going for drunkard titles
With some of the past updates to the showing effects and durations time on you (upper left corner icons). I think the being drunk needs an icon showing what level your at when your character consumes an alcoholic beverage and the duration timer of that level counting down. Then when you put your mouse cursor over the drunkenness icon it also explains how it works such as maintaining level 3 so it counts toward drunk titles and maxes at level 5. I find this idea easier than just looking at the minutes in your title menu to know when to add another drink.
That'd really make it easier, especially on those of us who don't want to spend six days counting down minutes or wasting time/booze when we lose track.
Although perhaps that's part of the challenge?
Although perhaps that's part of the challenge?
Yeah, this would help alot.
Yeah, this would help alot.
Use zone windows and you'll never have to worry about it.
Originally Posted by Keneth
Use zone windows and you'll never have to worry about it.
/signed for those of us who reserve the drunkard title for selling/answering messages, etc.
That's true, if you don't really care about the title and you just do some occasional drinking an indicator could be somewhat beneficial.
So /signed because... why not?
So /signed because... why not?
/signed because I had to use a watch to time it before (and to those who use zoning, keep in mind that some people like myself are on dial up and it takes more then a miniute to load a zone in the first place (thus its actually faster to do it the honest way for some people's connections)).
/signed, seems helpful.
I made this suggestion long time ago, so they add the effect icons (5 of them, one for each degree of drunkenness, like the Archemorus Spear and Urn of Saint Viktor effect icons increase)
With Sugar Teeth you get effect icons and the title increases just by using the items.
But with drunkard, more than fun, it's annoying. You have to keep track of it, and on top of that, you don't have a way to track how much drunk are you if you hide the postprocessing effects.
The effect icon would really help.
With Sugar Teeth you get effect icons and the title increases just by using the items.
But with drunkard, more than fun, it's annoying. You have to keep track of it, and on top of that, you don't have a way to track how much drunk are you if you hide the postprocessing effects.
The effect icon would really help.
I'd absolutely love a "Drunk, Level x" effect icon. It might even inspire me to drink more of my 300 or so boozes already! XD