Guild Wars--Guild owned towns and wars

Alex The Noble

Alex The Noble

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Red Lightning Brigade [RLB]



Final Idea ive made for this matter. This idea could be used for guild wars now or the future...

1) Guild owned towns (with halls in the towns)

Every town/city in the game which is classed as a town/city may be owned by 1 guild at any 1 time. Guilds fight for different towns/citys for controll of the economy there, the resources (could be introduced such as farming,mining etc.), the npc's (such as how much a ID kit is in this town, so different guilds may have different prices meaning players may go to certain towns to buy there goods) and of course The Unique guild hall which looks different in each town/city.

The hall would only be accesed by the guild members and the Allaince members. 4 Guards at each entry point to the guild hall will make sure nobody in a different guild or nobody who isnt in a guild can enter. These players can be killed by raiding guilds (Discussed later).

2) Capturing Towns

To capture a town your guild must assult the towns/citys. They can do this by meeting anywhere in the world and joining into an assult type party. This automatically means you are able to take towns and can attack the guards. If you are not in this mode, entering an enemy town will mean all there npcs will be neutral and will not attack you. You cannot buy anything form the town or use its resources such as mining, farming, herbalism etc.

When you go into assult mode your entire party will go to the Assult District. So you must add all the required members to the larger sized assult party then click on the Move to assult District. This is in the form of an enter battle button in the original guild wars game. This district stops RPG players getting interfeered with in assults of towns. So make sure that all your players are in the party before changing modes. Everyone doing assults are in one persistant Assult mode district. This district is only availble when you Convert To An Assult (similiar to WoW's convert to raid) Once you enter the District you may assult the town. AS soon as your party enters the town the players of that guild who owns the town, will probly teleport to guild area. They will be taken to the Assult District.

When you in the mode and you enter a town you may not attack the npc traders, only the guards. The guards will attack you on sight. You goal is to kill the Guild Landlord. To do that you must breach the gate by killing all the gate guards and then once youve killed all the gate guards at that gate, you may acces the lock. Once your in you can attempt to kill the Landlord. As soon as the Land lord is dead all the remaining guards become loyal to you. This is because the guild who just lost there town will obviously attack again soon. And you may need guards before you can buy them.

Even if you have several guilds attacking one town at a time. If you both kill the landlord then you must fight the other guild assulting. Once they have been anihilated you earn the rights to the town. To stop people hiding to capture the town you must stay in the guild hall. If you are out of the hall you will not count towards the capturing of the town. So if youre the last one in the town for your guild but your not in the guild hall. The other assulting guild takes it.

When your assulting, the enemy guild may use an instant teleport to guild in there guild panel. This has a cooldown of 60 mins and should only be used in emergencys. This is so they can come and defend there guild hall when its being attack. This is GvG.

If a guildy dies in the defence he will spawn at the nearest friendly/neutral town. this does not include there own town they are defending. This could mean the town is ascalon city and the nearest friendly town is yaks bend . This will give a mean warfare concept to the game!

3) Guards in citys

Your guild is in charge of the protection of your citizens. Guilds need to purchase guards to patroll the town/city's busy streets. This would be done by the Guild leader or a new rank called The Guild Commander. As the leader cant be on 24/7 the assigned commanders are able to purchase guards either by using money from the guild bank pool (which commanders cant withdraw but can use it to purchase guards) or by using there on cash. In raids if your Guards die they Will NOT respawn so you must purchas them every time they die.

A city may only have a max of 30 guards at one time. A town 20. This may vary depending on the size of the city. You devs can sort it out . You can purchase the guards from a tab in the guild panel. Here is a list of able guards.

-Warrior 500g (primary guard)
-Ranger 700g
-Mez 700g
-Necro 700g
-Monk 1000g
-Ritualist 1000g
-Elementalist 2000g
-Assassin 2000g
-Deverish 2000g
-Paragon 3000g (leader class a limit of guards would need to be added)

These can be split in too seperate types also:-

Such as Prot Monk, Healer monk, Smiting monk etc.
Even a ranger with traps may be useful. The AI for this would need to be smart enough to block entrances and areas commonly fought in.

4) Controlling Guards

Officers, Commanders, and the leader can all control the guards. In your guild panel click the tab "Guard control". This brings up a screen with all the guards you currently have. You may select certain guards and make them into a squad. Then you can command the whole squad with a simple click to do something.

The commands are listed below:-

"Attack at will"
"Patrol Town"
"Guard Landlord"
"Guard Town Entrances"
"Guard Guild Hall Gates"
"Avoid Enemys"
"Slow Enemys"
"Stand Ground"

etc. These are a few examples of possible commands.

Guild commanders,officers,leaders can use the mini command panel. This is a small panel on the screen which has all the commands. You can even take charge of a squad. And you will be the only one able to command your squad plus the leader (he can command all squads). If you have more than 1 player in a squad the first joined player to that squad will have access to the commands. That squad leader can promote the other players in his squad, to the squad leader after. This will be an emence tool to use in defence of town as players can command there small squad while others command theres. This will make it easyier for you to tell you guards where to go.

Possibly it could use the same commands as heroes do but a bit more complex.

5) Economys

The Guild Leader or A new rank in the hierachy called a Guild Treasurer, are able to set the price of certain items that that town has to offer. They may do this by using the guild pane and clicking on the tab "Town Economy" (this becomes availble when you own a town. In it you can put prices on everything the town currently has to offer. Such as things like price of ID kit or the price of a Blue dye.) The different types of traders avaible to you depend on how popular you are to players. Having sold more items you will attract merchants from around Tyria. Traders such as a rare armour crafter who crafts armour only avaliable when a town earns him. If your town is unpopular you will get people such as a merchant, weaponsmith, armourer etc. You may not lose the essential types of Traders such as a Merchant. The money that comes in from the traders is split. The traders gets 80% of all the money they get from sales. You get 20% of the money. Depending on how rare the trader is there ratios may be different. The Money you get goes Straight into your guild bank which can be acces by the Guild Treasurers or the Guild Leader.

In the Town Economy Pane you may also adjust how much resources can be farmed from the towns Minerals. Each town/city has certain minerals. They may be Iron Ingots, Plant fibers, Leather from animals etc. You can even make people pay to access these minerals. If you are taxing them they have to pay a sum of gold you determine to enter the area with the minerals. This is so people can make a profit out of selling materials. Or even using them. This idea is iffy though...with more thought it could be developed better by the Dev team . This would be an extra way of profit
This feature is to help you fund your guards primaraly and provide wealth to you players as they have deserved it by taking the town. The guild treasurer/leader may even give money out to there guildies or players to buy things.

5) Allainces

This happens in the same way is guild wars 1. You invite a guild to join your alliance. If you own a town they get acces to your hall. They do not however get the "Teleport To guild Town" feature as if the whole allaince had it...raids would be impossible. They can still help to defend they just have to use other means of transport to get there quikly. An Alliance Will be made of up to 10 guilds. This means that there is up to 10 guild owned towns per alliance. See how the Teleport to guild thing works now? you may only teleport to you guilds owned town.

The way Allys, Neutral Guilds and Enemys work is like this.

Each guild you meet you have the option of invite them to your allaince or making them enemies. When your guild starts you are all neutral with all the other guilds. This means you may use there towns resources but may not attack them. To become allys with a guild go to you guild panel and click on the tab "alliance" Then type the guild in, in the slot at the bottom. It cost 1k and you cannot invite guilds who are in an allaince. Instead you will request to join there alliance. If the merged allaince are to big you will not be able to do it at all and you will have to contact those guilds.

Enemys are gained by going to the enemys tab and typing a guilds name in to the enemy add box. It costs nothing to do so and you will become hostile to them. You will be hostile to there town now and will not be able to do anything in there town. Guards will not attack if you cause no harm.

Check back to this post regularaly if your interested in it as new content may be even added more!





Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Inadequately Equipped [GeAr]

Originally Posted by Alex The Noble

Final Idea ive made for this matter. This idea could be used for guild wars now or the future...

1) Guild owned towns (with halls in the towns)

Every town/city in the game which is classed as a town/city may be owned by 1 guild at any 1 time. Guilds fight for different towns/citys for controll of the economy there, the resources (could be introduced such as farming,mining etc.), the npc's (such as how much a ID kit is in this town, so different guilds may have different prices meaning players may go to certain towns to buy there goods) and of course The Unique guild hall which looks different in each town/city.

The hall would only be accesed by the guild members and the Allaince members. 4 Guards at each entry point to the guild hall will make sure nobody in a different guild or nobody who isnt in a guild can enter. These players can be killed by raiding guilds (Discussed later).
The problem with a unique guild hall for each town is that you will need tons of guild hall maps. These all have to be perfectly balanced (no hexes on jade!) which is very complicated. Otherwise the concept seems completely WoWesque - not a compliment by the way.

2) Capturing Towns

To capture a town your guild must assult the towns/citys. They can do this by meeting anywhere in the world and joining into an assult type party. This automatically means you are able to take towns and can attack the guards. If you are not in this mode, entering an enemy town will mean all there npcs will be neutral and will not attack you. You cannot buy anything form the town or use its resources such as mining, farming, herbalism etc.

When you go into assult mode your entire party will go to the Assult District. So you must add all the required members to the larger sized assult party then click on the Move to assult District. This is in the form of an enter battle button in the original guild wars game. This district stops RPG players getting interfeered with in assults of towns. So make sure that all your players are in the party before changing modes. Everyone doing assults are in one persistant Assult mode district. This district is only availble when you Convert To An Assult (similiar to WoW's convert to raid) Once you enter the District you may assult the town. AS soon as your party enters the town the players of that guild who owns the town, will probly teleport to guild area. They will be taken to the Assult District.

When you in the mode and you enter a town you may not attack the npc traders, only the guards. The guards will attack you on sight. You goal is to kill the Guild Landlord. To do that you must breach the gate by killing all the gate guards and then once youve killed all the gate guards at that gate, you may acces the lock. Once your in you can attempt to kill the Landlord. As soon as the Land lord is dead all the remaining guards become loyal to you. This is because the guild who just lost there town will obviously attack again soon. And you may need guards before you can buy them.

Even if you have several guilds attacking one town at a time. If you both kill the landlord then you must fight the other guild assulting. Once they have been anihilated you earn the rights to the town. To stop people hiding to capture the town you must stay in the guild hall. If you are out of the hall you will not count towards the capturing of the town. So if youre the last one in the town for your guild but your not in the guild hall. The other assulting guild takes it.

When your assulting, the enemy guild may use an instant teleport to guild in there guild panel. This has a cooldown of 60 mins and should only be used in emergencys. This is so they can come and defend there guild hall when its being attack. This is GvG.

If a guildy dies in the defence he will spawn at the nearest friendly/neutral town. this does not include there own town they are defending. This could mean the town is ascalon city and the nearest friendly town is yaks bend . This will give a mean warfare concept to the game!
Besides being generally very poor written and confusing, spelling assault wrong every time, comparing guild wars to wow, and having a very bad pun on Guild Lord, this concept is horrible. You are putting intelligent (or assumedly so) humans against mindless AI. Not only does that scream "ABUSE ME!" but also would make this very easy. But after you get past these mindless AI, meaning towns would be switching hands every minute or so, you have to fight a guild vs guild match for the town. The only problem with this is that the owner of the town gets a say in this at all! You have both guilds fighting to gain the hall against each other...that doesnt make sense at all. What happens if there is absolutely no neutral or friendly hall around at all? Seeing as there are over 10 thousand guilds at the moment that seems very likely. Does he just not spawn? His character lost in Guild Wars history? This "warfare concept" brings absolutely nothing to the game at least the way you attempt at creating it.

3) Guards in citys

Your guild is in charge of the protection of your citizens. Guilds need to purchase guards to patroll the town/city's busy streets. This would be done by the Guild leader or a new rank called The Guild Commander. As the leader cant be on 24/7 the assigned commanders are able to purchase guards either by using money from the guild bank pool (which commanders cant withdraw but can use it to purchase guards) or by using there on cash. In raids if your Guards die they Will NOT respawn so you must purchas them every time they die.

A city may only have a max of 30 guards at one time. A town 20. This may vary depending on the size of the city. You devs can sort it out . You can purchase the guards from a tab in the guild panel. Here is a list of able guards.

-Warrior 500g (primary guard)
-Ranger 700g
-Mez 700g
-Necro 700g
-Monk 1000g
-Ritualist 1000g
-Elementalist 2000g
-Assassin 2000g
-Deverish 2000g
-Paragon 3000g (leader class a limit of guards would need to be added)

These can be split in too seperate types also:-

Such as Prot Monk, Healer monk, Smiting monk etc.
Even a ranger with traps may be useful. The AI for this would need to be smart enough to block entrances and areas commonly fought in.
Besides basic AI flaws the "guards" seem fine in concept. Until you get to assigning different professions different costs. This is ridiculous and assumes ANet esteems certain classes over others which is COMPLETELY the opposite of balanced and is exactly what ANet does NOT want to encourage. The splitting of these characters into certain builds is the exact same way. Build Wars is a negative term in case you havent noticed.

4) Controlling Guards

Officers, Commanders, and the leader can all control the guards. In your guild panel click the tab "Guard control". This brings up a screen with all the guards you currently have. You may select certain guards and make them into a squad. Then you can command the whole squad with a simple click to do something.

The commands are listed below:-

"Attack at will"
"Patrol Town"
"Guard Landlord"
"Guard Town Entrances"
"Guard Guild Hall Gates"
"Avoid Enemys"
"Slow Enemys"
"Stand Ground"

etc. These are a few examples of possible commands.

Guild commanders,officers,leaders can use the mini command panel. This is a small panel on the screen which has all the commands. You can even take charge of a squad. And you will be the only one able to command your squad plus the leader (he can command all squads). If you have more than 1 player in a squad the first joined player to that squad will have access to the commands. That squad leader can promote the other players in his squad, to the squad leader after. This will be an emence tool to use in defence of town as players can command there small squad while others command theres. This will make it easyier for you to tell you guards where to go.

Possibly it could use the same commands as heroes do but a bit more complex.
So you just made GvG into Hero Battles? Thanks for killing competitive PvP.

5) Economys

The Guild Leader or A new rank in the hierachy called a Guild Treasurer, are able to set the price of certain items that that town has to offer. They may do this by using the guild pane and clicking on the tab "Town Economy" (this becomes availble when you own a town. In it you can put prices on everything the town currently has to offer. Such as things like price of ID kit or the price of a Blue dye.) The different types of traders avaible to you depend on how popular you are to players. Having sold more items you will attract merchants from around Tyria. Traders such as a rare armour crafter who crafts armour only avaliable when a town earns him. If your town is unpopular you will get people such as a merchant, weaponsmith, armourer etc. You may not lose the essential types of Traders such as a Merchant. The money that comes in from the traders is split. The traders gets 80% of all the money they get from sales. You get 20% of the money. Depending on how rare the trader is there ratios may be different. The Money you get goes Straight into your guild bank which can be acces by the Guild Treasurers or the Guild Leader.

In the Town Economy Pane you may also adjust how much resources can be farmed from the towns Minerals. Each town/city has certain minerals. They may be Iron Ingots, Plant fibers, Leather from animals etc. You can even make people pay to access these minerals. If you are taxing them they have to pay a sum of gold you determine to enter the area with the minerals. This is so people can make a profit out of selling materials. Or even using them. This idea is iffy though...with more thought it could be developed better by the Dev team . This would be an extra way of profit
This feature is to help you fund your guards primaraly and provide wealth to you players as they have deserved it by taking the town. The guild treasurer/leader may even give money out to there guildies or players to buy things.
Though I would not like this and it seems again very WoWesque I'm sure a lot of people would like this concept at least by design. Most solid part of this piece of garbarge idea.

5) Allainces

This happens in the same way is guild wars 1. You invite a guild to join your alliance. If you own a town they get acces to your hall. They do not however get the "Teleport To guild Town" feature as if the whole allaince had it...raids would be impossible. They can still help to defend they just have to use other means of transport to get there quikly. An Alliance Will be made of up to 10 guilds. This means that there is up to 10 guild owned towns per alliance. See how the Teleport to guild thing works now? you may only teleport to you guilds owned town.

The way Allys, Neutral Guilds and Enemys work is like this.

Each guild you meet you have the option of invite them to your allaince or making them enemies. When your guild starts you are all neutral with all the other guilds. This means you may use there towns resources but may not attack them. To become allys with a guild go to you guild panel and click on the tab "alliance" Then type the guild in, in the slot at the bottom. It cost 1k and you cannot invite guilds who are in an allaince. Instead you will request to join there alliance. If the merged allaince are to big you will not be able to do it at all and you will have to contact those guilds.

Enemys are gained by going to the enemys tab and typing a guilds name in to the enemy add box. It costs nothing to do so and you will become hostile to them. You will be hostile to there town now and will not be able to do anything in there town. Guards will not attack if you cause no harm.
Did you just try to create something the devs created for Guild Wars: Factions?

All in all this seems a very poor concept with little or poor thinking involved. This is not possible at all in Guild Wars 1. It would be very hard if not impossible to balance. Towns would be controlled by snotty 13 year olds. The entire battle system is a joke. Compares too readily to the Factions town control system with the worst parts of WoW thrown in there for good measure. Fix what is broken, dont try to create something else that is broken.

Alex The Noble

Alex The Noble

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Red Lightning Brigade [RLB]


wow big response anyway i thank you for the critisism. but people who have read earlyier posts said this is just an idea and Anet could maybe work around it. And yes spelling mistakes are there but arnt you smart enough to interprate what it is?

Anyway thanks for the very constructive critisim.

I think i need to rethink this idea over