Sit-down strike, today at 18:00 UTC

Porkchop Sandwhiches

Porkchop Sandwhiches

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fishing Village in Wizard's Folly


Man, I hope that while Gaile is going over her survey results for PayPal she takes into mind where she is asking. Countries are different.

Personally I don't see the big deal about the missions, too. Anet just seems to try to be making more cash, and these missions don't seem like anything special than to do just that. They have a whole new game coming out and a new expansion, they're just trying to fund it. I've played other games in which you buy special made content separately online, this isn't a new idea.

Aera Lure

Aera Lure

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

In Baltar's head

Bring Out Your Dead [BOYD], former officer [LBS]


I hate downloading games and not having the install CDs, as well as missing out on the box and printed goodies therein, having to remember passwords and where to go if/when I uninstall but want to go back and reinstall etc. Its why I dislike the bonus mission model. Its hardly "free" and should be advertised as a "buy online promotion." Miffs me a bit Anet advertises that content as "free" but it is a minor point. Anyone who wants the bonus mission material simply has to go buy GW:EN online now. Much as I dislike that, suppose if I buy GW:EN now its the only way to go. Just wonder what happens to all the in-store retail pre-orders that will need to end up being cancelled. Smartest thing to do since its not worth paying $30 certainly for a box, which is what it comes down to if you buy the in-store version and then have to go spend $30 in the store to get the bonus content.

Sit down strike though? Meh. Anet's just trying to make extra money. They arent actually forcing us to spend more. They are forcing us to choose. Slight bit of difference there. A sit down isnt going to change anything I'm afraid.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

If they want to make money they should allow us to spend money.

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



This is really an odd thing for people to rally against. Go to Google News and check out what's going on in the world. Spend at least 5 minutes reading headlines, you don't even need to actually read the article.

If you're involved in a GW sit strike after reading those headlines, then you should reexamine your priorities (unless you're a child, if you are, you have plenty of time to worry about the world later).

The only thing you can do to annoy Anet is to not buy their products. But we all know that's not going to happen, right? After all, if you care enough to join a sit strike, or read a thread about one, you'll definitely be buying their expansion and GW2.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Originally Posted by ObiWan07
Many visa cards here are corporate visa, limited to special things like gasing up.
Despite the gas stations only very few shops accept visa or master cards here.
More common is the ec/maestro card.

Thats one of the main problems, why getting a card, and buying a yearly fee, if you're only able to use it at a limited amount of shops, where the existing check-cards are accepted almost everywhere.
I'm sorry, but whilst on holiday over christmas, I used my Visa DEBIT card everywhere, i didn't take cash at all, in france, german, belgiam (ok, just into belgiam though) and used it everywhere...

I used it at restaurants, shops, the hotels, taxi's (ok, one taxi i needed cash, but thats it)


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2007

Germany / Playing on European Region.

Society of Life and Death [sold]


Originally Posted by Gli
If they want to make money they should allow us to spend money.
Hey, that reminds me of a clarification that has been handed by, one of the three german sites that have initiated the protests...
Erklärung für den geplanten Sitzstreik
von Kronos1980 | 08.07.2007 - 10:24 Uhr

Da es anscheinend immer noch zu Missverständnissen über den geplanten Sitzstreik kommt, erachten wir es als nötig hier noch einmal zu erklären, warum wir das tun.

Wir sind nicht gegen den Bonus an sich, nur gegen die Art, wie er an uns herangebracht wird. Das eine Gewinnorientierte Firma versucht Geld zu machen, ist nichts Verwerfliches oder Böses. Nur leider ist es seit Einführung des Onlineshops so, dass dieses System schwere Mängel aufweist. Nicht nur, dass er für Spieler ohne Kreditkarte unerreichbar ist, er ist obendrein zu teuer und die Leistungen sind zu schlecht.

Das ArenaNet da nun etwas ändern möchte, indem sie Missionen dort anbieten, ist eine wirklich sinnvolle Lösung. Kleine Content-Pakete für einen kleinen Preis, können dafür sorgen, dass Guild Wars ewig weiter läuft.
Nur wurden hier ganz einfach wichtige Punkte übersprungen. Man kann kein Bonussystem in einen Shop einfügen, wenn es dort nichts gibt, auf das der Bonus angewendet werden kann.

Den meisten Fans ist es wichtig eine Box in den Händen zu halten. Sie ist genauso ein Fanartikel wie Tassen, Poster oder Charr-Pantoffeln. Da es leider nicht viele andere Fanartikel gibt, ist sie somit ein sehr wichtiger Punkt für einen Fan. Nun aber wird man vor die Wahl gestellt einen zu teuren Code + für einen Fan wichtige Missionen oder eben eine für einen Fan wichtige Box.

Wir möchten auf keinen Fall erreichen, dass diese Aktion nun abgebrochen wird. Wir möchten, dass der Bonus allen zugänglichen wird. Es muss deutlich gesagt werde: Ja diese Missionen werden nach dieser Bonusaktion auch so erhältlich sein, damit auch jeder sie kaufen kann. Ganz besonders Spieler, die derzeit nicht in der Lage sind den Shop zu nutzen, obwohl sie das gerne Täten.

Es gibt ein Produkt.
Es gibt die Nachfrage.

Also bitte ArenaNet gebt uns auch die Möglichkeit unser Geld dafür auszugeben.

Zum geplanten Streik:

Er wird wie geplant durchgeführt. Doch habe ich eine bitte an alle Beteiligten. Sowohl die Pro, wie auch die Contra Stimmen. Sorgt dafür, dass es friedlich über die Bühne läuft. Für diese Aktion wurden die Regeln nicht außer Kraft gesetzt. Spam, Flame und Beleidigungen verstoßen gegen die Regeln und grade bei dieser Aktion sollte man da vorsichtig mit sein, denn wir wollen ja, dass sie von ArenaNet beobachtet wird. Also kann so etwas auch ganz schnell zum Bann führen. Ein Sitzstreik ist eine friedliche Art seine Meinung zu sagen und läuft im Idealfall völlig still ab.
Wer auch immer also meint, diese Aktion zu stören indem er spammt, flamed oder beleidigt kann sich sicher sein, dass er beim Support landet, egal auf welcher Seite er steht.
I'll try a quick translation
Clarification on the planned sit-down strike by Kronos1980, 08.07.07 - 10:24

As there still seem to be some misunderstandings about the strike, we see the need to clarify here, why we are doing it.

We are not against the Mission Bonus Pack, just against the style, how it is brought to us. That a cash-making oriented company tries to make money isn't evil or bad. But since the onlineshop has been introduced, it has shown severe incapabilities (sorry, no better word for it). Not only that it isn't reachable at all for players without credit card, it is too expensive and what is offered isn't good at all.

That ANet wants to change something now, by adding those missions, is a good solution. Small content-packages for a small price could well achieve that Guild Wars runs on eternally. But some points have been skipped here - you can't introduce a bonus-system in a shop, when there is nothing in it you can apply the bonus to.

To most Fans, holding a box in hands is important. It is a fan-article, just like a mug, a poster or charr-plushies. Since there aren't many other fan-articles, it is an important point for a fan. But now you're given a hard choice: Buy a too expensive code and the - for fans - important missions - or buy the for fans important box.

We don't want to achieve that this action is cancelled. We want, that the bonus will be available for everyone. It must be said clearly: "Yes, these missions will be available after the bonus action, so everyone can buy them." - especially people, who aren't able to use the shop at present, although they would like too.

There is a product. (supply)
There is a demand.

So please, ANet, give us the possibility, to spend our money on the product.

On the planned strike:

It will be done as planned. But we want to ask all participants for a favor. Pro as well as Contra. Please, make this strike a peaceful one. The rules have not been suspended for this event. Spamming, flaming and insults are violations of the rules and especially for this strike we should be cautious, cause we want ANet to watch this event. So for this event, such actions might quickly result in a ban. A sit-down-strike is a peaceful way to tell your opinion and is completely silent in the ideal case.
So whoever thinks it a wise idea to disturb this event by spamming, flaming or insulting, can be sure to be reported to the support team rightaway, regardless of which side he or she is on.

---END of translation---

Sorry that it's maybe a bit awkward to read, but I did this just now, in some hurry as I wanted it to be here as soon as possible.... oh, and I totally missed out on using the word rally. Didn't come to my mind, sorry.

And... about other things. I got a 40€/year prepaid-cc just to buy character slots. But I like the boxes. Now forcing me to either make a decision on (fan-)box or (fan-)missions is just cruel.

Chop it Off

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Saviors of [EviL]


Originally Posted by Caith-Avar

And... about other things. I got a 40€/year prepaid-cc just to buy character slots. But I like the boxes. Now forcing me to either make a decision on (fan-)box or (fan-)missions is just cruel.
thats where i stand.

and if im forced to make a decision between the two, i wont do either of them.

Willow O Whisper

Willow O Whisper

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2007


Knights Of The Sacred Light [KSL]


Originally Posted by Caith-Avar
Hey, that reminds me of a clarification that has been handed by, one of the three german sites that have initiated the protests...

I'll try a quick translation
Clarification on the planned sit-down strike by Kronos1980, 08.07.07 - 10:24

As there still seem to be some misunderstandings about the strike, we see the need to clarify here, why we are doing it.

We are not against the Mission Bonus Pack, just against the style, how it is brought to us. That a cash-making oriented company tries to make money isn't evil or bad. But since the onlineshop has been introduced, it has shown severe incapabilities (sorry, no better word for it). Not only that it isn't reachable at all for players without credit card, it is too expensive and what is offered isn't good at all.

That ANet wants to change something now, by adding those missions, is a good solution. Small content-packages for a small price could well achieve that Guild Wars runs on eternally. But some points have been skipped here - you can't introduce a bonus-system in a shop, when there is nothing in it you can apply the bonus to.

To most Fans, holding a box in hands is important. It is a fan-article, just like a mug, a poster or charr-plushies. Since there aren't many other fan-articles, it is an important point for a fan. But now you're given a hard choice: Buy a too expensive code and the - for fans - important missions - or buy the for fans important box.

We don't want to achieve that this action is cancelled. We want, that the bonus will be available for everyone. It must be said clearly: "Yes, these missions will be available after the bonus action, so everyone can buy them." - especially people, who aren't able to use the shop at present, although they would like too.

There is a product. (supply)
There is a demand.

So please, ANet, give us the possibility, to spend our money on the product.

On the planned strike:

It will be done as planned. But we want to ask all participants for a favor. Pro as well as Contra. Please, make this strike a peaceful one. The rules have not been suspended for this event. Spamming, flaming and insults are violations of the rules and especially for this strike we should be cautious, cause we want ANet to watch this event. So for this event, such actions might quickly result in a ban. A sit-down-strike is a peaceful way to tell your opinion and is completely silent in the ideal case.
So whoever thinks it a wise idea to disturb this event by spamming, flaming or insulting, can be sure to be reported to the support team rightaway, regardless of which side he or she is on.

---END of translation---

Sorry that it's maybe a bit awkward to read, but I did this just now, in some hurry as I wanted it to be here as soon as possible.... oh, and I totally missed out on using the word rally. Didn't come to my mind, sorry.

And... about other things. I got a 40€/year prepaid-cc just to buy character slots. But I like the boxes. Now forcing me to either make a decision on (fan-)box or (fan-)missions is just cruel.
Ty for the translation, i must say i see nothing wrong in A-net making money, however as u stated urself, this thing forces a collector like myself to either, live whitout one of the things, either the missions or the box with the art and cd's and such. Or paying 29 EUR/ 30 EUR for 3 char slots. So i'm pretty unhappy about us not being able 2 buy the missions as a stand alone purchase.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

Denmark, Karup.



I think the bonus pack is stupid, and way too expensive. Make it 10$ stand alone...
And then they use Gwen, that is such a cheap trick. They must be running low on funds...

Chop it Off

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Saviors of [EviL]


Originally Posted by Qual
I think the bonus pack is stupid, and way too expensive. Make it 10$ stand alone...
And then they use Gwen, that is such a cheap trick. They must be running low on funds...
thats what people have been trying to say, but gaile is totally avoiding the subject.

ive asked her in almost every thread she responded to about this option, and got no reply.


and the sad thing is, people would buy these missions and they would get that extra revenue.


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2007

Germany / Playing on European Region.

Society of Life and Death [sold]


Originally Posted by Willow O Whisper
So i'm pretty unhappy about us not being able 2 buy the missions as a stand alone purchase.
Exactly! Oh my, split the bonus up into the single missions, slap a 4€-pricetag on each and sell them separately. Or as pack, 15€ flat. I'd buy them.

There may be the doubt "if it is enough" - you know, people judge differently on things depending how they got it. You know what? Even if those missions would be so easy that I could "solo them naked with my mesmer"* in 20 Minutes, I'd be happy if I bought them - far happier than if I don't get my GWEN boxed and at a "normal"** price.

* Someone told me to do exactly that, once. Don't know exactly why.
** Ironically, stuff is sold cheaper by retailers than on ANet/NCsofts own Online Store. (which, considering the benefits of boxes/install CDs, is paying more for less, actually)

mazey vorstagg

mazey vorstagg

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006


Meeting of Lost Minds


Ok, I understand their point.

For me, I'll just buy GWEN from the online store in order to get the missions, and although I'll miss the box and I'll have to pay a lot to download it I don't mind.

Although I'd rather the bonus missions were available on their own and when you spend over $30 and were perminant content rather than a 1 month only fling.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


Originally Posted by Qual
I think the bonus pack is stupid, and way too expensive. Make it 10$ stand alone...
And then they use Gwen, that is such a cheap trick. They must be running low on funds...
The bonus pack is FREE ffs. In the same way that skill pins are free if you show up at certain game cons. The fact that you would have to pay for the gas to get there and pay admission etc doesn't change the fact that the skill pins are free. I don't see people complaining about those.

Curse You

Curse You

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

South Pole

The Magus Order


Originally Posted by Raiin Maker
I agree, however if the GW:EN Box will only contain the disk and a crude manual then i will purchase from the store.

However if theres a CE, or more than just a manual then i will purchase from a real store, and would very much like to buy the bonus pack its self from the store, without having to buy anything else.

Guess we'll see.
I have said this time and time again; there is no CE for EotN.

Originally Posted by GloryFox
I joined as well. This offer will screw the retailer and I'm against that.
Look at the offer.

The Guild Wars Mission Pack will be released sometime between November 1 and November 30, 2007. The contents will then be permanently available to the accounts of those who spend $29 USD (€26/£17) or more in the Official Guild Wars (online) Store between 12 p.m. (Noon) PST July 5, 2007 and 12 p.m. (Noon) PST October 31, 2007. This promotion is limited to one per account. The Guild Wars Mission Pack is not transferable and will only be available to the exact account that fulfills this promotion.

I'll interpret what that has to do with your post. You can get the Bonus Mission Pack when you spend over $29 in the Online Store, not when you buy EotN. The Online Store contains many things not available elsewhere. Therefore, you cannot say they are effecting the retailers in any way (legally speaking).

Originally Posted by Aera Lure
I hate downloading games and not having the install CDs, as well as missing out on the box and printed goodies therein, having to remember passwords and where to go if/when I uninstall but want to go back and reinstall etc. Its why I dislike the bonus mission model.
Another person who fails to understand the tech aspect of Guild Wars.

You do not have to download anything you would not normally be downloading when you buy from the Online Store. All data relevant to EotN is automatically downloaded/streamed slightly before it is released. All the CD has on it is the basic Gw.dat file that lets you execute the game.

I haven't had to touch any of my game disks since I got Prophecies. All data for Factions and Nightfall were downloaded/streamed to me automatically. I can access them only because I entered the keys that grant my account access.

Chop it Off

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Saviors of [EviL]


Originally Posted by Pkest
The bonus pack is FREE ffs. In the same way that skill pins are free if you show up at certain game cons. The fact that you would have to pay for the gas to get there and pay admission etc doesn't change the fact that the skill pins are free. I don't see people complaining about those.
skillpins dont = ingame content.

english storm

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


I just want a fair price for ALL items in the in game store and a better payment method. I mean £29.99 for nightfall, £19.99 for factions or the first guild wars???? They sell for £9.99 each now in shops also why do people from Europe have to pay an extra $10 to qualify for the mission promotion?

Engel the Fallen

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005


That is a part of the protest. The lag in europe, the price, and the lack of payment options people have there.



Raged Out

Join Date: Sep 2005

LOL I hope A-Net adds on to the bonus mission pack no and brings in more content and availability to get new rare items only there. I wish people would quit whining, its just a few bucks and if you cant get it, its not the end of the world you dont need to pull out the razor blade.

lol funniest thing ive seen yet today



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by XvArchonvX
What better way to protest playing GW?

If you really want to "boycott" Guild Wars... don't buy GWEN!


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by TreeDude
All the younger players can go down to a local store and buy a prepaid CC. This pack is available to everyone. No one should have no way of acquiring it.
Ever been outside the U.S.? To continental Europe for example? Let me know where you bought your prepaid CCs while you were there.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006


port sledge snow cones [COLD]

Originally Posted by Gli
Ever been outside the U.S.? To continental Europe for example? Let me know where you bought your prepaid CCs while you were there.
And besides what Gli said, which is very true, doesn't that also take away a large pre from online buying if we could get the CC prepaid? It would mean I'd still have to get out of my "lazy" chair.

Fact is that the way the GW store is set up right now, it's kind of ancient. They should update the possibilities and open themselves up to a bigger market. But instead it seems a lot of people who are content with the current paying method are working against those who would like to be able to buy from the store as well through different methods. Why is that? Does it really harm you if besides your option, more options become available?

Yaga Philipe

Yaga Philipe

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2007


Vis Decus Vertus [vDv]


So, who here wants to get on a totally ruin this thing with me? lol

Bryant Again

Bryant Again

Hall Hero

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by TreeDude
Does anyone honestly use the box or read the manual?
In short, to answer your question: yes.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Bubba
And besides what Gli said, which is very true, doesn't that also take away a large pre from online buying if we could get the CC prepaid? It would mean I'd still have to get out of my "lazy" chair.

Fact is that the way the GW store is set up right now, it's kind of ancient. They should update the possibilities and open themselves up to a bigger market. But instead it seems a lot of people who are content with the current paying method are working against those who would like to be able to buy from the store as well through different methods. Why is that? Does it really harm you if besides your option, more options become available?
For the record, by all means Anet, increase your profits!

More means of payment = good.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

For the record, I don't think we'll ever see Visa, MasterCard or anyone introduce prepaid CCs over here. They'd really only ever sell any to people who need one for a situation exactly like this: paying for an international online service that doesn't accept other modes of payment. In other words, the things would have no marketability at all.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by XvArchonvX
What better way to protest playing GW?
They aren't playing, they're sucking bandwidth. They're leaving their games running when they normally wouldn't be logged-on.

Bandwidth costs money. No company likes spending money.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

the Netherlands

Lovers of Whisky and Women (LWW)


Man, really amazing that people really feel entitled to have content for free.

On the other hand I can understand the worries that this is the first step in a direction of which Anet always had said it would never go. Like pay 2 euro for an event or whatever.

Still, I dont think this is the case. They just want to make money. If you dont like that you can sit/strike whatever you want, but you ll never going to change that.




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



Originally Posted by Suuk
Man, really amazing that people really feel entitled to have content for free. many times has Gaile said that this content

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Suuk
They just want to make money. If you dont like that you can sit/strike whatever you want, but you ll never going to change that.
You didn't read a single post before posting did you?You just saw sit down strike and saw some people complain about others complaining about having to pay,while that was not even the point of the discussion in the first place,some people just decided to jump on the wagon and add their own concerns.

We know they want to make money , we WANT to give them money, but guess what we CAN'T cause most of us here in Europe don't own a CC, your from the Netherlands ,you should know this.The main concern we put foward was that we will not be able to get the bonus missions which will be available for a limited time only, ow btw guess what, you probably wont be able to get it either.