I would like to see either a set of skills or professions be able to modify their aggro distance to monsters.
This is very "off-the-cuff" and not comprehensive by any means, so I'll just focus on a few specific examples.
I think the higher the Ranger Expertise, the smaller the aggro circle (much like the way it decreases the energy expenditure of skills).
Another Profession that would be able to "naturally" lessen their circle would be the Assassin. This would allow them to use their stealth to sneak past monsters and attack from an oblique angle or from behind and get away quickly.
The Fighter would actually increase the aggro circle due to their lack of stealth training. This could also be beneficial in letting the Fighter pull groups toward awaiting allies instead of the normal Ranger.
I don't know how it would work with enough other professions to go on in that thread so I'll move on to Skills.
Any skill that speeds up movement would shrink their circle because they would move past monsters before they could react. In the future, other skills could be created specifically to shrink the aggro circle as a spell, signet, or preparation.
Let me know if you think that this is a good idea or bad.
Aggro Area
As someone who plays in a very general off-the-cuff way, I like this idea. I love the thought of sins and rangers with increased stealth and warriors with increased monster attention.
I can see where it might be abused/screwed up by new warrior players and Leeroying wammos, though.
I can see where it might be abused/screwed up by new warrior players and Leeroying wammos, though.
Oh sure, put yet more aggro on my poor warrior and especially all the dumb henchies and heroes who can't stay out of range as it is. I say include stealth skills for assassins and maybe rangers that temporarily decrease their range.
As for the speed increase, it doesn't work that way. Try having a warrior run around in a full plate, I'd say that would aggrovate a nice portion of the map. If you're moving faster they already lose their aggro sooner because you get out of range but you'd have to move a lot faster (read 500%+) for mobs to ignore you. Can you imagine "Hey, that guy's pretty fast, I'll just let him walk into the fortress, I can't catch him anyway."? A 25/33/50% increase does not warrant that.
As for the speed increase, it doesn't work that way. Try having a warrior run around in a full plate, I'd say that would aggrovate a nice portion of the map. If you're moving faster they already lose their aggro sooner because you get out of range but you'd have to move a lot faster (read 500%+) for mobs to ignore you. Can you imagine "Hey, that guy's pretty fast, I'll just let him walk into the fortress, I can't catch him anyway."? A 25/33/50% increase does not warrant that.