Spellswords are lightly armored warriors who have gained magical knowledge. They roam the world learning new magical arts and new arts of swordsmanship to add to their repituare. Spellswords tend to adventure to fund their quests of knowledge and are praised as Soldiers of Fortune.
Basic Statistics
Starting Health- 100
Energy- 25
Armors- 15-75
Max Weapon Damage- 7-55 (75% slashing, 20% magic, 5% contained)
New Stuff
Spell Attack-
Basically an Attack Skill imbued with the power of magic, most of the spellswords abilities and powers are derived from Spell Attacks. Spell attacks only work if you have a manablade equipped.
A magically imbued blade that the spellsword works with. Manablades have a single special effect, based on the rank of the spellswords Manaholding attribute. The spellsword can convert a certain percentage of the damage he/she deals into power, the manablade is like a container for the power absorbed. This damage is called "contained". Contained energy can be released all at once with certain attack skills or, when it reaches a certain level, decrease the amount of energy required to use skills. The maximum amount of damage that any spellsword can "contain" is 180. If he/she tries to increase that amount with skills or spells, they also lose 1% of their life to help contain the power. Releasing this energy during attacks will increase the damage of the attack by a large margin but also drains the spellsword of 50% of his/her current energy. 5% of the damage that the Spellsword deals with melee is converted into "contained" energy. If a spellsword does not use a manablade, they cannot contain energy and therefore cannot use any spell, spell attack, enchantment, or stance requiring contained energy.

Manaholding- (primary attribute) the ability of the Spellsword to "contain" energy inside the manablade. Each point in this attribute increases the maximum amount the manablade can hold by 10 points.
Blade Mastery- This skill increases the damage and chance to score a critical hit with a manablade. Also include many Spell Attacks.
Magical Mastery- This skill increases the amount of damage your Manablade deals when it releases energy by 1% for every 2 ranks. Also includes spells that require you to release energy from the manablade.
Lore- Includes many spells and enchantments that benefit the Spellsword's performance in battle, the amount of energy a manablade can contain, and also the amount of energy a manablade absorbs.
Sample Skills
Practical Application- 5 energy 24 recharge
(stance) for 5...20 seconds, you attack 20% faster, move 20% faster and recover from conditions 20% faster.
Spellsword's Vow- 15 energy 1/2 cast 46 recharge
[elite enchantment] for 5...40 seconds, your attacks release 5 points of contained energy and deal 5...10 more damage.
Knowledge is Power- 5 energy 1/8 cast 38 recharge
(enchantment) for 5...20 seconds, you convert 5...15% more damage into contained energy.
Blade Mastery
Switch Parry- 5 energy 2 recharge
(skill) the next attack, ranged attack, or spell used against you fails and all nearbye foes take 5...35 damage.
Bladestorm- 15 energy 1/2 cast 24 recharge
(spell attack) send a bladestorm in target foe's direction. This bladestorm lasts for 5...10 seconds or until it reaches target foe. All foes adjacent to the bladestorm while it's moving suffer 5...45 slashing damage and if it hits, target foe takes 5...65 slashing damage.
Power Release- 25 energy 1 cast 48 recharge
[elite spell attack] if this attack hits, it deals +10...30 damage. Lose all energy and all contained energy. Target foe takes 1...2 damage for each point of contained energy lost (maximum 100...200 damage).
Defensive Maneuver- 5 energy 64 recharge
(stance) for 5...40 seconds, you gain +10...40 armor and 5% of the damage you take is contained into your manablade.
Slicing Winds- 15 energy 2 cast 44 recharge
[elite spell attack] all nearbye foes take 5...75 slashing damage and bleed for 5...10 seconds. Any nearbye attacking foes also are knocked down.
Long Slice- 5 energy 1/2 cast 24 recharge
(spell attack) you attack target foe. If that foe is at a range you move within earshot and attack from a distance. You lose 5 points of contained energy afterwards.
Energy Blade- 15 energy 1 cast 46 recharge
[elite stance] You lose all your contained energy. For each point lost this stance lasts 5 more seconds. Your blade is covered in an energy that increases it's damage by 5...10.
Magical Mastery
Energy Beam- 5 energy 1 cast 8 recharge
(spell) Lose 5...10 points of contained energy. Target foe is hit with a beam of energy dealing 5...10 lightning damage for each point of contained energy you lost. All foes between you and target foe (hit by the beam) suffer 10....45 lightning damage.
Heavenly Light- 15 energy 2 cast 24 recharge
[elite spell] lose all contained energy. For each point lost all foes in the area take 1...3 damage.
Hell to Earth- 25 energy 4 cast 84 recharge
[elite spell] lose all contained energy. All foes within earshot suffer 3...170 shadow damage. You lose all energy and suffer from exhaustion afterwards.
Knowledge of the Earth- 5 energy 12 recharge
(enchantment spell) for 3...12 seconds your manablade attacks deal earth damage and penetrate through all armor boosting or damage prevention earth spells/prayers.
Steel-hard Concentration- 15 energy 2 cast 24 recharge
(enchantment spell) for 10...15 seconds, your attacks have a 1...50% armor penetration (any bonus armor given by an insignia or special effect is not penetrated).
Radiant Blaze- 25 energy 1 cast 46 recharge
(spell) lose 50% of your contained energy. For 5 seconds you and the area around you become engulfed by a flame that deals 10...20 damage a second.
Life Signet- 1 cast 12 recharge
(signet) Convert 10....50% of your contained energy into health.
Herb Signet- 1 cast 10 recharge
(signet) target ally is cured of one condition.
Concentration- 5 energy 12 recharge
(stance) for 10 seconds, you cannot be interrupted or knocked down and deal +1...5 damage with spell attacks.
Energize Weapon- 15 energy 1 cast 24 recharge
(enchantment) lose 5% of your contained energy. Your manablade deals +5...10 lightning damage for 20 seconds.
Moonglow- 5 energy 2 cast 46 recharge
[elite enchantment] lose all contained energy. for 30 seconds, you absorb 25% more damage as contained energy.
Drain- 5 energy 1 cast 24 recharge
(skill) target touched foe loses 50% of his energy and suffers 5...25 damage. The energy and health the foe loses by this attack is added to your contained energy.
there are some overpower issues and some recharge issues.