I wanted to share this unique event since it cannot be duplicated anymore.
The Only lvl 3 in Dragon's Lair.
Lowest Level in Dragon's Lair lvl 3 Ranger
Jason Xll
I think the obvious question is: how did you skip ascension?
She didn't. Look in the chat log, and you'll see ''I'm attacking the Doppleganger!''
did the three desert missions at lvl 1 or w\e. didn't kill your dopple so you didn't get the 50k exp and only 1k exp. = lvl 3
It's a NF char, and you can't do it anymore (as the title says). Simple.
Use that old glitch to get to Lions at level 2. Get a run to the Desert and complete all missions there (no bonuses). Do Dragon's Lair in over 10 minutes, and you get only 1k xp.
Use that old glitch to get to Lions at level 2. Get a run to the Desert and complete all missions there (no bonuses). Do Dragon's Lair in over 10 minutes, and you get only 1k xp.
It can still be done. From Nightfall, get ferried to Consulate Docks. From there, get ferried to Lion's Arch. Also, you can start from Prophecies and get run all the way to the desert too. Both ways keep you at level 1 when you reach the desert.
huh looks like you're partially right jhu. A NF char can duplicate what I've done by your method, but not a prophecies char, by the time he got to dragon's lair he would be at least level 4. There is only a 269 xp window between 3 and 4.
Not to mention prophecies require a secondary to exit pre.
Not to mention prophecies require a secondary to exit pre.