Unhappy with idea of GW2.
The Warmonger
Wow, people really don't get the point. Take things too dang literal why don't you. "Work" is a relative term. ANY and EVERY game out there, no matter how fun, takes WORK to get good at. Tiger Woods, Babe Ruth, etc etc etc all WORKed hard to get to where they were.
This is the equivalent of getting to be a top baseball player, only to have the league come along and tell you that you are now a tennis player.
And I'm sorry, but BC did not force you to "restart" anything in WoW. It did not render your lvl 60 completely worthless. IT was a simple continuation from 60 to the new max of 70. Nothing more, nothing less.
If I didn't love GW and find it extremely enjoyable to PLAY, then it wouldn't upset me that they are throwing it all out the window.
It would be just as effective for them to progress the content in the current GW as they originally planned, while fixing design flaws in the current game.
This is the equivalent of getting to be a top baseball player, only to have the league come along and tell you that you are now a tennis player.
And I'm sorry, but BC did not force you to "restart" anything in WoW. It did not render your lvl 60 completely worthless. IT was a simple continuation from 60 to the new max of 70. Nothing more, nothing less.
If I didn't love GW and find it extremely enjoyable to PLAY, then it wouldn't upset me that they are throwing it all out the window.
It would be just as effective for them to progress the content in the current GW as they originally planned, while fixing design flaws in the current game.
Guardian of the Light
2 years of fun gaming for less then $130. Seems fair to me.
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
As for Darksun's comment, persistent world? I don't think that anyone can truly point out an MMO of any kind out there that is even remotely persistent. I mean respawns happen, quests are the same for each and every player in the game, there isn't any persistence anywhere. If there was, then the very first person/group to kill Varesh would have ruined the game for everyone else.
Originally Posted by Dictionary.com
–adjective 1. persisting, esp. in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement, etc.; persevering: a most annoyingly persistent young man. 2. lasting or enduring tenaciously: the persistent aroma of verbena; a persistent cough. 3. constantly repeated; continued: persistent noise. |
Very surprised when I read that there's no migration from GW1 to 2, but read some more and it should be great. Might get Wow-ish, but GW style. So, it should be
Still neutral w/ the info about GW2 and it is still a long time for it.
Found this Gaile quote interesting and made me /ponder.
The whole idea of how the Hall of Monuments is going to be used sounds very nice.
My only question relating to it is, since GW will still be playable after GW2 is released, will the new/continuous things that we accomplish in GW have a real-time sync (or "inheritance") with the GW2 characters that we have/make?
(ie. linking GW charac to GW2 charac and everytime we complete something new in GW will it change the Hall of Mouments w/ our GW2 at the same time.)
???dun dun dun??? Gaile if you could speculate or address this. /fenx.

Still neutral w/ the info about GW2 and it is still a long time for it.
Found this Gaile quote interesting and made me /ponder.

Originally Posted by Gaile Gray I'm not sure if it was in this thread that the question was asked, but I did want to share some good news: We do completely understand that you want to keep your character names. After all, character names are a special part of your Guild Wars experience. So you'll be happy to know that yes, your character name will be reserved for you. If you link a Guild Wars 2 character to a Guild Wars character, the GW2 character will inherit the GW character’s accomplishments, as recorded in your Hall of Monuments. The Hall of Monuments, available through Guild Wars: Eye of the North, will provide access to unique companions, equipment, miniatures, titles, etc. that can’t be obtained any other way in GW2. I like the whole idea of building a "family history" for my characters in The Hall of Monuments. With the timespan between Guild Wars: Eye of the North and Guild Wars 2, it's a cool idea to pass things--even names--down "through the family." |
My only question relating to it is, since GW will still be playable after GW2 is released, will the new/continuous things that we accomplish in GW have a real-time sync (or "inheritance") with the GW2 characters that we have/make?
(ie. linking GW charac to GW2 charac and everytime we complete something new in GW will it change the Hall of Mouments w/ our GW2 at the same time.)
???dun dun dun??? Gaile if you could speculate or address this. /fenx.

BC for WoW was an expansion
If you could move your characters from GW1 to GW2 then it would be an expansion.
The problem with progressing as they have planned is they are limited to what they can do. There is only so much you can do with it until you just need to make a new game. Look at the current 3 campaigns. Same machine, different skin. Do we really need an endless supply of the same game?
I find Final Fantasy Tactics extremely enjoyable to play, but I wasn't upset when I couldn't use my characters in FFX. That is just how it is. You have to progress what you are offering. You can't just make one good game and ride it out for 10-20 years without changing it.
If you could move your characters from GW1 to GW2 then it would be an expansion.
The problem with progressing as they have planned is they are limited to what they can do. There is only so much you can do with it until you just need to make a new game. Look at the current 3 campaigns. Same machine, different skin. Do we really need an endless supply of the same game?
I find Final Fantasy Tactics extremely enjoyable to play, but I wasn't upset when I couldn't use my characters in FFX. That is just how it is. You have to progress what you are offering. You can't just make one good game and ride it out for 10-20 years without changing it.
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
Wow, people really don't get the point. Take things too dang literal why don't you. "Work" is a relative term. ANY and EVERY game out there, no matter how fun, takes WORK to get good at. Tiger Woods, Babe Ruth, etc etc etc all WORKed hard to get to where they were.
This is the equivalent of getting to be a top baseball player, only to have the league come along and tell you that you are now a tennis player. And I'm sorry, but BC did not force you to "restart" anything in WoW. It did not render your lvl 60 completely worthless. IT was a simple continuation from 60 to the new max of 70. Nothing more, nothing less. If I didn't love GW and find it extremely enjoyable to PLAY, then it wouldn't upset me that they are throwing it all out the window. It would be just as effective for them to progress the content in the current GW as they originally planned, while fixing design flaws in the current game. |
Guild wars is a game for entertainment. Besides IF you are the top player does it mater what your character has? getting stuff isnt really work, and if you think it is, maybe you need to step away from the game and look at life.
It is YOU who do not get the point
Edit: also I find it funny that you think it work for them to edit the current game rather then make a new one. if they made the changes they wanted, then the game would beso diffrent it wouldnt be the game we have been playing. Ever hear of Star wars galaxies. that design team decided to redesign the game after it was out, and the game is all but dead now because of player revolt.
Meat Axe
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
It would be just as effective for them to progress the content in the current GW as they originally planned, while fixing design flaws in the current game.
Also, their current business plan of releasing a new standalone campaign every six months was getting stale. Having to create tutorial areas for each game, spreading the players out across three continents, not to mention the problem with PvE being affected by PvP (although I don't personally have as much of a problem with this as some of the users of this forum, I still see why it would be better to seperate them). All these problems were making the game stale. The developers couldn't think where they wanted the current game to go, so they decided to create a new game to fix all the problems in the current one.
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
This is the equivalent of getting to be a top baseball player, only to have the league come along and tell you that you are now a tennis player.
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
And I'm sorry, but BC did not force you to "restart" anything in WoW. It did not render your lvl 60 completely worthless. IT was a simple continuation from 60 to the new max of 70. Nothing more, nothing less.
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
If I didn't love GW and find it extremely enjoyable to PLAY, then it wouldn't upset me that they are throwing it all out the window.
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
It would be just as effective for them to progress the content in the current GW as they originally planned, while fixing design flaws in the current game.
Bryant Again
Aw man, we're going down this road *again?*
It's already been stated, and pretty much everything I was going to say after I read your first post has already been answered. It's not the same game.
It's already been stated, and pretty much everything I was going to say after I read your first post has already been answered. It's not the same game.
Originally Posted by Meat Axe
Well, the simple solution here would be to just recreate your character in GW2 using as close to the same physical appearance as possible, and the same name. No need for limitations if all you want to do is look the same as in GW1.
Bowman Artemis
Same thing, except one is an MMO, another an FPS. It's a new game, people. A new game. That means it's different. I just don't get why people get so upset over it. Would you feel the same way if Anet said "we're closing down GW so that we can move onto a different project"? You've had over a year of fun, or at least, I hope you have.
If you feel like you've wasted your time, you were obviously playing the game for the wrong reasons. You play games to enjoy yourself, not to boost your ego (I wish I could use a different word here).
If there's something that you don't want to lose (in this case your time), don't give it to someone else.
Same thing, except one is an MMO, another an FPS. It's a new game, people. A new game. That means it's different. I just don't get why people get so upset over it. Would you feel the same way if Anet said "we're closing down GW so that we can move onto a different project"? You've had over a year of fun, or at least, I hope you have.
If you feel like you've wasted your time, you were obviously playing the game for the wrong reasons. You play games to enjoy yourself, not to boost your ego (I wish I could use a different word here).
If there's something that you don't want to lose (in this case your time), don't give it to someone else.
Starting over is one of the few things about GW2 that doesn't bother me at all. Lack of instancing in all exploration areas, now there's something to be unhappy about.
Originally Posted by Vinraith
Starting over is one of the few things about GW2 that doesn't bother me at all. Lack of instancing in all exploration areas, now there's something to be unhappy about.
The one feature that I am totally psyched for is the 'immortalization' of your GW1 characters. PvE storyline finally done right. I'm actually continuing the game with the 'descendant' of my hero.
Mega Man: Wow Dr. Light, look at all these weapons I got! I should keep them for the next game!
Dr. Light: What's the fun in that?
Dr. Light: What's the fun in that?
willie nelson
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
I mean, why should I continue gaining titles when so far, Anet says they will provide something, but nothing that can give an advantage in the game. !
you don't have an advantage over a guy that played maybe 20h, has no titles, no greens, just a collector weapon, has droks armour, enough skills for maybe two decent builds he knows and likes to play, and hasn't seen an ecto in his entire gaming experience.
That's just in GW1.
So why, o why the frell should you have advantage over some dude in GW2?
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
I guess, by looking at some of these replies, my point was mostly missed. Which is: Why grind away earning titles and leveling characters, when the majority of it will be rendered meaningless in the future? I don't want a new game to start over in, I want more enhancements and expansions for the game I have already accomplished so much in.
Personally I do it for fun, and will continue to title-hunt either until GW:2 comes out or I get bored of GW:EN. I'm going to play a game, and there's no point in me buying a new game while this one is still entertaining me. I'm looking forward to starting afresh in GW:2...and so long as I can take my character names with me, which apparently I can, it's all good.
If you don't want to "waste" your time on your current characters then don't...go play another game until GW:2 comes out. But what happens when GW:2 has been out a year or so and they announce GW:3? Will you stop playing then again? It all seems like a massive overreaction to me.
Either play the game and enjoy it for what it is or don't play and bask in the fact you wont be "wasting your time"...it's a simple enough choice.
Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
2 years of fun gaming for less then $130. Seems fair to me.

Metal Herc
If you are so worried that you've "wasted" your time playing GW cause of GW2...
Why play at all? Hell why breath, eat, have friends, get a job etc. Your just going to die eventually anyway
The reason to keep playing and to get titles is if it is FUN to you. If not, DONT. Games are for fun, that's it. If you think you won't have fun in GW2 because you dont have any of your expensive stuff, sorry, but thats how the sequels to every other game works.
Why play at all? Hell why breath, eat, have friends, get a job etc. Your just going to die eventually anyway
The reason to keep playing and to get titles is if it is FUN to you. If not, DONT. Games are for fun, that's it. If you think you won't have fun in GW2 because you dont have any of your expensive stuff, sorry, but thats how the sequels to every other game works.
pumpkin pie
I think one thing that GW1 can bring over to GW2 should be their character names. I don't think it would be wise to let another player using someones character name even if it will be a seperate game,
there should be a time frame where players get to set up an account to reserve their GW1 character name once GW2 is launch, like if you sign up using your GW1 login name and password and all your GW1 character name will be yours to use, after said time frame, if you don't use the existing name they will be available to other players.
there should be a time frame where players get to set up an account to reserve their GW1 character name once GW2 is launch, like if you sign up using your GW1 login name and password and all your GW1 character name will be yours to use, after said time frame, if you don't use the existing name they will be available to other players.
hyro yamaguchi
2 more years, that's 4 more expansions, or 5, if you start counting after GW:EN, that's exactly how long Guildwars 1 has been out, your only half way!
So don't worry about it not meaning anything soon.
So don't worry about it not meaning anything soon.
Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
I think one thing that GW1 can bring over to GW2 should be their character names. I don't think it would be wise to let another player using someones character name even if it will be a seperate game,
Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
there should be a time frame where players get to set up an account to reserve their GW1 character name once GW2 is launch, like if you sign up using your GW1 login name and password and all your GW1 character name will be yours to use, after said time frame, if you don't use the existing name they will be available to other players.
I think the whole new start is a good thing. For me I enjoyed it more when i first started playing, before I knew the game inside out, when phoenix seemed like an awesome skill and i didnt know about the u map.
1) You get to transfer titles and weapon(s).
2) Just because you spent a stupid amount of money buying extra character slots for GW1, you want to winge about GW2?
I dont see the connection.
Are you expecting Anet to transfer all those character slots to GW2? How many more people need to realise this is an entirely different game.
If you were daft enough to spend loads of money on character slots, that your daft fault. But GW2 isnt going to be out for another 2 or 3 years, so why are you bothered?
And what relivance will GW1 titles have on GW2? the titles are bound to be completely different. You transfer them over purely for athetic reasons. Their not going to have any benefit.
Even if you trasnfer a weapon over, it might be badly under-powered compared to newer GW2 weapons. Their are bound to be better weapons in the sequal.
Im looking forward to a new start and having everyone be on equal footing. A new race to be the bet character. No advantages over anyone!
2) Just because you spent a stupid amount of money buying extra character slots for GW1, you want to winge about GW2?
I dont see the connection.
Are you expecting Anet to transfer all those character slots to GW2? How many more people need to realise this is an entirely different game.
If you were daft enough to spend loads of money on character slots, that your daft fault. But GW2 isnt going to be out for another 2 or 3 years, so why are you bothered?
And what relivance will GW1 titles have on GW2? the titles are bound to be completely different. You transfer them over purely for athetic reasons. Their not going to have any benefit.
Even if you trasnfer a weapon over, it might be badly under-powered compared to newer GW2 weapons. Their are bound to be better weapons in the sequal.
Im looking forward to a new start and having everyone be on equal footing. A new race to be the bet character. No advantages over anyone!
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
Ok, I searched on about 3 terms I could think of and found no posts. Likely these threads are getting nuked.....
Before nuking this, at least read it. Afterall, Arenanet doesn't want to hear from us directly, they want us to post issues to fansites like this for the public to discuss. So I am doing exactly what Arenanet wants. |
I can't possibly be the only person unhappy with the whole thought of effectively losing everything I've worked for when they move over to GW2. I mean, why should I continue gaining titles when so far, Anet says they will provide something, but nothing that can give an advantage in the game. Sure, I'm not as much of a title hound as some people are, nor do I collect greens, but why should I bust my backside trying to collect all of the elite skills in all three continents? |
Besides, the Monument will allow you to get some benefit from your titles in GW2 which is quite generous of Anet, I'd say.
And for that matter, I have bought enough extra character slots, ON TWO ACCOUNTS, to allow for 1 of each profession and 1 or 2 mules!!! Why should I continue progressing multiple characters through a game that will soon mean nothing? |
Yes, the game engine could use some updates. But roll that into what is already there. Or at least come out with some sort of official word on why I should want to keep playing GW, and buy GW:EN. Which as of right now, until they clarify a lot of things to me, is a definite DO NOT BUY on my list. |
So come on people. NO flames. But voice your objection to losing everything that you have worked for so far in GW! |
Tahlia Tane
Some people just don't get it.
Rocky Raccoon
Originally Posted by Gimme Money Plzkthx
I completely agree with you, but GW2 is just going to be another game... so if you don't like it, don't buy it. Personally, I think it might as well be world of charrcraft, and I doubt the game, or more importantly the PvP, will be anything like the original GW. It really shouldn't even be part of the "guild wars" franchise IMO, because it will be so different in terms of grind and stuff... but whatever.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
1) You get to transfer titles and weapon(s).
Weapons, not sure. (unless this has been confirmed and I missed it)....
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Titles, yes.
Weapons, not sure. (unless this has been confirmed and I missed it).... |
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
I was always under the impression that titles were transferrable, names remained reserved for an unspecified period of time, and the titles unlocked various weapons and armor etc.. in GW:2 but weapons and amor etc.. from GW:1 can not be taken across. For one thing, how do we even know there will be such a thing as a "Marksmanship" attribute in GW:2... (example only)
But I have no idea how that would work. I think the scenario of Titles unlocking new weapons in GW2 is much more likely.
It sounds like the OP wants another expansion and not a new game. You say you enjoy the game, but you keep referring to it as work. I'm assuming you had fun getting your titles. And perhaps, for you, that title represents the fun you had getting there.
But consider this, GW2 gives you the opportunity to get all new titles and enjoy having fun while reaching them.
I just got my Protector of Tyria title yesterday. I'm quite proud of it. And I had a blast getting there! But at the same time, I'm looking forward to reincarnating Larqh for GW2. A whole new world to conquer with new skills, armor and weapons! I'm really excited about it. ^_^
But consider this, GW2 gives you the opportunity to get all new titles and enjoy having fun while reaching them.
I just got my Protector of Tyria title yesterday. I'm quite proud of it. And I had a blast getting there! But at the same time, I'm looking forward to reincarnating Larqh for GW2. A whole new world to conquer with new skills, armor and weapons! I'm really excited about it. ^_^
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
I can't possibly be the only person unhappy with the whole thought of effectively losing everything I've worked for when they move over to GW2. !
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
why should I bust my backside trying to collect all of the elite skills in all three continents? !
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
And for that matter, I have bought enough extra character slots, ON TWO ACCOUNTS, !
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
Why should I continue progressing multiple characters through a game that will soon mean nothing? !
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
Yes, the game engine could use some updates. But roll that into what is already there. !
We will see how different GW2 is than GW1. If its the same thing as GW1 with tweaked skill stats, then this point is especially valid.
But the "start over" people also have a valid point. It is fun to start over too.
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
Or at least come out with some sort of official word on why I should want to keep playing GW, and buy GW:EN. !
The official word on why to keep playing GW, though, appears to be.... "dont." Anet has been trying to scare away its player base with bad updates all year.
Originally Posted by Nekretaal
I bought a total of FOURTEEN extra slots on my accounts. Thats $140 of just character slots. I bought them at a time when Gaile was posting on forums about how they would bring us expansion content every 6 months or so. Basically I feel ripped off right now, as I bought them with different expectations than GW will deliver.
Originally Posted by Nekretaal
You shouldnt. You should quit. I promise you that you will have a much more fun time playing other games (Sword of the New World releases today with most of the annouced features of GW2) than grinding frigging alliance battles.

Originally Posted by Nekretaal
I never understood this either. GW2 is mostly using the GW1 engine, and if stuff like persisntent world is possible with mods to the GW1 engine, why not let us play around with that. Players would love that.
Originally Posted by Nekretaal
But the "start over" people also have a valid point. It is fun to start over too.
Originally Posted by Nekretaal
The official word on why to keep playing GW, though, appears to be.... "dont." Anet has been trying to scare away its player base with bad updates all year.
But GWEN looks fun even if you're not going to get GW2. Some more mini-games, hopefully some answers to old questions, and it sounds like it will have some fantastic locations!
This guy keeps comparing an expansion to WoW to GW2. GW has had 3 stand alone games than can be linked to 1 account and will now have 1 official expansion. All of these can be played with 1 character. You got what you wanted. Now it is time for a new game.
People played Everquest for years. No one complained when Everquest 2 came out and they couldn't transfer. Because it is a brand new game. Be happy that your achievements will get some recognition in GW2 through the HoM.
I knew from the very start that they were not going to stick to the 1 game every 6 months bit. Why? You can't run, jump, swim, or climb. There is only so much that can be done on the current engine. The amount of time and effort necessary to put those elements in the current engine is not worth it. It would take LONGER and cost more to do that than to create an entirely new game.
People played Everquest for years. No one complained when Everquest 2 came out and they couldn't transfer. Because it is a brand new game. Be happy that your achievements will get some recognition in GW2 through the HoM.
I knew from the very start that they were not going to stick to the 1 game every 6 months bit. Why? You can't run, jump, swim, or climb. There is only so much that can be done on the current engine. The amount of time and effort necessary to put those elements in the current engine is not worth it. It would take LONGER and cost more to do that than to create an entirely new game.
Originally Posted by The Warmonger
And I'm sorry, but BC did not force you to "restart" anything in WoW. It did not render your lvl 60 completely worthless. IT was a simple continuation from 60 to the new max of 70. Nothing more, nothing less.
Again - all you have left of your level 60 character is charater skin and name. And that is just an expansion, btw, not a new game with a completely redone engine.
No point in crying, imo.
so after going through 4 pages and actually reading most of it and realizing that its the same questions and answers, or point and counter point of every other I HATE GW2 thread that was on here I am still wondering why my original post of some one beating a dead horse was removed......
And to stay on topic
1) 2 years away calm down
2) They never said GW:EN would be the last content update. 2 years between games and no updates is just retarded for you people to think that.
3) Since when is it mandatory to have max level titles you people grind because you want to not because you have to. And don't give me the Faction Skills BS you got along fine with out it before youll get along fine with out it now.
4) No one can say with certainty what they can and can't do with the current engine unless your looking at the code used to develop it. and last time i check only the devs have that.
5) I like pie.
And to stay on topic
1) 2 years away calm down
2) They never said GW:EN would be the last content update. 2 years between games and no updates is just retarded for you people to think that.
3) Since when is it mandatory to have max level titles you people grind because you want to not because you have to. And don't give me the Faction Skills BS you got along fine with out it before youll get along fine with out it now.
4) No one can say with certainty what they can and can't do with the current engine unless your looking at the code used to develop it. and last time i check only the devs have that.
5) I like pie.
every online game is like that. after a while, they create another game which is better and everyone move to this game. some examples:
diablo1-diablo2 (hardly anyone still play diablo1)
cs 1.5-cs1.6 (there's 10 server in 1.5 and 10 000 in 1.6)
even if they didnt create guild wars2, after a while, the game is just too old, people leave it and the game die slowly.
diablo1-diablo2 (hardly anyone still play diablo1)
cs 1.5-cs1.6 (there's 10 server in 1.5 and 10 000 in 1.6)
even if they didnt create guild wars2, after a while, the game is just too old, people leave it and the game die slowly.
Warmonger - did you really compare Burning Crusade to Guild Wars 2?
That's comparing apples to Mercedes. Burning Crusade = GWEN. They are both expansions.
When Blizzard makes WoW 2, then we'll talk.
That's comparing apples to Mercedes. Burning Crusade = GWEN. They are both expansions.
When Blizzard makes WoW 2, then we'll talk.
Aera Lure
All MMOs end and start over. Nothing new here, though I do think Anet announced GW2 too soon relative to also the end of GW. Far too long an implied gap between the end of GW chapters and potential GW2 release date.
GW has a lot of problems and has been considered "broken" by a lot of players for a long time. GW2 is giving us hope so I dought you are going to find too much negative feedback. The alpha and beta are not here so most of it in the imagination.
From most material I've read it looks like GW2 will fix much of the infrastructure of GW that made the game unbarable for some players (example separating pvp and pve).
The stuff xfering over to GW2 from GW is a sales gimmick. Knowing Anet they are not going to give an unfair advantage to a vet compaired to a new player that has never played either game.
From most material I've read it looks like GW2 will fix much of the infrastructure of GW that made the game unbarable for some players (example separating pvp and pve).
The stuff xfering over to GW2 from GW is a sales gimmick. Knowing Anet they are not going to give an unfair advantage to a vet compaired to a new player that has never played either game.
First thing, its 2 years away. 2 YEARS!!! thats a good while in the future. This GW is doing well, and those who wish to can still play it, still can . New game, new oppertunities. It will just not be payed as much attention if you wish to have your old characters. No one says you have to switch over. And Anet isnt leaving you in the dust, you fully have the ability to come with on GW2. New starts are never bad, its a clean slate, we will all be starting off at the same point. NO one will be more superior than the person next to you. Uber l33t people that rub it in your face that you are worse than them and you will never be as good. I see this as just something inticable, something great and new and alot of people are eagerly awaiting its arrival, me included. Remember no one is forcing you to go with GW2, but i dear say that it might get awful lonely only being left with that l33t guys that stay on the principal that they worked so hard to get to where they are. You play a game for fun, so have your fun and stop acting like your getting fired from you job.