Here are the names so far:
Gaile Gray Kurzick (the first one I saw and missed the SS)
Gaile Gray Luxons
Dyekiesha Joie <---I'm guessing this is the Canthan character she doesn't play, mentioned by GuildWiki
Gaile Gray Elona
Why is she making all these characters? What purpose do they serve? There were a few mins in between log-ons, so either Gaile was trying to avoid being noticed (which didn't happen), or she was making all these characters as she went. She logged off almost as soon as she logged on, which further proves this theory. It still doesn't explain why shes doing this though. She can't have multiple characters up at once to lessen the chat spam, as they areall in the same account. What would be the purpose of the Canthan character then?
Can anyone shed some light on this