Now i don't know the amount of detail thats being wanted here, I've had a read through Magna Carta's ideas and they seem very thorough if not 'inspired' a lot from other games. I have had my own ideas for concept classes within guild wars that i would love to see.
1stly a Bare Fist fighter, some sort of kung fu master if you will that uses his own body as a weapon. The skills used would be similar to the assassin in a lot of respects chaining combinations of skills together for the attacking. This has been implemented slightly with the monks dance moves and in most cases a class of this type would usually be called a monk so I'm stuck for an actual class name. It would use gloves, or adaptaions or addons for gloves like say knuckle duster type things or steel nekode claws or something to this effect.
My second idea would be to have someone to make use of all the bo staffs and such found in Cantha. I would love to pick one up equip and and start wailing away in the right manner with such a weapon. I guess this would be similar to a dervish with the whole weapon spinning idea.
Not really that sure what these classes would be called or other skills that they could have, or even if they could be made different enough from the example classes I've given. However its just an idea i had and maybe someone could add to it.
Please share your thoughts
Have fun, Good luck and Happy Hunting
Tylos Angelheart
CC Bare Fist Fighter, Polearm Fighter
Tylos Angelheart