woooo 11sec!!! blackout and when 20%+1 dom come in you got almost permanent blackout!
i would gladly go and do some perma blackout that would be real fun , but later...it become overpowered
Red Weapons:Tenshi's Revised Idea
Don't worry. Anet won't go for it for one simple reason. THEY WANT TO MAKE MONEY! They like a game that rewards the casual user and grinder alike. Having a weapon that some guy playing a few hours after work can't get in a month of Sundays will turn him off. "What? You couldn't get through that quest the first time? Oh, you don't have Grognar's Doomslayer with +50 to crit. So sorry n00b." You can be rewarded enough for grinding by getting greens and auctioning or grinding FoW/UW and showing off your 1337 pillock armor.
You want to be rewarded for grinding more? Three words: World of Warcraft.
Don't worry. Anet won't go for it for one simple reason. THEY WANT TO MAKE MONEY! They like a game that rewards the casual user and grinder alike. Having a weapon that some guy playing a few hours after work can't get in a month of Sundays will turn him off. "What? You couldn't get through that quest the first time? Oh, you don't have Grognar's Doomslayer with +50 to crit. So sorry n00b." You can be rewarded enough for grinding by getting greens and auctioning or grinding FoW/UW and showing off your 1337 pillock armor.
You want to be rewarded for grinding more? Three words: World of Warcraft.
/not signed.
For grinders around here, WoW is your game. In WoW, Time spent> skill, as your weaponry matters a lot more than your skill.
You had already enough with PVE skills and stupid Elite missions.
And you know what? If you're a hardcore player, Wow will cost you less in fine than buying prerelease and collector's edtions of each campaign of GW.
For grinders around here, WoW is your game. In WoW, Time spent> skill, as your weaponry matters a lot more than your skill.
You had already enough with PVE skills and stupid Elite missions.
And you know what? If you're a hardcore player, Wow will cost you less in fine than buying prerelease and collector's edtions of each campaign of GW.
Originally Posted by Series
You are rewarded with playing more.
You are rewarded with skill. You learn the profession, learn things that no "noob" as you would call them, will ever know. You will be able to construct original, powerful builds- unless of course you spend all your time running a cookie cutter. Grind should not be rewarded. Why should player A be rewarded for sitting there having no fun for 10 hours a day while player B wants to have a life yet still play the game? Red weapons are a horrible idea and fortunately I doubt they will ever be implemented. |
Do you have to make the game a piece of crap for 80% of the players and a little better for the 20%? Bots would farm it, and in the end, all those who want a red item would either have way too much free time on their hands, or they have daddy's money in their pocket and can buy whatever they want. In short, those who would gain access to these items wouldn't be 'those that deserve them' in my opinion. Skill isn't determined by the amount of time you've played, but how you play the game. And if a player were so talented that he could start Guild Wars and be on par with even the best of players within a weeks worth of play, he'd be blown out of the water by those with red weapons who don't have skill, but have had literally years of play under their belt.
Originally Posted by Divine Freak
The whole point of GW is that it isn't a huge timesink where number of hours played determines a players worth. |
I stopped reading at p1. Sorry, but it's a horrible idea. GW as a game is shifting too much towards grind as it is.
Really, how many people _play_ the game for fun? And not to progress along a title, acquire some item, nor generate gold?