I have to admit I'm happy that anet has made titles worth getting. To see titles have a purpose rather than just show was a great idea. I would like to see it go a step farther. Such as, having certain titles go across all characters. Example; treasure hunter, wisdom titles. Who wants to grind out those titles just to only be used by the character its on? Just think of how many times you weren't on the character that has achieved that title when you open a chest. Most people doing elite mission or whater mission for that matter don't get the benifit from them since you use more than that character to enjoy the game. I think an update to them is in order to coincide with hard mode lockpics.
I hope anet keeps up with there improvements on titles making even more having a purpose. Just think a title could give discounts at merchants, how cool might that be. Keep brain storming anet, I think your on to something.
in game Titles
I believe this has been suggested already, have you looked at all?
I have not searched. But bringing constant attention to updates so they can be implemented sooner than later into the game is not a bad thing. Especially knowing guild wars life has a time limit on it now with Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. I want to get the most out of this game before I move on.