12 armor. Wrecked Post 5e//1s//1s Skill. If one of your posts has been destroyed you create a post at your location. This post stays active for 60 seconds. Timber 5e//1s//5s Spell. All posts within earshot are destroyed. Target foe takes 37...46..62 Fire damage. For each post destroyed, target foe and all nearby foes suffer 8 Fire damage. Cunning True Ambush 15e//1s//10s Ambush. Create an Ambush. The next time a foe triggers True Ambush, that foe is knocked down and gains +12..43..52 Health. You and 0...1..2 nearby allies shadow step adjacent to that foe. This Ambush is then destroyed. Fainting Spell 10e//2s//20s Ambush. Create an Ambush. For 20 seconds, whenever a foe triggers Fainting Spell that foe suffers from 1 second of Dazed for each Spell that foe's has equipped. For each attack skill that foe has equipped they are healed of 1..0..0 Conditions. Thunderstorm 10e//1s//20s Beacon. Create a Beacon. For 12...27..38 seconds, all foes within this Beacon deal lightning damage, and have +20..11..8 armor against lightning. Morale Blazon of Courage 15e//2s//25s Enchantment Spell. For 5...9..11 seconds all party members under the effects of a Beacon attack 25% faster. All allies not under the effects of a Beacon move 10% faster. Victorious Charge 10e//1s//10s Enchantment Spell. For 14 seconds, if target ally's health is above 80% target ally moves 25% faster. Laughter of the Heroes 5e//1s//10s Spell. Target ally gains 4 energy. All adjacent enemies lose 1...4..6 energy. If more then 5 energy is removed, you lose 5 energy and this skill takes 5 seconds longer to recharge. Guidance Web of Spells 10e//3/4s//12s Beacon. Create a Beacon. For 12 seconds, all allies under the effects of Web of Spells gain +10..23..31 Health whenever they cast a spell and gain +10 armor while casting a spell. When a spell is interrupted they take 15 damage. Web of Daggers 10e//3/4s//24s Beacon. Create a Beacon. For 24 seconds, all slashing attacks deal +5..8..10 damage. Foes take +5 piercing damage as well. Dark Pit 15e//1s//20s Ambush. Create an Ambush. For 25 seconds, whenever a Blinded foe triggers Dark Pit they are knocked down. Attributeless Build Post 5e//2s//12s Skill. Create a Post at your location. Appearance Leather armor, light and comfortable. Not particularly battle durable. Not battle worn, and a rigorous and strict appearance. |
This one was fun ! Please be indulgent, it was written in about two hours...
[SIZE="3"]The Mastermind[/SIZE] A Mastermind is a profession of mage that specializes in predicting and controlling the movements of the enemy. They are tacticians devoted to Balthazar and can tap into that devotion to cast certain spells without needing a target, in preparation for when the enemy will come near that area. Their favorite tactic is to manipulate their environment to force enemies onto specific grounds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- New mechanics The Mastermind can cast some spells without any targets. Those spells are Siege spells, Guardian spells, and Seals. When you click on one of those spells to activate it, you have to aim it on the ground with your mouse. Then, whenever you get in the correct range, the spell starts casting. Whenever a Mastermind casts a Siege Spell or a Seal, an animation similar to Wards, but a little less eye-catching, would appear on the ground only to his party members, so they can know where it was cast, to try, as a team, to force the enemies onto those grounds. Guardian Spells are used to create Sentinels. Like a Binding Ritual, they are minions that attack anything in sight, but it's not a ghost and it can move, but only patrols between two points, which you choose before casting, as you would aim Siege Spells. Seals are a mix between Traps, Wards and Wells. First, you cast the Seal at the location you aim. For a certain time, the Seal will remain active, and will activate if certain conditions are met. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stats Armor: 60 Maximum Energy: 40 Energy regeneration: 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attributes and skills examples: Incantations (Primary) Each point in this attribute increases the range at which you can cast your Siege spells, Guardian spells, and Seals, starting from 75% of the normal range at attribute 0, to 150% of normal range at 16. This attribute also slightly increases the range at which you can cast any normal spells. Whenever you cast a spell farther than the normal range, you gain 1 Energy for each 3 points in Incantations. Skills from this attribute are mostly Enchantments to aid you in your casting. Examples: Casting Protection Enchantment Spell. For 10-30 seconds, you gain +40 armor while you are casting. Failure Absorption Enchantment Spell. For 15 seconds, whenever you are interrupted, you gain 75-125% of the Energy cost back. --------------------- Siege Those sills are mostly AoE spells. Examples: Boiling Grounds Elite Siege Spell. Create a Boiling Ground at aimed location. Foe 5-10 seconds, foes nearby the location are struck with 4-17 damage each second. When this spell ends, foes that suffered from more than 5-2 waves of damage are knocked down. Chaotic Stones Siege Spell. Create Chaotic Stones at aimed location. For 5-20 seconds, foes nearby the location move 33% faster, but when this spell ends or whenever a foe leaves the area, any action a foe was doing is interrupted. (includes running) Blazing Alert Siege Spell. Create a Blazing Alert at aimed location. For 10 seconds, foes entering and leaving the area are set on fire for 1-4 seconds. --------------------- Guardians Those skills are the defensive-style skills of a Mastermind, used to summon Sentinels. They would be as long to cast as Binding Rituals, but would recharge faster as they don,t last as long. Examples: Brute Elite Guardian Spell. Create a level (...) Brutal Sentinel at aimed location. Whenever it attacks, it interrupts its foe. Whenever a foe crosses its patrol line, that foe is knocked down and this Sentinel take (...) damage. This Sentinel dies after 20 seconds. Shield Guardian Spell. Create a level (...) Shielded Sentinel at aimed location. Whenever it deals or suffer damage, it gains +10 Armor. This Sentinel dies after 5-20 seconds. Fangs Guardian Spell. Create a level (...) Fanged Sentinel at aimed location. It has 20-50% chance to deal a Critical strike whenever it attacks. This Sentinel dies after 5-25 seconds. --------------------- Seals Seals are the traps of the Mastermind,both to hinder its enemies or to aid its allies Examples: Seal of Flames Elite Seal. Create a Seal of Flames at aimed location or 10-20 seconds. If foes are burning in its area for more than 30-15 total seconds, foes in the area are struck for 30-80 fire damage and set on fire for 1-5 seconds. Seal of Silence Seal. Create a Seal of Silence at aimed location for 20 seconds. If foes in its area are interrupted more than 15-4 total times, all foes in the area become Dazed for 5-15 seconds. Seal of Harmony Seal. Create a Seal of Silence at aimed location for 10 seconds. If creatures in its area are have suffered more than 150-300 total damage, all allies in the area are healed for 40-120 health and loose one Hex. Blood Seal Seal. Create a Blood Seal at aimed location. If creatures in its area are have suffered more than 150-300 total damage, all foes in the area loose 10-45 Health and begin Bleeding for 4-12 seconds. |
You guys keep on making Area-Located Spells or whatever you call it while the other guys in the other forum are making Warders^^.
Cause you guys seem to make Area-Located Spells or whatever you call it, might aswell join, The Warlock is the Sealer I renamed it^^. Warlock(Wl) "Oracle of Fate" Soul Linking(Primary) -For each rank of Soul Linking, Your Energy Regeneration Speed increases by 3.3% faster, Specializes in Strengthening you and your allies. Amplify Pyro/Hydro/Aero/Geomancer's Spirit -Soul Link, 10e|1p|2c|45r : For 5-17 seconds, Target Ally's Fire/Water/Air/Earth Magic Attributes are increased by 1-2 ranks(This skill contains 4 skills, Follow corresponding elements). But you lose 2 Ranks of Attributes of Soul Linking. Amplify Healer's/Protector's/Smiter's Spirit -Soul Link, 10e|1p|2c|45r : For 5-17 seconds, Target Ally's Healing/Protection/Smithing Prayer Attributes are increased by 1-2 ranks(This skill contains 3 skills, Follow corresponding Prayer). But you lose 2 Attributes of Soul Linking. Gate Magic -Specializes in Teleporting, Creating Portals or Entering Worlds. Spirit Gate [Elite] -Gate Rune, 15e|1p|5c|60r : Create "Spirit Gate Rune", When rune dropped, For 8-17 seconds, Drop selected area will open a "Spirit Gate'. Creatures enter the Gate will enter the Spirit Plain. Warp Portal -Portal Rune, 15e|1p|3c|5r : Create "Warp Portal Rune", When rune dropped, For 17-31 seconds, Drop selected area will open a "Warp Portal". Creatures enter that Portal will be teleported to random nearest "Warp Portal". Divine Rift -Rift Rune, 10e|1p|4c|15r : Create "Divine Rift Rune", When rune dropped, For 9-15 seconds, Drop selected area will open a "Divine Rift". Creatures Adjacent to the Rift deals +7-17 when dealing Dark, Shadow or Holy Damage. Seal Magic -Specializes in Protecting, Conjuring Barriers, Capturing Monsters and Disabling Skills. Conjure Barrier[Elite] -Barrier Spell, 15e|1p|5c|15r : Create a Barrier on Target Area for 9-15 seconds. All melee and projectile attacks beyond the Barrier are Obstructed and Creatures can't pass through it(the Area you choose can be Non-Specific). And other Barrier within earshot are dismissed for 15 seconds. Dismiss -Spell, 10e|3c|25r : Destroy Target Barrier, Gate, Portal or Rift, 50% chance of success. Seal Portal -Seal Spell, 5e|1/4c|25r : For 5-12 seconds, No one can enter Target Portal or Gate. Rejuvenating Magic -Specializes in Restoring your Allies' Energy and Energy Management. Rejuvinating Epiphany[Elite] -Enchantment Spell, 15e|2c|45r : For 15-30 seconds, When target ally dies, Allies adjacent to dead ally gains +7-12 energy. Seal of Rejuvenation -Spell, 15e|1c|20r : You lose all energy and Target Ally gains +1-3 Energy Regeneration for 2-7 seconds. Seal of Renewal -Spell, 10e|3c|30r : Target ally loses 50% of his energy. But gains +9-17 energy. Soul Link System -This is a new System which amplifies allies fighting abilities. While target ally maintains this The Sealer suffers lost of 1 energy pipe. I. Rune System -The Rune System has Three types of Runes naming Gate, Portal and Rift Rune. Runes opens Gates, Portals and Rifts. II. Gate Runes -Gate Runes are runes when dropped this will open Worlds their are at least 2 worlds Physical Plane and Spirit Plane. When opened Adjacent Creatures to it moves 25% Slower. Also when after a Gate Rune expire you return back to the Physical Plane. III. Physical Plain -This plane is the Normal Plain in this Plane you can Attack using Martial Weapons and take average damage. III. Spiritual Plain -In the Spiritual Plain you're Character dies and you change to a Spirit. Also while in this Plane you move 50% slower. IV. Spirit Form -While in Spirit Form you gain 60% DP. Also you are immune to Physical and Elemental Damage but take double to Holy, Dark, Chaos and etc, Damage. Ones you die as a Spirit Form you enter back to you're dead body. And can't use Martial Weapons unless it is enchanted by Weapon Spells. In this Form you are treated as a Spirit. II. Portal Runes -Portal Runes are Runes, which opens Portals which helps you teleport to places or teleport back projectiles to enemies. When opened Adjacent Creatures to it moves 25% Slower. II. Rift Runes -Rift Runes are Runes, Which opens Rifts. Rifts are things which increases your damaging capabilities. When opened Adjacent Creatures to it moves 25% Slower. This only affects Holy, Dark, Chaos and etc Damage also Ritualists' Channeling Magic. Barrier System -This is a New system which creates obstructs which changes the terrain of the field and protecting allies from projectiles or so. Seal Spell System -This an improved system which disable target foes from enabling and accessing from skills also closing Rifts, Portals and Gates. Rejuvenating Seal System -This is a Seal which helps allies by increasing their energy or energy management. |
Originally Posted by System_Crush
Blessed with divine insight the augur(means prophet/bode) can fortell events yet to happen, they use this to make even the largest battle go their way. New stuff Skill type: Plan A plan is a new skill that must last it’s full duration to take effect. A plan shows up like a little white brain in a targets health bar, and is removable with new skills for most professions. A plan will be the first skill that stays on you and keeps counting when you’re dead, if they last their full duration on a dead creature they do activate, but as the creature is dead they won’t do mutch. Skill type: Guidance spell A new spell that automatically causes you to call the target you are casting it on, for its duration this remains the target called by you, when it ends the target won’t be called any longer even if it’s still alive. You can’t use 2 guidance spells at the same time, casting a new one on any target what so ever causes all your running guidance spells to end. Weapon A blow gun fires really small darts and is incapable of good base damage but can be fired with amazing accuracy for excellent bonus damage. Blowgun (yay for wiki) Damage 1-15 piercing (requires Fidelity) Range short bow range Re-swing: 2 Arch: none A blowgun has a base 10% change to cheap shot, this increases with higher fidelity. A cheap shot is a supremely aimed attack circumventing armor, means: a cheap shot is an attack that has 100% armor penetration. Premonition (primary) Premonition makes skills that defend you and your team become more effective. Also whenever an effect you caused would end prematurely there is a 2% chance per rank of premonition for the duration to be halved instead, whenever this happens you gain 1 energy. Idiot Proof Planning – elite ward spell For 80 seconds, all allies within the ward affected by a plan take 5…14(17) less damage from all sources. Improvise – elite skill Remove a plan from yourself, if a plan was removed you are healed for 20…32(36) health and target foe is weakened for 10 seconds. Last Stand – ward spell For 10…25(30) seconds, allies within the ward have their armor increased by the percentage they are below max health. Communication Contains the nice plans and guidance spells; for support purposes mainly. Guidance of the True – elite guidance spell For 1…13(17) seconds attacks on target foe deal 3 more damage for each enchantment on the attacker and 1 less damage for each hex on that foe. Plan Fortitude - plan Allies within earshot gain plan of fortitude, after 2…5(6) seconds those allies gain 5 health regeneration for the amount of time the plan was in effect. Guidance of the Unfortunate – guidance spell For 2…11(14) seconds, whenever target foe attacks, nearby allies are healed for 5 health. Plan Victory – elite plan Allies within earshot gain plan of victory, after 40…25(20) seconds those allies are healed for 200 health and cured of 1 condition. Guidance of the Resolute – guidance spell For 1…25(33) seconds, if target foe dies allies within range gain 1…4(5) energy. Implication Contains mean plans and guidance spells, as well as the Augurs special plan disrupters that remove a plan from a creature and affect all other creatures with the same plan as well. Mainly for debuff and hindering and a bit of additional damage. Guidance of the Guile – guidance spell For 5…11(13) seconds, critical hits against target foe have 25% armor penetration. Cowardice – skill Remove a plan from target foe, each of that foe’s allies affected by the same plan take 20…44(52) damage if it lasts its full duration. Plan Deceit – plan Allies within earshot gain plan of deceit for 30 seconds, if plan of deceit does not last it’s full duration all foes within earshot take 5…17(21) damage for each living ally in earshot the plan is still active on. Egomania – skill Remove a plan from target foe, that foe steals 15…30(35) health from each of that foe’s allies affected by the same plan. Fidelity Means accuracy, using their predicting abileties they can tell what move a foe will make before the foe knows it; they use this to hit foes with inhuman accuracy. Increases the damage and crit chance with blowguns, each rank in fidelity adds 3% chance to make a cheapshot. Aggressive Urge – elite blowgun attack Remove all plans from yourself, if a plan is removed this attack is a cheap shot and target foe is interrupted, if target foe is above 90% of max health it takes an additional 4…22(28) damage for each plan removed. Impossible Shot – blowgun attack If this attack hits, it inflicts a cheap shot and target foe is blinded for 5 seconds. Wicked Intentions - ward spell For 10 seconds, blowgun attacks made by allies within the ward cause poison for 3…9(11) seconds. Resolute Intentions – ward spell For 15 seconds, cheap shots made by allies within the ward deal an additional 8…20(24) damage. Here's my first ideas, hope they make any sence at all. |
Well, here's what I've come up with..
The Strategist For years, the Charr were free to rampage over the ruins of the once great kingdom of Ascalon unchecked. The Ascalonian military atempted several tactical strikes against the Charr, but to no avail. Their numbers were simply too great for anyone to defeat. Until the Strategists came. Great armies of soldiers lead by the greatest Strategic and Tactical minds of Ascalon successfully liberated the ruined former capitol of Drascir. They did not stop there. The Charr forces quickly fell into disarray, confused by the incredible strength and speed of the Ascalon armies. The army pushed forward, defeating the Charr at every step. Lennas, Stone Bastion, Forman's Pass, even the Addensor Keep at the foot of the Far Shiverpeaks, all were liberated within two seasons. The Kingdom of Ascalon was beginning to reemerge and rebuild across teritories it hasn't controlled for decades, and as a new evil emerges to threaten it, the Strategists rally their forces, ready to face it, and grind it into dust once again. The Armor The Strategist has an armor that scales up to 60, with +2 pips of Energy regeneration, and +10 maximum Energy. Standard Insignias, as well as Commander(gives +1 Armor for each Soldier) and other Class Insignias. The Weapon Strategists wield two-handed Quarrelstaves, long hollow rods with springs, bolts and strings, used to shoot out Bolts at targets at shortbow range. Quarrelstaves deal up to 18-26 damage, and attack every two seconds. The Attributes Fielding Primary Attribute. For every two ranks of Fielding, the Strategist gains a Soldier. Many Strategist skills, especially those that renew and maintain a force, are more effective with higher Fielding. Together we are strong! Ranged Supremacy Many Strategist skills, especially those related to ranged attacks and tactics, are more effective with higher Ranged Supremacy. Archers at the ready! Melee Supremacy Many Strategist skills, especially those related to melee attacks and tactics, are more effective with higher Melee Supremacy. Swords raised, heads proud! Defensive Supremacy Many Strategist skills, especially those related to defending an area or a force, are more effective with higher Defensive Supremacy. None shall fall! Intelligence Many Strategist skills, especially those related to identifying and weakening the enemy, are more effective with higher Intelligence Know your enemy. The Soldiers A Strategist's Soldier is his most valuable companion. A Soldier's level is equal to half the Strategist's level, and his Health scales from 40 to 200. A Strategist starts with a number of Soldiers equal to half his rank in Fielding. When a Soldier dies, the Strategist loses 5 energy. There are four types of Soldiers, each dependant on the Strategist's choice. Soldier: A melee soldier. His armor scales from 10 to 60. He is equipped with a Shield, which scales from 2 to 8 Armor, and an Axe, which scales from 1-3 to 10-17 damage. Fighter: A melee soldier. His Armor scales from 10(with +5 vs Physical) to 60(with +10 vs Physical). He is equipped with a two-handed Sword, which scales from 1-4 to 14-16 Damage. Archer: A ranged soldier. His Armor scales from 5(with +5 vs Elemental) to 50(with +15 vs Elemental). He is equipped with a Shortbow, which scales from 2-5 to 10-18 Damage. Guard: A melee soldier. His Armor scales from 15 to 70. He is equipped with a Shield, which scales from 2 to 10 Armor, and a Shortsword, which scales from 1-3 to 12-14 Damage. The Strategist can equip an Offense, Ranged or Defense Command skill, which correspond to the Fighter, Archer and Guard Soldiers. Only one of these skills may be equipped at the same time. The Skills All variables are in the form of 0-12(16) attribute rank. Certain skills in Ranged, Melee and Defense trees affect Archers, Fighters or Guards, instead of any Soldier, thus preventing them from being used in conjunction with the opposing trees. Call skills will instruct the Strategist's Soldiers to attack a specific target, and confer certain bonuses. These only work when a foe is targeted. Fielding Rally Cost: 10 Cast: 8 Recharge: 30 Skill. Obtain a Soldier, if your Soldier count is not full. For every one of your Soldiers within earshot, this skill activates 1 second faster. Call of Haste Cost: 5 Recharge: 10 Shout. For 5 seconds, all your Soldiers attack target foe and move 5...25(33)% faster. Zealous Strikes Cost: 5 Cast: 1/4 Recharge: 3 Elite Skill. The next time each of your Soldiers hits with an attack, you gain 1 energy. "Regroup!" Cost: 5 Recharge: 10 Shout. All your Soldier gather around you, and gain 20...55(70) health. Ranged Supremacy Ranged Command Skill. While this skill is equipped, your Soldiers are replaced with Archers. Power Shots Cost: 10 Cast: 1/4 Recharge: 8 Skill. All your Archers shoot an arrow at target foe. These attacks deal +2...6(8) damage. Archer Captain Skill. While this skill is equipped, one of your Soldiers is replaced with a level 1...12(14) Archer Captain. Archer Captain will Cripple moving foes for 1...3(4) seconds with each hit. Hail of Arrows Cost: 10 Cast: 1/4 Recharge: 8 Elite Skill. All your Archers shoot an arrow at target foe and up to 1...4(5) adjacent foes. Melee Supremacy Offensive Command Skill. While this skill is equipped, your Soldiers are replaced with Fighters. Knight Skill. While this skill is equipped, one of your Soldiers is replaced with a level 1...12(14) Knight. The Knight deals 10...30(40) damage in combat. "Flank Him!" Cost: 5 Recharge: 25 Shout. If there are two or more Fighters adjacent to target foe, the next time one of your soldiers hit that foe, he is knocked down. Guided Strikes Cost: 5 Cast: 1/4 Recharge: 12 Skill. All your Fighters attack target foe. These attacks can not be blocked. Power Strikes Cost: 10 Cast: 1/4 Recharge: 6 Skill. All your Fighters attack target foe. These attacks deal +2...6(8) damage. "Rise up and strike them down!" Cost: 10 Recharge: 20 Elite Shout. For 10 seconds, all your Fighters have 5...20(25)% chance to knock down their foes with each hit. Once a Fighter successfully knocks a foe down throug this skill, this skill ends for that fighter. Defensive Supremacy Defensive Command Skill. While this skill is equipped, your Soldiers are replaced with Guards. Bastion Leader Skill. While this skill is equipped, one of your Soldiers is replaced with a level 1...12(14) Bastion Leader. Bastion Leader does not attack, but he heals a Soldier in the area for 10...44(52) health every 4 seconds. "Stand Firm!" Cost: 10 Recharge: 20 Shout. For 10 seconds, all your Soldiers gain 5...20(24) armor and 10...45(55) extra health. Rapture Strikes Cost: 5 Cast: 1/4 Recharge: 3 Skill. The next time you and each of your Soldiers attack, you are healed for 3...18(22) health, and that soldier is healed for 5...25(30) health. Intelligence Burden of Armor Cost: 10 Cast: 2 Recharge: 30 Hex Spell. This spell deals 15...60(70) piercing damage. If this spell deals less than 10...52(60) damage, target foe moves 50% slower for 6...12(15) seconds. Testing Bolts Cost: 5 Cast: 1 Recharge: 8 Spell. Shoot five bolts at target foe. Each bolt deals 3...12(15) Fire, Cold, Lightning, Earth or Piercing damage. For 5 seconds, your Soldiers' damage type is changed to the type of the bolt that did the most damage. Unlinked Call to Arms 5 energy, 8 recharge Shout. For 5 seconds, all your soldiers attack target foe 33% faster. Ambush Cost: 15 Cast: 2 Recharge: 5 Skill. If your Soldier count is not full, a Fighter under your control appears behind target foe. For 5 seconds, that Fighter's attacks deal 3...8(10) extra damage. Once used, this skill is disabled for 5 seconds for each Soldier you control. Attribute: Offensive Supremacy Something like that? I had some skills in mind for the Defensive Supremacy line, which I forgot/didn't have time/energy to write up. Skills like... Defensive Positions Cost: 15 Cast: 1 Recharge: 30 Skill. For 15 seconds, your Guards move to their closest party members, and stay adjacent to them. Party members with Guards adjacent to them recieve +4...24(30) armor. Or even Offensive Supremacy skills such as... "Lead them to glory!" Cost: 10 Recharge: 20 Shout. For 10 seconds, while adjacent to party members, your Fighters' attacks deal +3...8(10) damage. Well, this is what I could come up with today... Was quite challenging finding a niche for him between a Paragon and a Minion Master... Don't know if I quite managed to do it. Let me hear your thoughts... |