David Mitchell Look-a-like
Is it just me or does my new monk look suprising like David Mitchell?
no one cares.
Who the hell is david Mitchell anyway?
Draak Calinca
Don't even know who that is...actually, never even heard of him
Anarion Silverhand
A picture of your character next to this "David Mitchell" would be an improvement.
I assume this is the david mitchell rl guy http://www.aboutrufus.com/BBC-TOS7.jpg
[Insert Search Engine Here] is your friend
[Insert Search Engine Here] is your friend

I'd say thats probably a better picture to judge off of. No clue who he is but instead of being a complete asshole and posting here like the rest of these people I just googled him.
I see a resemblance definatly.
Xo Xo
Isn't he the guy from Peepshow? God that show sucks...
He is a comedian from the UK, has been in a few T.V Shows e.g Peepshow (which went down pretty well in the UK) and some films as well.
Unlucky Slayer
1) There is already a thread for every profession in the game. Post your pic there along with the reference pic to compare if thats your task.
2) Should have posted the reference pic.
3) This did not need a new thread.
2) Should have posted the reference pic.
3) This did not need a new thread.