Was chatting with a few guildies and some from the alliance and the discussion about the collector's editions came up.
Thought we would put to the community and see how the rest of you feel about the idea.
With GW2 on it's way, and the first expansion coming, how would you respond to them creating an anniversary edition of GuildWars?
What to include?
All of the campaigns in the collector's edition with their contents.
They could offer it in some fancy tin box with velvet lining, maybe a few new pins/coins to celebrate the conclusion of GW1. All that the previous versions had to offer and add something else that keycodes only provide. The keycodes being in-game would keep the costs down, and the cd could even provide a file of the books as a bonus.
They could have as dvd or a few cd's in a decorative case.
Seeing as one pays close to $400 for a Prophecies Collector's Edition, Factions is getting up there, they could settle for even close to $250 and they can benefit from the sales.
They could add as incentive/interest something for example "Gwen's Journal" as just some story (lore) about her adventures which is open ended for further products in this field.
Just a brainstorm that felt may have some interest. Feel free to add, critic, or comment.
Safe hunting.
3 Campaign Anniversary/Collectors?
pumpkin pie
1) environmentally unsound, waste of materials.
2) what would you do with another account? since we can already purchased character slots?
2) what would you do with another account? since we can already purchased character slots?
Seeing as there is already a 3 pack available for the regular editions, having something like this would also be something for either a new player coming into the game, or as a "big surprise" for someone else..(or yourself). So would not be necessarily a waste of materials as the precedent in sense has already been set.
For those that are wanting a complete set of GuildWars with the lore, books and artwork this could give them an avenue to obtain without having to spend close to what is being offered elsewhere.
For myself, the artwork and contents would end up sitting in the box like the rest of my collection has been, but being able to add the keycode to my existing for the added benefits I would consider.
Seeing as there is already a 3 pack available for the regular editions, having something like this would also be something for either a new player coming into the game, or as a "big surprise" for someone else..(or yourself). So would not be necessarily a waste of materials as the precedent in sense has already been set.

For those that are wanting a complete set of GuildWars with the lore, books and artwork this could give them an avenue to obtain without having to spend close to what is being offered elsewhere.
For myself, the artwork and contents would end up sitting in the box like the rest of my collection has been, but being able to add the keycode to my existing for the added benefits I would consider.
For myself, the artwork and contents would end up sitting in the box like the rest of my collection has been, but being able to add the keycode to my existing for the added benefits I would consider. |
Although I generally don't care TOO much about box art and extra game swag, I think an art book and some of the other things mentioned would be awesome.
Tylos Angelheart
sounds like a cool idea i like it and would probably buy it if it wasnt a rediculous price (really like the Gwens Journal idea sweet that Id read it(... does that make me sad?)).... as for captain "sounds like a waste of materials" then you just miserable and boring with no real spirit for a game we all love XD.
I desperatly want the collectors editions of factions and prophicies, but the latter is way to expensive, and even though i can get the former at the RRP i already have it so dont fancy getting it just to get a cool dance and a dragon minipet
I desperatly want the collectors editions of factions and prophicies, but the latter is way to expensive, and even though i can get the former at the RRP i already have it so dont fancy getting it just to get a cool dance and a dragon minipet
What would u do if u have faction and nighfall in collectors? i'm dying to get prophecy in collector's but what would i do with the xtra keys of fac. an NF?
i think they should release new collectors editions of prof. to kill the black market! the price is so high, saw one selling on ebay for 450$!!!
i think they should release new collectors editions of prof. to kill the black market! the price is so high, saw one selling on ebay for 450$!!!
Would be very nice to get some more collectors edition and pins imo!
Would be very nice to get some more collectors edition and pins imo!
I know some people that ha one or more collector, and they won't really care about letting more people update accounts to collector, specially if they have to pay more for being late an such.
Although it has been already stated that they will never sell again collector, they cold just make a different pack with different things, such things would be cute punishment for those who bought collector editions only to sell them later on eBay.
Although it has been already stated that they will never sell again collector, they cold just make a different pack with different things, such things would be cute punishment for those who bought collector editions only to sell them later on eBay.